Summer Meeting at the Homa-Hof Heiligenberg July/August 2022 Satsang | Volume 50 #3 | New Era 79
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Summer Meeting at the Homa-Hof Heiligenberg
Summer Meeting at the Homa-Hof Heiligenberg
Birgitt Heigl
On July 2nd, 2022, after a break of 2 years, our Agnihotra summer meeting could take place again at Homa-Hof Heiligenberg in Germany. The motto was: For peace and unity.
Great harmony and peace could be felt throughout the day with almost 600 people who came from near and far, many also from Switzerland and Austria.
About 2/3 were Agnihotra newcomers and for them it was especially interesting to be present at the lectures and demonstrations starting at 2 pm:
- Homa farming
- Homa beekeeping
- ghee preparation
- cow dung drying
- exchange of experiences

Starting at 8 p.m. we gathered for the common Om Tryambakam Yajnya.* It was overwhelming and very unifying that hundreds practiced it together. The highlight then was the Agnihotra at sunset with a view of the red sun. Afterwards, everyone sat in silence for a long time –all enjoying the great peace. It was an unforgettable experience.

*NOTE–Many years ago Shree Vasant advised that one should not show Om Tryambakam Homa to newcomers. Some Homa Therapy teachers have found that new people became confused and thought Om Tryambakam Homa was Agnihotra. Sometimes people wanted to do Om Tryamabakam Homa instead of Agnihotra, which is incorrect. Agnihotra establishes the basic healing cycle; the other Homas we teach strengthen that cycle, so it is essential to practice Agnihotra regularly before doing the other Homas that we teach.
However, other Homa Therapy teachers who were unaware of this instruction experienced that by doing Om Tryambakam Homa at events and festivals, it created interest that could be followed up with Agnihotra.
Please be aware of the possible pitfalls of showing Om Tryambakam Homa to new people, and use your discretion in deciding whether or not to show this Homa to newcomers, depending upon the situation. These potential problems were avoided at the Homa-Hof event. They have a clear policy of teaching Om Tryambakam and Vyahruti Homa after the person has been performing Agnihotra regularly. During this event, Om Tryambakam Homa was taught as a separate program, not part of Agnihotra.–Ed
Full Moon Group Agnihotra Event in Austria
Reiner Szcypior
On the full moon day in August, 2022, the super full moon was really a super day for Austria. Three women–Rosina, Christina and Anne–organized a group Agnihotra, with 108 individual Agnihotra Fires lit on that day in Mattsee, Salzburg. More than 140 people attended the event, representing almost all the states of Austria.
Rosina is a relative newcomer, who started doing Agnihotra last May. Christina has been performing Agnihotra for 10 years and Anna for 5 years.
The meeting began with devotional singing, followed by an explanation of Agnihotra. The occasion culminated in lighting the fire for sunset.
The evening ended with a song for peace.
Thanks to all the participants. OM SHREE
Agnihotra Rice
Unpolished, raw rice is an essential part of the Agnihotra process. Only two pinches are used for each Agnihotra.
Ancient knowledge says that the rice gives nutrition to the atmosphere. Polished rice has less nutritional value and therefore is unsuitable. If possible, it is best to use organically grown rice.
Only unbroken grains of rice are used for Agnihotra. Chemically, broken grains and unbroken grains of rice will be the same, but the subtle energy structure is not the same, so we need to remove any broken grains when preparing our Agnihotra offerings.
Rice can be found growing in many parts of the world.
According to Macrobiotics, rice is the most balanced food grain, with equal parts of yin and yang.
Different varieties of rice can be suitable for Agnihotra, such as brown rice, red rice, black rice and brown basmati rice, provided they are raw/whole grain.
White basmati rice has been processed, and often has synthetic nutrients added to it, so it is not suitable for Agnihotra.
What is sold as wild rice here in the U.S. is not really rice, it is a type of grass, so it is not to be used for Agnihotra.
From the Orion Transmissions
Phoenix Rising
July 25, 2022
Yes, yes. Times have indeed changed. Beings on this rather shaken Planet Earth are rather unaware of the FUNDAMENTAL CHANGES which have occurred on the planet over the last two years. Shall we refer to it as the ‘Covid period?’
Indeed, many deep changes occurred, some of which are irreparable. Conversely, there are those who have chosen to champion the rights of others less able to stand for themselves. And still others valiantly, tirelessly working for world health and for the restoration of Earth’s now fragile ecological balance.
As the darkness encroaches, the Light somehow is miraculously strengthened. However, it is—you will witness—an era of extremes, of division, of unrest, unease. And simultaneously, it is an era of great awakenings.
Certainly, the effects of this period will be everlasting, though transformation remains a hopeful possibility, even a probability.
The human spirit, though collectively beleaguered, is indeed the proverbial Phoenix Rising.
We caution over optimism, which allows one to turn a blind eye to the subtle energies being adversely affected. Remain one-pointed, realistic. Guard your optimism as it were a precious, priceless diamond. Polish and guard it. The Light passes through the clear vehicle of Truth.
We are with you all.
We are,
Facebook: Orion Transmissions Prophecy
Experiences with Homa Therapy

Dr. Lilibeth Villamizar
Piura, Peru, South America
Mr. Víctor Mariano, 93 years old, was not lucid or clear-minded; he did not listen well and he did not speak well. He was urinating in bed and could not sleep at night.
Three days ago, he came to my office and participated in Agnihotra. Now, he is sleeping well. He bathes by himself. He already speaks. He even says his full name and one can talk with him. His senility/dementia has decreased.
Today, he is attending Homa Therapy for the second time.
The doctors had prescribed him sleeping pills, but he was so unstable that he was given two pills but still, he could not sleep. When he participated in Agnihotra on Saturday, he fell asleep right on the spot. His daughter called and asked, “What did you do to my father? He is so well; now he can take care of himself, which he couldn’t do before.”
He is well now and does not take any pills anymore, but he does take the Agnihotra ash.
Anju Sembhoo
Creve Coeur
Mauritius Island

It has been 7 months since I started performing Agnihotra.
For someone who does not believe in rituals, it came as a surprise to myself that I was keen to perform it.
Performing Agnihotra has brought a discipline to my life and has helped me value each minute, each second of my life. Agnihotra time has become a special time where the family sits together and we chant some prayers together or listen to some knowledgeable talk or do some meditation. I have a daughter who is 17 and a son who is 14 years old. Previously we did not pray together regularly but now with Agnihotra practice, it has become a daily routine and the kids look forward to this time. Doing Agnihotra together brings inner peace. We are doing it selflessly so I cannot name any miracle happening around us but we know that grace is flowing and we are grateful. We feel that we are contributing for the improvement of the environment.
Agnihotra definitely has a positive effect in the environment and on people. Vegetables in the garden, fruit trees and flowers have blossomed like never before.
Things which were left undone for some time, are now being completed.
I was wondering whether I would be able to find time in the morning with managing kitchen and kids but with some planning, I never missed Agnihotra.
My sister, who stays in England, got inspired to do Agnihotra too. She ordered her kit and is in contact with people in the UK who have been performing Agnihotra for 30 years.
We are grateful that we have been initiated to Agnihotra and we are thankful to Mr. Nuckched for having this made possible for us in Mauritius.
From Shree Vasant’s Teachings
On Ghee
Clarified [unsalted] butter from cow’s milk is essential for any YAJNYA fires. YAJNYA is the technical term meaning the science of the purification of the atmosphere through the agency of fire as given through VEDAS. Vedas is the most ancient knowledge known to man.
The basic YAJNYA called AGNIHOTRA is tuned to the biorhythm of sunrise/sunset. Agnihotra reduces disease in an area, gives nourishment to crops and purifies the water resources.
Atmosphere has the capacity to retain and transmit sound plus transmit radio waves, satellite signals, etc., all without wires. Due to pollution this capacity will be affected to such an extent that signals shall get mixed up and there will be chaos.
The substance called GHEE has the faculty of retaining in the atmosphere the impact of the solar spectrum. Thus, the atmosphere gets richer with the energies and electricities that emanate from the sun. This, plus the sound of the Mantra that is retained by another faculty of GHEE in the atmosphere, makes it capable of recovering the correct vibration of energies that man must obtain when he breathes the atmosphere.
But the most important thing is that in the places where fire is done, the sound current that will be sent will be attracted as a magnet by the pyramid and retained in the atmosphere by GHEE. GHEE is the essential substance to repair the tired atmosphere.
Let us keep a big stock of GHEE. Old GHEE automatically becomes medicinal.
We must create several places in which the atmosphere is saturated with GHEE and Mantras.
Let there be many HOMA farms where this is done automatically.
It is not a matter of belief. This is supertechnology that will save the planet.
Fivefold Path for Happy Living
1. Yajnya
HOMA Therapy is the science of purification of the atmosphere through the agency of FIRE. AGNIHOTRA HOMA (YAJNYA) is the basic HOMA. It is tuned to the biorhythm of sunrise/sunset and gives nutrients to the plant kingdom, removes diseases in a certain area and removes tension on the mind. This is the basic process in the Vedic sciences of medicine, agriculture, climate engineering and interplanetary communication.
2. Daan
Sharing of your assets in a spirit of humility. This corrects imbalance in financial matters and creates non-attachment to worldly possessions.
3. Tapa
Self-discipline of body and mind. This is conducive to a change in attitudes of mind and body. It results in a harmonious state of mind.
4. Karma
“You reap as you sow.” Always practicing good Karma (actions) diminishes the burden of negative Karma and one begins to invest in his own future. This means that what you do today will bring its fruits. Sowing seeds of love and kindness will bless my garden with plenty of love. Do Karma for self-purification.
5. Swadhyaya
Practice Swadhyaya (Self-study) for liberation. Who am I? Why am I here? My work on this planet is to learn to react with total LOVE with each opportunity given to me.
This is the Fivefold Path for happy living on the planet. By practicing the Fivefold Path you become better members of your society, group, religion, community, etc.
Publisher: Fivefold Path Inc.
Parama Dham (House of Almighty Father), 278 N. White Oak Dr., Madison, VA 22727 USA
Editor: Lisa Powers
Published seven times yearly.
Please direct all Satsang correspondence to the Editor.
Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of Satsang.
ISSN 0735-1321
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Summer Meeting at the Homa-Hof Heiligenberg July/August 2022 Satsang | Volume 50 #3 | New Era 79