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Orion Transmissions, Page 2

From the Orion Transmissions

received by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg Wysoka, Poland January 20, 2018 On Creating Resistance Yes, yes, yes. The suffering of the world is extreme. We see the pained faces in the world. We see all of your deep discontent. Yet it seems you are powerless to make a change, try as you …

From the Orion Transmissions

received by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg Wysoka, Poland January 1, 2018 On the Best of Times & Worst of Times Yes, yes. This is the year of great manifestation, a year when the subtle and the material can be utilized to manifest positive, lasting creations. There is great power available to change …

From the Orion Transmissions

received by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg Wysoka, Poland December 25, 2017 12:01 a.m. Christmas morning Yes, yes. Indeed, this is a celebration of great proportions, held around the world. Though greatly commercialized, the spirit of humanity is championed on this one day. If only, human beings could realize the true meaning behind …

From the Orion Transmissions

July 10, 2017 On Unity Through Diversity Yes, yes. Transmissions shall again resume. Indeed, as we view it, the world is a shattered stage upon which the play must continue. We see the human condition as warranting great change in order to overcome the adverse conditions upon this Earth caused …

The Orion Transmissions on Somayag

received by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg Wysoka, Poland January 13, 2011 There will be FIRES which dispel negative energy. There will be FIRES which send forth healing smoke into the atmosphere. One such fire is the SOMAYAG which you will be attending. This Somayag is connected to calling forth the *SOUND CURRENT. At this Somayag, …

The Orion Transmissions on Somayag

as received by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg Wysoka, Poland This is the call of the Narmada. Rejuvenation of this planet is to begin from Narmada. …

From the Orion Transmissions

received by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg Wysoka, Poland November 9, 2016 (The following message came to me the day after the U.S. elections. As …

From the Orion Transmissions

received by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg Wysoka, Poland June 13, 2016 On Carrying the Spark of Light Yes, yes. In the world there are …