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Lisa Powers, Page 9

Experiences with Homa Therapy

Mamta Ramdewar Vuillemin, Quartier Militaire, Mauritius Jay Gurudeva dear Homa family. I am 22 and I am in my 3rd year of studying BSc Food Science and Technology. I’ve been practicing Agnihotra from the 21st of September 2021 and Tryambakam Homa from the 6th of December 2021. To start with, …

Going Within in Challenging Times

Barry Rathner Clinical Psychologist  Humans’ inhumanity to humans underlines the very high stakes on the table today. Climate Change, Covid and Coercion (in eastern Europe) might be considered the 4 Cs affecting our hearts and minds currently. The truth of ‘Atmosphere, Prana, Mind,’ seems indisputable—disturbed, polluted atmosphere disturbs Pranic flow …

Two Special Remembrances in May

Ed. (Note: Agnihotra, Fivefold Path and Homa Therapy may be practiced by anyone, regardless of religion, beliefs, or creed. No one is …

Centro de Luz – Un sitio seguro y un Refugio Marzo/Abril 2022 Satsang | Volumen 49 #7 | Nueva Era 79

En Polonia estamos siendo testigos de los efectos de la guerra en la vecina Ucrania. Los refugiados están huyendo, las fronteras están repletas. Polonia ha abierto sus brazos y corazones para acoger a los ucranianos y darles la bienvenida a su patria. Otros países también están recibiendo refugiados.
Vemos el dolor y la ansiedad que los refugiados cargan, con frecuencia habiéndose separado de los miembros de su familia, habiendo huido de sus casas, trabajos, cultura. Vidas en crisis.
La eco aldea Bhrugu Aranya está a menos de 4 horas de la frontera ucraniana. Estamos en una posición única para poder ayudar durante estos momentos preocupantes e inciertos. Nos sentimos honrados de tener esta oportunidad.

Centre of Light-Safe Haven and Place of Refuge March/April 2022 Satsang | Volume 49 #7 | New Era 79

We in Poland are witnessing the effects of war in neighboring Ukraine. Refugees are fleeing, the borders are full. Poland has opened its arms and hearts to gather Ukrainians and welcome them to their homeland. Other countries also are taking in refugees. We see the sorrow and anxiety the refugees carry, often having been separated from family members, having fled their homes, jobs, culture. Lives in turmoil.
Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya is less than four hours from the Ukrainian border. We are in a unique position to be able to help during these troubling, uncertain times. We are honored to have this opportunity.