Anniversary: 50 years of Agnihotra in Europe – 35 years of Homa-Hof Heiligenberg November / December 2024 Satsang | Volume 52 #5 | New Era 81
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Anniversary: 50 years of Agnihotra in Europe – 35 years of Homa-Hof Heiligenberg
Agnihotra and Homa Therapy Video
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Anniversary: 50 years of Agnihotra in Europe – 35 years of Homa-Hof Heiligenberg
Agnihotra and Homa Therapy Video
Anniversary: 50 years of Agnihotra in Europe – 35 years of Homa-Hof Heiligenberg
Birgitt Heigl
Homa-Hof Heiligenberg, Germany

In the 1970s and 80s, the issue of environmental pollution was still little known. Nevertheless, it was precisely at this time that there was someone who wisely warned of the devastating
consequences and at the same time offered a solution. Shree Vasant Paranjpe was traveling on behalf of his Master, Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj (Maharaj Shree), with the mission to bring the Fivefold Path to everyone in the world. He traveled to the USA in 1972 and came to Germany via Holland in 1974. Following his inner guidance, He visited the yoga and meditation teacher Horst Heigl (formerly Lozynski) and told him about Agnihotra and Shree.
That same year, Horst traveled to India to see Maharaj Shree. The encounter was so impressive and overwhelming that from then on he took on the task of spreading Agnihotra and the Fivefold Path in Germany. Even though Agnihotra works as a panacea for pollution of air, soil and water, Horst was primarily interested in the spiritual side, the uplifting effect on the mind and the refinement of character.
Horst reached many people through his courses, and the number increased over the following
years. As early as 1978, he was able to organize longer Yajnyas and took many people on group trips to Akkalkot and Shivapuri, India, to see Maharaj Shree.
Shree Vasant came again and again, gave lectures, gave advice and was there for interested
people. Soon there were a few people traveling through Europe spreading Agnihotra and the
Fivefold Path. At that time, there was hardly any literature, no website, no flyers. The lectures
were mainly about experiences. There were few research results; those increased later.
In 1987, Horst Heigl founded a publishing house to distribute books on spiritual knowledge,
Agnihotra and the Fivefold Path. In the meantime, several books on Agnihotra and the Fivefold
Path have been published, for children and adults. Most of them are in German. So far, only the Agnihotra book is available in English.
35 years Homa-Hof Heiligenberg
Shree Vasant advised Horst to find a place from which the spread in Europe could start.
Together with around 50 interested people, a farm was acquired at the end of 1988 and has been run as Homa-Hof Heiligenberg since 1989. Here a place developed where the Fivefold Path is lived intensively and shared. Lectures and seminars are held in which the knowledge is taught in a practical way. Many visitors can feel the high light energy at the Homa-Hof (Hof = farm), and the positive effect on nature can be seen in the crops grown.

In 2011, Bernd Frank began traveling on behalf of Horst to spread Agnihotra. He still gives lectures in Germany, Austria and Switzerland today. A large community of people has developed who practice and teach Agnihotra, exchange ideas in networks and are in contact and exchange with Homa-Hof Heiligenberg. In addition to the large summer meeting at Homa-Hof, where hundreds of Agnihotris meet every year, there was also a large Agnihotra meeting in Switzerland for the first time in 2023. Bernd has now given over 600 Agnihotra lectures or seminars in 13 countries. Last year, he expanded his travel area to Africa.
The Homa-Hof is run by a non-profit association. Almost all active members work on a voluntary basis in their free time; some have been doing so for 35 years!
In addition to the 60 members, there are around 100 supporting members.
What is the secret of the Homa-Hof being successful for so long? Here is a summary of what the members have to say:
Most feel that they were led here, that it is their destiny. They feel at home. It is satisfying to be able to do something for the Earth, for nature. For some it is a path to God, an inner healing, a model of a loving community. The Homa-Hof is a place of power where high energies can be felt.
This knowledge must go out into the world!
Since Horst Heigl left this earth in 2022, it has been up to us members to lead Homa-Hof into the new era. We receive great support from India from Shree’s grandson Dr. Purushottam Rajimwale and his wife Girija. They visited us twice in 2024: the first time together with their two children for Maharaj Shree’s birthday, the second time in July for our big summer meeting. They brought us an Agnihotra pyramid, which had previously been inaugurated in Shivapuri with fixed recitations from the Vedas and a special ceremony. We installed the pyramid in one of our Yajnya rooms, where nothing but mantras has been spoken for 35 years. According to Purushottam, it is the second pyramid of its kind to resonate with Shivapuri. The first one was inaugurated by Maharaj Shree and brought to the USA by Shree Vasant to the Parama Dham Fire Temple in Madison, Virginia in 1973.

Shortly after the installation, we all felt an altered, higher energy that radiated far and wide. Even in India, some people noticed it, although they knew nothing about it. Since then, people have been coming to the Homa-Hof from further afield: we have received visits from the long-time Agnihotra practitioners Aleta Macan and Abel Hernandez from Chile, among others. Dr. Guevara from Colombia, who learned about Agnihotra through a vision and has since experienced several miraculous healings, came together with his wife and friends, who are now founding an Agnihotra center. Gopi and his wife Mohini from near Mumbai visited us with their son and told us enthusiastically about their Agnihotra beginnings when Maharaj Shree was still alive.

This anniversary year became something very special. It motivated us to make plans for how we can lead the Homa-Hof into the future together with a new generation while always retaining the essentials: The correct performance of Agnihotra and other Yajnyas and teaching them for free. We are grateful for everyone who supports us in this.
Agnihotra and Homa Therapy Video
agnihotra.org is happy to announce the release of a short but comprehensive video on Agnihotra and Homa Therapy practice around the world.
Time is running out. The more people performing Agnihotra, the more benefits for Nature and humanity. In the face of an endangered civilization, Agnihotra offers a solution.
Please help by sharing this video. Thank you!
Aishwarya Abhivridhi Artham Ishti Yajnya
Sarvajit Paranjpe
Fivefold Path Mission
Maheshwar, India
Note: Agnihotra is the basic Yajnya. It forms the basis of Homa Therapy. While special Vedic Yajnyas such as Aishwarya Abhivridhi Artham Ishti Yajnya are highly potent, they require years of training to perform; the disciplines required render it possible for a select few only. Anyone in any walk of life may perform Agnihotra and receive great benefit.-Ed.
With the Grace of Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj and Gurudev Shree Vasant, Aishwarya Abhivridhi Artham Ishti Yajnya was performed on 6th December 2024 at Tapovan.
The Sanskrit word “ऐश्वर्याभिवृद्ध्यर्थमिष्टि:” means as follows:
ऐश्वर्य aishwarya – happiness, prosperity, wealth, opulence, grandeur
अभिवृद्धि abhivridhi – growth, enhancement, increase
अर्थम् artham – for the purpose of, for the sake of
इष्टि ishti – a Yajnya, a Vedic sacrificial offering
A Yajnya performed for the purpose of increasing happiness and prosperity for all
With immense joy and gratitude, this sacred Yajnya was performed dedicated to the universal well-being, prosperity, and happiness of all beings. This event was not merely a ritual but a collective invocation of divine energies to harmonize the forces of nature and nourish our inner and outer worlds.
The ancient practice of Yajnya holds profound significance in Vedic tradition. It is a bridge that connects humanity with divinity, a medium to offer our prayers, intentions, and gratitude to the universal forces. As the sacred flames rise, they carry with them our aspirations for global peace, shared prosperity, and unbounded happiness.
Together, let us create an environment of purity, devotion, and positivity. May the vibrations of this Yajnya radiate far and wide, spreading blessings to every corner of the world.
May this Yajnya fulfill its noble purpose, bringing Light and happiness into the lives of all.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Sarvajit Paranjpe
Global Homa Healing Event
“We are being infused with light. But that light is not for us only. Whatever we receive we must again give. The Source is plentiful.
“There are no limits to the Grace received but we must serve others in a spirit of humility. Then showers of Grace are given.” -Shree Vasant
Once again, Homa Therapy Teachers Abel Hernandez and Aleta Macan have organized an International Global Homa Healing Event–11 DAYS OF CONTINUOUS OM TRYAMBAKAM HOMA, from sunrise on Saturday, December 21st to midnight on Tuesday, December 31st.
The goal was, for 11 days and 10 nights, to keep the Sacred Flame lit around the planet,
bringing Light, Peace and Love to every corner!
Participants signed up online, contacting the organizers in their respective locations to fill in their respective time slots.
This event is a reminder that we are an international network, united in spreading Light and Love throughout the planet.
Heartfelt thanks to Abel and Aleta for organizing this event.
“We are the Change we are looking for in this world.
“We are a Source of Light and Joy for others.
“We are the Love that our neighbor needs.
“We are the Consciousness of Change.
Homa Therapy Experiences

Jasmine Marium John
Cherian Ashram Holistic Center
Kottayam, Kerala, India
(The Cherian Ashram Holistic Center offers practical treatment of conventional and alternative medicine, including therapeutic therapies, Ayurvedic medicine and massages, yoga, Siddha medicine, etc.)
This hospital was founded by my father and mother in Kottayam, Kerala.
We have been pioneers in bringing these natural therapies to patients with cancer, diabetes and other chronic degenerative diseases. We have gone through and overcome difficult situations caused by ignorance of some elements. But everything has been overcome thanks to the Practice of Agnihotra and other Homa fires.
My parents have been practicing Agnihotra since 2009. Shortly after I got married, they came to know about the great benefits of Agnihotra. I have seen the difference in my parents before doing Agnihotra, the way they could handle the obstacles, since it was very difficult to manage the hospital.
But after practicing Agnihotra, and they meticulously do it, I have seen that my parents could easily handle these obstacles and move forward. Never ever we were in a situation where we were blocked; we could still pursue our function and effectively continue our work in the hospital, better than before.
It was wonderful for everybody. Even our opponents were wondering how this happened, because in spite of all the challenges that they forced on our institution, our institution could still survive. That is something that I would say happened thanks to Agnihotra. Our institution is quite different from other institutions because it is into alternative treatments. Our hospital is not a conventional one . So, if a regular institution has 10 challenges to face, our institution had 50 challenges to face.
A lot of the credit also goes to the family which stood together, the 3 children of my parents, all married with kids. All 3 of us including our spouses, and all professionals work in
the same institution and that is one thing that really helped our institution to run effectively till today. Agnihotra has definitely helped us in all aspects.
Ravi Verma
Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh, India
[To Homa Therapy Teachers Abel Hernandez and Aleta Macan]
Your visit to Kasauli was a real Godsend for me.
The problem of extra gas and huge burps which has been troubling me for 30 years and had not been cured after trying all sorts of treatment, it is now well on the way to disappearing.
I am doing Agnihotra regularly at the appointed time, twice every day on my balcony. In the morning the sun rises in front of me at exactly at the same time as the app says. It is a glorious view.
Thank you ever so much for everything. God bless you.
From Shree Vasant’s Teachings
On Self Development
Life can be viewed like the growth of a tree. If one stays focused like a pure tree, one will grow fast and high, all energies pointed upward. But if one gets entangled in different directions, different desires, then the branches can go [in] any way. If you prune the tree just like if we discipline ourselves, the growth is more directed. One needs to keep one’s life very simple. This is done through DAAN and TAPA. THE ROOT OF THE TREE DETERMINES THE DESTINY AND THE HEART OF THE TREE IS THE SELF.
No Expectations
Man’s hurdle is not to have any expectations of others in any way. Then you are free. THEN DIVINE WILL, DESTINY AND FREE WILL ALL WORK TOGETHER. It is really only Grace, though. Nothing but Grace and Karma.
Passage of Time Will Reveal All
(Excerpts from Vasant’s talk in Santiago, Chile, 1991)
It is Divine intervention which is to save our planet Earth. HE has sent the HEALING FIRE. Prophets of old have returned to the Earth. Passage of time will reveal all.
Our waters are choking. The air we breathe is not fit for human or beast. Our soil will cease to yield crops necessary for survival.
The time is now. It is urgent. It is dire necessity. There need to be more 24-hour HOMAS now. It will start.
We know. A veil of light surrounds each HOMA home. All protection surrounds all of you where HOMA healing fires are practiced regularly. AGNIHOTRA, tuned to the biorhythm of sunrise/sunset, is the basic HOMA to harmonize the energy cycle of the planet. Let there be no suffering. ALL THE LIGHT MUST SPREAD NOW.
A great world awaits us. Let us prepare for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Let us prepare the children for what lies ahead, for after a period of devastation comes a world beautiful.
Fivefold Path for Happy Living
1. Yajnya
HOMA Therapy is the science of purification of the atmosphere through the agency of FIRE. AGNIHOTRA HOMA (YAJNYA) is the basic HOMA. It is tuned to the biorhythm of sunrise/sunset and gives nutrients to the plant kingdom, removes diseases in a certain area and removes tension on the mind. This is the basic process in the Vedic sciences of medicine, agriculture, climate engineering and interplanetary communication.
2. Daan
Sharing of your assets in a spirit of humility. This corrects imbalance in financial matters and creates non-attachment to worldly possessions.
3. Tapa
Self-discipline of body and mind. This is conducive to a change in attitudes of mind and body. It results in a harmonious state of mind.
4. Karma
“You reap as you sow.” Always practicing good Karma (actions) diminishes the burden of negative Karma and one begins to invest in his own future. This means that what you do today will bring its fruits. Sowing seeds of love and kindness will bless my garden with plenty of love. Do Karma for self-purification.
5. Swadhyaya
Practice Swadhyaya (Self-study) for liberation. Who am I? Why am I here? My work on this planet is to learn to react with total LOVE with each opportunity given to me.
This is the Fivefold Path for happy living on the planet. By practicing the Fivefold Path you become better members of your society, group, religion, community, etc.
Publisher: Fivefold Path Inc.
Parama Dham (House of Almighty Father), 278 N. White Oak Dr., Madison, VA 22727 USA
Editor: Lisa Powers
Published seven times yearly.
Please direct all Satsang correspondence to the Editor.
Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of Satsang.
ISSN 0735-1321
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