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Time to Come

The following words from Shree Vasant were heard by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg during a healing session for a Homa Therapy teacher. There will come a time when trees will speak, when stones will speak, when all of nature rises and human beings will have to submit to Divine Will. And all …

Funds Needed to Winterize Centre of Light! November/December 2018 Satsang | Volume 46 #5 | New Era 75

Hello all! We are going into winter season now. We had our first light snow yesterday. The winterizing of Centre of Light begins next week. We still need and deeply appreciate your donations toward that goal.

In the U.S. at this time, your donation, if made before December 31, 2018, entitles you to a full deduction on your 2018 U.S. tax return. So, you can help Centre of Light and, at the same time, reduce your income tax burden.