Centre of Light Update May 2024 Satsang | Volume 52 #1 | New Era 81
Centre of Light Update
Rory Maher
Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya, Poland
It feels that we are close to being able to open the doors to the Centre of Light at Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya, and we remain ever positive that we will complete this project. But we need the help of the international Homa Community. To this end, we have started a new fundraising campaign which you can support here:
We are deeply grateful to all of you who have donated and continue to support the Centre of Light. It is really a miracle what has been achieved so far. We ask now for a little more please – if you could find the time to get the campaign out there to everyone you know. We understand how busy most people’s lives are, and sometimes we need reminding that there is a bigger picture beyond our day-to-day responsibilities. With this in mind, we kindly invite you to share this project and be part of manifesting Shree Vasant’s vision of the Centre of Light.
We received a lovely boost of positive energy and momentum to our campaign by the visit of Dennis and Gillian Jansen from the Netherlands. They gave two wonderful benefit concerts in the Centre of Light art room, accompanied by the beautiful voice of Suwindi Kadir, and the musical talents of Jan and Marek, all community members here. Dennis and Gillian led singing of devotional mantras, songs and bhajans, many from their amazing new album which is now available on CD. It felt so good to fill the halls with music and mantras, to dance and raise the vibration. We give a heartfelt thank you to Dennis and Gillian for their service, as well as for their infectious laughter and joy! We were happy to raise money for the Centre in this way.

We only need to complete the interior of the building. The most urgent needs are the wood flooring, doors, bathrooms and light fittings. With this and furnishings, we can open our doors.
The next step would be to install a fully functioning kitchen, and then the Centre can meet all the needs of the growing number of people that come to learn Agnihotra, receive healing, and be inspired by life at a Homa Farm Community and Ecovillage. We envision the spaces being filled with Light, Love and Joy to welcome people to this ancient place of fire.
Two Special Remembrances in May
(Please note: Agnihotra, Fivefold Path and Homa Therapy may be practiced by anyone, regardless of religion, beliefs, or creed. No one is asked to follow any particular individual. However, people sometimes ask about those Messengers who brought forth this knowledge in modern times.)
May 17th marks the birthday of PARAMA SADGURU SHREE GAJANAN MAHARAJ (1918-1987)
of Akalkot, India, who revived the ancient knowledge of Agnihotra and the Fivefold Path for the present day.

Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj
From I Wish I Had Known, by Fran Rosen-Sawyer (now Parvati Rosen-Bizberg):
“Shree is KALKI AVATAR. The word AVATAR means the descent of Divine Power on earth to fulfill an allotted task from Almighty Father. KALKA means pollution; hence, KALKI AVATAR means Divine Messenger for the destruction of pollution. SADGURU means PERFECT MASTER. PARAMA SADGURU means highest among the PERFECT MASTERS.
“Shree’s lineage reflects a glorious spiritual heritage. His mother Sonamata was a great YOGINI. (YOGINI is the feminine term for YOGI.) Shree’s father Shivananda Swami was a renowned NADA BRAHMA YOGI….Shree’s grandfather Tatyaji Maharaj was a saint who possessed great intuitive knowledge of medicine and astrology….
“On Christmas day, December 25th, 1941 Shree’s allotted task was revealed by the Will of Almighty Father…Shree was further informed that the time for unfolding was yet to be…. In 1944 Shree vowed, ‘I will resuscitate the Vedas.’
“Parama Sadguru once said:
‘Whatever Almighty has willed to be done through our instrument shall be done. Our
whole life is totally dedicated to Him. He who revealed to us our allotted task shall grant us
the necessary strength to fulfill it.
‘It is not for us to advise people to follow any particular individual.
‘If it is the will of the Almighty to convey to the world any message through us, He will do so.
We are merely His slaves.
‘We are not votaries of any religious denomination. Whether it is the Bible or the Koran or the doctrines of Hindus we will convey the message with equal yearning.
‘We have asked people not to call us GURU. Many have imposed Guruhood on us. Many have experienced superhuman powers with us. Many have witnessed miracles. We are mere witness of, not the doers of these things.
‘We surrendered totally to the Almighty and He started utilizing our body as His instrument.
Each one has to tread his path of Self-realization.’”
Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj left the mortal coil on December 6, 1987. In reference to the lineage after He left the Body, Shree stated that after Us, comes Vedas; after Us, comes the Fire. There is no lineage. The Fire is of utmost importance.

Shree Vasant Paranjpe
May 13th marks the birthday of Shree Vasant V. Paranjpe, who left the body on December 30,
2008, at Maheshwar, India.
Words could never convey the impact of His life on countless people around the world to whom He carried the message of Agnihotra and Fivefold Path. In His mission, He circled the globe year after year, serving with unwavering devotion, utmost humility, astonishing energy and boundless love. He was instrumental in transforming the lives of people from all walks of life.
He so scrupulously avoided personal attention throughout His life of service, and never sought to collect followers. (For years, He declined to have His photo in this newsletter, which He Himself founded.) In total humility, He guided people to focus on the message of Yajnya, Daan, Tapa, Karma, Swadhyaya–not the messenger.
Following are some highlights from Shree Vasant’s life of service:
In 1970, Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj of Akalkot, India, who resuscitated Agnihotra and the Fivefold Path of Vedas in modern times, commanded Shree Vasant:
“Our words which lead to BLISS, convey them to all the people.”
Thus began Shree Vasant’s thirty-eight years of travel and teaching, of Grace and total surrender to the Divine.
In 1972 He began teaching in the U.S. In 1973 He became the founder president of Fivefold Path, Inc., a nonprofit organization established in Madison, Virginia. In that same year, Shree Gajanan Maharaj commanded Shree Vasant to start this Satsang newsletter.
On September 22, 1973, Shree Vasant inaugurated the Parama Dham Fire Temple in Madison,
Virginia, the first Fire Temple in the world established under Shree Gajanan Maharaj’s dispensation of ancient science of atmospheric purification for the New Age.
In 1974 Shree Vasant carried the message to Europe. Over the years, His mission also took Him to South America, Australia, Africa and Asia. He was instrumental in bringing Agnihotra and Fivefold Path to thousands of people all over the planet.
In today’s world He pioneered the use of Homa Therapy in agriculture, psychotherapy, alternative medicine, self-development and healing the environment. Under His guidance, Homa farms and centers such as Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya in Poland, Om Shree Dham farm in Australia, Ancient Oaks farm in U.S.A. and Tapovan in India, came forth.
He is the author of Grace Alone, Light Towards Divine Path, Ten Commandments of Parama Sadguru and Homa Therapy, Our Last Chance. His books have been translated into many languages.
Over forty years ago, many of His talks and writings warned of the environmental degradation and deterioration that have come to pass in virtually all parts of the globe today, in the forms of atmospheric pollution, nuclear radiation hazards, water pollution, soil fatigue, noise pollution and more. But along with these warnings, He offered a solution that people all over the world could use to heal themselves and their environment–Agnihotra and Fivefold Path.
Glimpses of Shree Vasant’s life can be found in Messenger of the Sacred Fire, the Extraordinary Life and Works of Shree Vasant Paranjpe by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg. In it, a number of people from various countries have shared their experiences with Shree Vasant and the spread of Agnihotra around the planet. But perhaps the greater story of His life is just beginning to unfold, as people the world over continue His mission.
In February, 2009, another important milestone was achieved: Homa Therapy Teacher Certification training. The certification program is a means of accurately preserving and conveying the Vedic knowledge given by Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj and taught worldwide by Shree Vasant Paranjpe. Through the program, Homa Therapy teachers can be more thoroughly and consistently trained, so that a uniform message of the teachings of Homa Therapy goes out to the world. This also promotes unity among Homa Therapy teachers.
Homa Therapy Teacher Certification courses have been given at Tapovan farm in India, Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya in Poland, and the Resonance Point, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
Agnihotra and Homa Therapy as taught by Certified Homa Therapy teachers are very specific practices. Many things on internet are called Agnihotra or Homa Therapy, but are not the same as given by Maharaj Shree and taught by Shree Vasant. The wonderful results people have gotten and the scientific research on Agnihotra were obtained by people using the exact methods taught by Certified Homa Therapy teachers.
To help people distinguish between the practices taught by Certified Homa Therapy teachers and other things, the legal trademark of a Homa Therapy logo was created in 2010, to be used solely by our international network of Homa Therapy centers and teachers.
Another unfoldment of Shree Vasant’s work was a series of seven Maha Somayags, beginning in 2007 and reaching successful completion in February, 2017. These very powerful, special Yajnyas, held at the Homa Therapy Goshala on the banks of the River Narmada in Maheshwar, Madya Pradesh, India, unleashed tremendous healing energy for our planet.
Homa Therapy Goshala of Fivefold Path Mission, Maheshwar, India again served as the site of special purpose Vedic Yajnyas. Sautramani Yag was peacefully conducted from 26-28th December 2018. Persons from Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal were present for this Yajnya. Nakshatra Yajnya was successfully performed from January 17th to 21st, 2019, attended by people from India, Austria, Germany, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Japan, Australia, and North and South America.
An important goal was reached on March 25, 2023 at Tapovan Homa farm, where they
celebrated the completion of 22 years of continuous, round-the-clock Om Tryambakam Homa. Given the small number of people who carried out this work, this achievement is nothing short of miraculous. Our congratulations and thanks to all who helped achieve this historic milestone.
Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya, Poland, continues making great strides in building the Centre of Light, Shree Vasant’s vision of an international environmental educational and healing center. (Please see the article above.) Click here for the video update.
Around the world, Homa Therapy teachers strive to make the teachings of Agnihotra, Fivefold Path and Homa Therapy available to all. This task took a great leap forward on May 13th, 2020. In honor of the 99th birth anniversary of Shree Vasant, Fivefold Path Mission announced that it has made Shree Vasant’s books available on Amazon. The books are available in Kindle and paperback formats.
Beginning in 2020, as COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns prevented some of the usual events at which Agnihotra and Homa Therapy are taught, Homa Therapy teachers began adapting and using new methods. Several Homa Therapy centers began conducting Zoom and Facebook online Agnihotra classes and meetings. Some of those meetings continue today, in the U.S. and South America.
In honor of Shree Vasant’s 100th birth anniversary, an international online event was held on May 13, 2021. Over 375 people participated, from India, South America, Poland, Australia, US, Austria, Spain, Holland, Mexico, Switzerland, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Germany.
In Maheshwar, India, a bold, new project is being developed, called “SAMATVA”. It was conceived as a novel approach to bring the Words and Message of SHREE and Fivefold Path to a broader, more public audience. The land, a short distance from the Homa Therapy Goshala, was purchased on 17th May 2023 so a new center can be established. [More information on Samatva will be featured in the June 2024 issue of Satsang.-Ed.]
From May 12-18, 2024 another continuous Global Om Tryambakam Homa program was successfully completed, with Agnihotris from many countries participating. The event was organized by Homa Therapy teachers Abel Hernandez and Aleta Macan.
Step by step, Agnihotra moves toward a wider audience. More scientific research on Agnihotra has been, and is being, conducted. Internet and social media allow us to disseminate information on Agnihotra more quickly than ever before. Following are some resources for Agnihotra, Homa Therapy and Fivefold Path information:
Homa Therapy International
Agnihotra and Homa Therapy Web Portal
This comprehensive site features articles on Agnihotra, Homa Therapy, Somayag, scientific validation, Homa communities, plus news and blogs from around the world. Links to websites of Homa centers in a number of different countries are also featured. Sunrise/sunset timings for Agnihotra can be obtained here as well. The site also offers an extensive archive of back issues of Satsang.
Homa Organic Farming
Evergreen Revolution
In addition to basic information on Homa Organic Farming, this site includes such topics as scientific validation, radioactivity, Resonance Points, applications, farmers’ testimonies, the farmer’s friends (cows, bees and earthworms), soil and water, and pests and diseases. It also highlights the Noah’s Ark Project. This is a special system of Homa Organic Farming wherein
a group of farmers can work together using a Resonance Point on contiguous farms. The model can be useful for organic farmers or those who wish to go organic.
Homa Health
This site gives articles on Homa Therapy, along with Agnihotra Ash medicines and healing testimonies. A listing of many ailments and diseases is given, making it easy to locate information pertaining to a particular health issue.
This site offers online calculation of Agnihotra timings for the whole year. There is also a link to download the Agnihotra Buddy app, which gives you correct timings on your mobile phone with just a few clicks, wherever you are, if you have internet access. Agnihotra Buddy is now available for both Android phones as well as iPhones.
Other related sites include:
It is impossible to truly sum up the spread of Agnihotra, Fivefold Path and Homa Therapy today. We may read about events and milestones on the aforementioned websites, but there is no way to chronicle the work that goes on quietly, behind the scenes, all over the world, or the great changes that take place within the hearts and minds of Agnihotris and Fivefold Path practitioners around the globe.
A precious heritage has been entrusted to all of us who have been taught Agnihotra, the Fivefold Path and Homa Therapy. We can honor this priceless gift by striving to manifest these teachings more fully in our lives, and by sharing this knowledge with others. Believe what you experience.
Fearless Swadhyaya (Self-study)
Parvati Rosen-Bizberg
Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya, Poland
Fivefold Path, a blessing of a blueprint for happy living, was revealed by Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj of Akkalkot/Shivapuri, India. It truly is a path of Light.
Five basic principles are given in order to help one cope with the stresses of life, develop a sense of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. It is so simple, a child could follow it. In fact, during the time I traveled widely and taught Yoga and
Meditation for Children, the Fivefold Path was given in such a clear and simple way, it
became quite profound how living consciously, following guidelines so clear, truly
benefitted children of all ages. It touched me deeply.
Agnihotra, Daan, Tapa, Karma and Swadhyaya are the five steps to a life of love. I
believe when one consciously walks this path, true happiness can be achieved. That
said, there are always going to be challenges in life, high peaks and deep, low valleys,
during which time we may struggle to see the Light at the end of a seemingly endless
tunnel. Light will shine. Keep walking. Step by step.
Through practice of Fivefold Path, we will have become more at peace, with ourselves
and others, through the ancient fire of AGNIHOTRA. Through DAAN, we
will have begun to reduce our attachments BY sharing with others in a spirit of humility.
We will have learned the art of self-discipline and being true to ourselves, keeping our
word to ourselves—using TAPA. And through conscious practice of KARMA, we will
have gleaned the way to speak kindly with others and do good action toward all we meet. We will have known how to identify right from wrong.
We will be well on our way when we arrive at SWADHYAYA.
Today, my heart is leading me to discuss a topic I think does not get enough focus these
days, and it is essential to one’s evolution in life, one’s spiritual development, i.e. one’s
peace of mind. It is SWADHYAYA, the fifth and final aspect of Fivefold Path. In my
observation, many people find adhering to the amazing fire practice of Agnihotra not
only easy, once one commits to it, but essential in propelling one forward. Tapa as well
can be mastered, Karma can even begin to come naturally, with the reduction of stress
and angst on the mind. SWADHYAYA can be a challenge!
What is required to truly look at oneself is a sense of fearlessness, the courage to face
one’s own faults and foibles, accept one’s weaknesses and, more importantly, to admit
when one has erred. This may include the strength and courage it takes to own one’s
mistakes and make amends for them.
In my estimation, Swadhyaya is like facing oneself within and coming clean before the
Divine. One can grow and shed old fears, rise above seemingly insurmountable
obstacles, climb impossibly high barriers and shed one’s expectations not only of
others, but of oneself. It is not easy!
Our tendency is to make excuses for our weaknesses, hiding them neatly behind the
magnificence of our strengths. The key to resolving these flaws within ourselves is to
face them squarely, name them, claim them, then let them go.
Swadhyaya is not about blaming oneself. It is about facing oneself in the mirror of life and studying that reflection without running away. Simultaneously with releasing one’s flaws, many of us need to gratefully accept our strengths, recognize our talents as the blessings they
are—and use them, especially in the avenue of service.
“Know thyself.”-Socrates
“To thine own self be true.”-Shakespeare
If one can learn to fearlessly face oneself, one will begin to unravel one’s complexities,
arriving at a simpler, more peaceful state of being.
One can often feel hopeless. Let it go. Clear away the cobwebs of illusion, of self-doubt
and of self-importance.
Who am I in relation to the great cosmos? Who am I in relation to my Master’s Plan?
How may I walk this path with grace and with purpose to serve? How may my life be of service? This is also part of Swadhyaya.
In my own ongoing, intense walk with Swadhyaya, I find that along the way in clearing
the brambles of my own making and those life has created for me, living through the
losses and avoiding the ravine of regret—I see glimpses of a pure, true place within,
where there is a deep well of gratitude. It is a realization of the great Grace we all have
been given just to have been blessed with this beautiful way of life. It is in this place
within where all the fetters of the ego, the judgments of self and others, the doubts and
confusions of life fall away to reveal the wonder of a grateful heart. It is that sublime
space within that I seek to embrace and then, even that shall be released to Divine.
On Blessings and Grace
Cathleen Gantt
Maryland, USA
One message from Shree states, “Do not underestimate the power of Grace.
Do not take for granted blessings given. All of you walk in Light, protected by Divine Grace.”
Addressing the subject of, “Do not underestimate the power of Grace,” first, we need to have a definition of what is Grace.
It’s an intervention and it’s a power, a power that can do anything/everything. To doubt that power, to doubt its ability to intervene in our lives is what we would call underestimating Grace.
Followers of Fivefold Path have experienced the following examples, to name a few:
- The person is in a car accident that should have been fatal, but walks away unscathed.
- Robbers enter a home and the person and partner are standing with the rest of the occupants but the thieves rob the others and don’t even see the devotee and partner.
- One morning I was going to work. There was great fog and I had come to a stop sign. I
looked both ways and saw no cars or anything coming my way. I started across the road and got halfway across when this car traveling about 50 miles an hour passed about one foot away while I was still crossing the road. I had to pull over to the side and get myself together. I said the Sri Suktam and gave thanks to Shree for His protection. If my car had just been a little more out in the road, I would not be here writing this today.
Tending to the fires brings much protection for the one doing the fire and her/his family.
One does not have to merit Grace. You didn’t do anything to receive it. It was given out of His mercy and love.
Mercy describes a divine attribute of God’s nature—He is “rich in mercy” (Ephesians 2:4), and His “mercy is great” (2 Samuel 24:14; see also Daniel 9:9). Mercy is revealed in the actions God takes to relieve suffering and demonstrate His faithfulness and steadfast love. Mercy is such an exceptionally complex concept that several Hebrew and Greek words are used to express the dimensions of its meaning. Synonyms like compassion, loving kindness, favor, and steadfast love often appear in Bible translations to illustrate the idea of mercy. A brief biblical definition of mercy is “the gift of God’s undeserved kindness and compassion.” Like in the song, Amazing Grace: “…that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind, but now I see.”
Both in the Bible (Ephesians 1:3) and in the English dictionary, you’ll find blessing defined as a benefit. God’s blessings are His benefits toward us. God’s blessings are the good things He does for us, whether in our spiritual life, circumstances, provision of practical needs etc. if we do His will, do good deeds.
Blessings are something that we get from what we merit, our actions, like acts of kindness, helping anyone in need, our good thoughts like forgiveness, love thy neighbor as thyself, random acts of kindness.
Taking God’s blessings for granted may refer to not noticing God’s blessings until they are gone.
We attract blessings by being always thankful and telling the Lord so, but most of all, showing the Lord we are grateful by trying to do His will, following the Fivefold Path, its disciplines and Yajnyas to help the world and all life.
Homa Therapy Experiences
Dr. Carla Cossyleon, Veterinarian
West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
I am a veterinary doctor, zoo-technician and coordinator of alternative “animal therapy” programs for children with disabilities.
I want to share my experiences with the Homa Fires.
My canaries Super Reproduce by:
- being exposed to the revitalizing energies of the Agnihotra fire
- taking its Agnihotra healing ash in the water they drink.
From the 2 canaries I bought, I have now 22. Last season they laid more than 4 eggs!
The person who sold me the initial pair says that it is difficult for him to reproduce canaries. They lay 2 eggs at most. He already has asked me to sell him the males.
I also want to say that I buy organic food for my little birds.
A surprising attitude that I have seen with my canaries is that they develop something like the “desire to serve”; they are very empathetic. For example, Navi, one of the first canaries to be born, helps his mother to nourish his “little brothers, nephews,” etc. He goes from nest to nest and he is feeding the little ones. He is a splendid guy.
Merlín was widowed, Gwinefer died 3 weeks ago. They were the original couple I bought.
I think she was already a tired bird; one doesn’t know the age of the birds when they sell them to you. Merlin has started giving food to the little ones.
My canaries have a large cage and they are all there together. Usually only two are kept in a fairly small cage. One can see the difference of being in a Homa atmosphere, in feeding them well, and allowing them to live together and socialize. They are very empathetic. They enjoy life. They bring so much joy with their singing. They are healthy and beautiful. They are part of my family. OM SHREE!
From Shree Vasant’s Teachings
On Positive Thinking
Do not allow yourself to become a victim of confusion. Keep a positive attitude, no matter what. “Okay, let me try,” should replace, “I can’t do it.” Remove “I can’t” from your vocabulary for one month. That is your new TAPA.
No Expectations
Man’s hurdle is not to have any expectations of others in any way. Then you are free. THEN DIVINE, WILL, DESTINY AND FREE WILL ALL WORK TOGETHER. It is really only Grace though. Nothing but Grace and Karma.
On Agnihotra
The power of life comes from the Agnihotra fire. Just at that time, in that time band, there is so much power coming from the pyramid that it can change the structure and formation of all the atoms, that is, all the substances, stuff call it, that makes up the universe.
On Homa
Practice of HOMA fires of which Agnihotra is the base increases the nutritional content of the atmosphere. Atmosphere, PRANA and mind is the nexus. This leads to LOVE all around. Practice of HOMA on a mass scale will impregnate the earth with the energy of LOVE. Only solution to our problems is, “LOVE THY NEIGHBOR,” without forgetting the last two words, “AS THYSELF.”
Agnihotra Homes Will Be Like Oases
Now I tell you. It will be bliss and joy in the later years. First the struggle. The destruction has come . Out of that will be born a world of bliss and peaceful coexistence. We worry about the nuclear war. That will not happen. But destruction, pollution floods, war, famine, violence; is this not the nuclear war? Agnihotra is the way out. Those homes in which Agnihotra is done will become like oases. It will be like water in the desert.
Fivefold Path for Happy Living
1. Yajnya
HOMA Therapy is the science of purification of the atmosphere through the agency of FIRE. AGNIHOTRA HOMA (YAJNYA) is the basic HOMA. It is tuned to the biorhythm of sunrise/sunset and gives nutrients to the plant kingdom, removes diseases in a certain area and removes tension on the mind. This is the basic process in the Vedic sciences of medicine, agriculture, climate engineering and interplanetary communication.
2. Daan
Sharing of your assets in a spirit of humility. This corrects imbalance in financial matters and creates non-attachment to worldly possessions.
3. Tapa
Self-discipline of body and mind. This is conducive to a change in attitudes of mind and body. It results in a harmonious state of mind.
4. Karma
“You reap as you sow.” Always practicing good Karma (actions) diminishes the burden of negative Karma and one begins to invest in his own future. This means that what you do today will bring its fruits. Sowing seeds of love and kindness will bless my garden with plenty of love. Do Karma for self-purification.
5. Swadhyaya
Practice Swadhyaya (Self-study) for liberation. Who am I? Why am I here? My work on this planet is to learn to react with total LOVE with each opportunity given to me.
This is the Fivefold Path for happy living on the planet. By practicing the Fivefold Path you become better members of your society, group, religion, community, etc.
Publisher: Fivefold Path Inc.
Parama Dham (House of Almighty Father), 278 N. White Oak Dr., Madison, VA 22727 USA
Editor: Lisa Powers
Published seven times yearly.
Please direct all Satsang correspondence to the Editor.
Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of Satsang.
ISSN 0735-1321
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