Homa Farms Around the World-Part 1 September/October 2021 Satsang | Volume 49 #4 | New Era 78
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Homa Farms Around the World-Part 1
Om Shree Dham, Homa Therapy Teaching Centre and Homa Organic Farm, Australia
Organic Life Magazine awards Homa Therapy Teacher Jarosław Bizberg
Homa Farms Around the World-Part 1
Om Shree Dham, Homa Therapy Teaching Centre and Homa Organic Farm, Australia

Om Shree Dham has been operating as a Homa Farm since the mid 1990s. It is run by Homa Therapists Lee and Frits Ringma, who were blessed to receive training directly under Shree Vasant Paranjpe. The farm is 25 acres, nestled in a beautiful valley, surrounded by Australian bush and backing onto a vast national forest of rolling wooded hills.

There are 2 families living on the land, with a volunteer from Ireland regularly visiting to help out on the farm and to imbibe Homa lifestyle, which he absolutely loves.

We installed the Homa Resonance System in 2002. Even though we have only 25 acres, we wanted a Homa Resonance System to magnify the effect of Homa Therapy on the land and benefit land beyond our borders.

We have both a Yajnya Shala for the public and an Agni Shala for private use where more disciplines are incorporated, which in turn increase the potency of Agnihotra.
Shree Vasant explained to us that the Agni Shala serves the Devic kingdom and the Devic beauty in the vicinity of the Agni Shala is a constant source of wonder and delight for us.
Over the years we have established many kinds of citrus trees that thrive in Homa atmosphere and provide us with delicious sweet vitamin C-packed juice for the duration of winter.
We have several magnificent pecan trees that provide abundant nuts and olive trees, apples and figs. We planted one passion fruit years ago and now it is growing throughout the bush surrounding the property.

The foods that we grow every year and that provide us with delicious, Prana- filled, tasty meals are:
In spring and summer- strawberries, pumpkins, water melon, sweet potato, potatoes, corn, snake beans, green beans, brassicas, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, basil, all types of greens and Russian garlic.
In autumn and winter- broad beans, snow peas, radish, lettuce, coriander, leeks. The pumpkins and sweet potatoes grown in summer last us throughout winter and spring.
Along with climate change and general environmental stress we face challenges such as drought or bouts of too much rain, looming bush fires pervading the atmosphere with smoke, and extreme temperatures in summer regularly in the +40 Celsius (104º Fahrenheit.) With such challenges, we have to problem-solve. When disease and insect attack occurs we respond with more frequent applications of Agnihotra ash as powder or in sprays such as Homa Biosol. This regularly produces good results. However with some of the outside imbalances such as the increase in temperatures over the years, we have had to respond with building shade cover. To deter pests such as the white cabbage butterfly we have built a shade house to keep them out, for fruit fly which is epidemic here in New South Wales we bag the fruit, etc. We also lost our bee hives to Asian beetle. However there are plenty of bees living in the forest that visit our flowers and pollenate.

Overall, visitors comment that the farm is buzzing with life-force and peace. We have had many Homa miracles, one of these being the transformation of our bore water from saline and highly alkaline to potable water through application of Agnihotra ash into the bore well and performing Agnihotra in the vicinity of the bore. Transplanting seedlings has just about 100 % success rate when planting them with Agnihotra ash around the rootlets. Our worm farm is teeming with worms and our cows are always super healthy.

And the taste of the vegetables and fruits is always astounding and fulfilling nutritionally, compared to organic produce bought in.
We have also experienced major protection from environmental disasters. Once during a flood we were relatively untouched compared to the neighboring properties, and during the catastrophic bush fires in Australia last year we were miraculously protected. The fire fronts came within ½ a kilometer from us. It was as if the Homa biosphere was an invisible shield. Every time the wind was predicted to be fiercely blowing the fire in our direction, it blew in the opposite direction! Many uncanny incidents of protection happened during the three-month duration of this tragic natural disaster.

As a Homa Therapy Centre, we are also very busy pressing copper pyramids and manufacturing copper utensils. Every year there is increasing demand and with Covid the uptake of Agnihotra has skyrocketed.
We are also daily collecting cow dung and patting it out to dry into patties for Agnihotra, and are pleased to say we can hardly keep up with the demand. The world is getting to experience how precious and necessary Agnihotra is for planetary healing and personal wellbeing, even survival!

Needless to say, we feel very blessed to be living on a Homa farm during these trying times. We welcome volunteers to help us with the food growing and finishing off the building of a Retreat Centre where courses will be held on Homa Therapy, Homa Farming and other helpful modalities and where people can come for retreat in the highly charged healing Homa environment.
We can be contacted by email at info@agnihotra.com.au Our website is www.agnihotra.com.au.
Tapovan Homa Farm, India
Tapovan is a 15 acre Homa Organic farm situated in the north of Maharashtra state in India, owned by the Paranjpe family of Dhulia. The caretakers are Bruce Johnson and Anne Godfrey from Australia who have been staying on the farm since 1997.
Tapovan is an ancient place of Healing Fires. During the course of time, this practice was lost and now it is revived.
Tapovan is a teaching centre, where anyone of any caste, creed, colour or nationality can learn about Agnihotra and the other Yajnyas (Healing Fires) that are practised here daily and where one can experience directly the healing results which derive from regular practice of these Yajynas.

In March 2001, we commenced 24 hour round-the-clock Om Tryambakam Yajnya healing fire which continues to this day.

Tapovan is a practical example of the healing power of Agnihotra and other healing fires of Homa which are practiced here daily.
We share these ancient Vedic techniques of healing with anyone who wants to learn and implement them in their daily lives.
Tapovan is a working Homa Organic Farm. The whole garden is a testimony to the healing power of Homa Therapy when applied to agriculture. We grow many varieties of fruit and flower trees, vegetables, grains, pulses, nuts, medicinal and culinary herbs.
Cows are an important component on a Homa Farm. The Tapovan Goshala (cow refuge) accommodates an assortment of cows, bulls and calves which provide us with all the cow dung needed for the Homa healing fires here at Tapovan and for other Agnihotra practitioners in the local community.
For more information, please visit http://homatherapyindia.com/welcome-to-tapovan/.
Organic Life Magazine awards Homa Therapy Teacher Jarosław Bizberg
Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya, Poland

Organic Life Magazine, Poland, writes:
“On September 25, 2021, Jarosław Bizberg, President of the Homa Therapy Foundation in Poland, won the Ecological Award in the INITIATIVE category in the #List ORGANICLIFETOP50.
“The long-term goal of the awards committee referendum was to create a list of the very best practitioners of ecological practices in various spheres of our lives—in agriculture, food production, cosmetics, cultivation aids—in all activities aimed at increasing the Polish public’s awareness of the importance of ecology for our future.
“Who would have thought that the Final Gala of Organic Life would become not only a stage for the promotion of persons most distinguished for ecological work in Poland, but also a place to present Agnihotra – an ancient practice that heals soil, animals, people and the entire environment.

“This event was extraordinary, above all, thanks to the participants! Great personalities who have acted with determination for decades, no matter what, expecting no subsidies or government support – made everyone feel very special. The uniqueness of this event also lies in going beyond the scope of ecology itself and in taking into account the issue of ethics and the development of human consciousness.”

Homa Therapy teachers Jaroslaw Bizberg, Rory and Asia Maher, residents of Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya Homa farm community in Poland, all attended the event. They were invited to perform Agnihotra for the whole congress. It is wonderful to have Agnihotra and Homa Therapy recognized in the ecological arena in Poland.
Jarosław Bizberg is a Certified Homa Therapy teacher, President of Homa Therapy Foundation Poland and co-founder of Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya, Poland. A pioneer of spiritual ecology and practitioner of Agnihotra Ayurvedic healing fire since 1974, he is author of, “Homa Farming for the New Age.”
From the Orion Transmissions
Received by Parvati Rosen Bizberg
Jordanow, Poland

November 6, 2021
Orion on Current Climate of Chaos, Complication—and Children
Yes, yes, yes. Never before has life on this revolving, evolving planet been so wrought with chaos and complication. Never before has there been such widespread panic and hysteria, absolute confusion, disillusion. As crime is on the rise, people begin to arm themselves, thus creating a greater danger for an already explosive environment.
And the children—all in immediate danger of this system gone haywire. Those of you with awareness of the current climate on this planet shall do well to consider changing your focus—from reacting to the constantly changing demands of the world—to assisting the youth to make their way through danger. How to skirt depression? How to activate their potential individually and as a collective? How can you be instrumental in providing them the place to express their voices?
Blessings abound. We are Orion.
Pay attention. We are present now.
For further information:
Healing with Homa Therapy
Eva Franko
Asunción, Paraguay, South America
My problem was that I couldn’t sit well due to the pain in my right leg. My leg was all hard and swollen, three times the normal size, and I could not wear my shoe.
But after only 3 weeks with the Healing Fires of Homa Therapy, taking the Agnihotra ash daily and rubbing it mixed with ghee on my leg, I can put my jeans on again. My shoes fit and I feel great.
My varicose veins have also improved a lot. They were very swollen and looked like they were going to burst.
My blood pressure also improved. Everything, everything got better. Only with the healing Homa fires everything is better.
José Serrano
Churriana, Málaga, Spain
I am 67 years old. Since I was a child, I have always had allergy problems and I have related it to the atmospheric pollution and permanent contamination of our natural environment. I have been very sensitive to contamination in general terms. When I was a child, I sneezed a lot. It was something uncontrollable. At that time, there were no paper tissues and I used to use up to ten handkerchiefs a day and then washed them for reuse on another day. I sneezed thousands and thousands of times.
The first medical interventions were Urbason injections, which relieved my situation a little, but they quite affected my kidneys, other organs, my digestion and other functions. When spring came or when I got close to a chemical product, I reacted with an allergic condition, and I would sneeze uncontrollably. I am speaking of a time almost fifty years back. I think that all this is part of the ongoing contamination.
Little by little, more modern medicines, such as antihistamines, appeared. At the beginning, there were the Polaramines, which were a relief, but did not cure. Later I went to an allergist, and there I was tested with punctures and then I was told that I was allergic to approximately thirty products. Among them, there were cow’s milk, olive tree pollen, animal hair, and a lot of things that were unavoidable in daily life. Anyway, when spring came around, I would continue to sneeze.
Later, the allergy got stronger and the allergist sent me a specific personified vaccine from a laboratory in Madrid. Well, I was injected, but hardly noticed any improvement, just a little bit of relief. However, apart from that vaccine, I had to take the antihistamine too. Then came the product Ebastel, which was a much more effective antihistamine and I got some more relief, but the problem kept coming back again and again and it was the same thing every year.
Finally, in 2007, thanks to my friends America and Josue, I got to know the Fires of Homa Therapy. At first, I barely paid attention to these. It was a new thing to me and I just didn’t understand it.
But, it turned out that America and Josué lived for a little while with our family, so the Homa Therapy Fires were done regularly. And although I was participating in a passive way, little by little, I noticed that I was feeling better from a mental and nervous point of view and it seemed that these were influencing me positively.
Besides, it turned out that the HOMA smoke didn’t affect me. I was not sneezing at all with this smoke. I could receive this smoke quite naturally, which is strange because I did not tolerate any fumes. When America and Josue left, then I started doing Agnihotra, myself. After a while, I felt better and then I linked my improvement with the practice of Agnihotra. So, I stopped taking the vaccine, I stopped the antihistamines, I stopped everything else.
In addition, I also improved my diet and stopped eating meats. My healing has been progressive.
However, in my workplace they used very strong and aggressive chemicals for cleaning. Only there I still sneezed, while in the rest of the places I did not.
Now I am retired and despite all the chemical things that are being sprayed upon us, thrown on the streets, markets and released into the atmosphere, I do not sneeze at all. I don’t have any allergy symptoms. I am happy and grateful.
From Shree Vasant’s Teachings
Reduce Possessions
Reduce possessions. Give away the clothes you have accumulated that you do not wear. Throw out broken toys unless they can be repaired. Then give them away. If you have some valuable items you do not use, you can sell them.
Go on doing that until you have only what you can use. Whichever way you can get rid of things, do that.
Reduce material possessions, valuable or otherwise. We accumulate so many, so many things and it creates a pull on the mind because we have to maintain those things. Someone wishes for material wealth and receives it. Then whole life is spent guarding that wealth so that no one will take it. The very things that you think will set you free will have the opposite effect. It is like that. So make it a practice to reduce the possessions.
On Anger
Anger can only be eradicated through intense efforts in the opposite direction. Throw out that anger and nothing but love can come in its place.
If you remove the thin layer of anger, what do we have? A good person. It is simple. Uncover this good person by removing the anger from his life. It can be done. Then you can go anywhere, do anything and get along with anyone. Even if someone becomes angry with you, you respond with love and nothing else is required.
You say, “From this moment I will control my anger so strictly.” Eventually, there will be no trace of anger. Make this your sole effort now. Anger is poisonous.
Anger is like a wild animal, roaring and kicking. The wild animal frightens others. So you have to catch the wild animal and put it in a cage. Of course, for a few days the animal will growl and push against the bars to be free. But gradually the animal will stop growling and resign itself to the cage. One day you will be able to open the cage and let the animal go free. Meanwhile, you have to catch it and put it in the cage. You have the control which you say you do not have. Until you recognize that you can control your angry emotions, you will go on being miserable. Anger will continue to control you. Take control and see how it becomes very simple.
Divine Will, Destiny and Free Will Work Together
Our last hurdle is not to have any expectations of others IN ANY WAY. Then we are free. Then Divine Will, destiny and free will all work together. It is really only Grace, though. Nothing but Grace and Karma.
Fivefold Path for Happy Living
1. Yajnya
HOMA Therapy is the science of purification of the atmosphere through the agency of FIRE. AGNIHOTRA HOMA (YAJNYA) is the basic HOMA. It is tuned to the biorhythm of sunrise/sunset and gives nutrients to the plant kingdom, removes diseases in a certain area and removes tension on the mind. This is the basic process in the Vedic sciences of medicine, agriculture, climate engineering and interplanetary communication.
2. Daan
Sharing of your assets in a spirit of humility. This corrects imbalance in financial matters and creates non-attachment to worldly possessions.
3. Tapa
Self-discipline of body and mind. This is conducive to a change in attitudes of mind and body. It results in a harmonious state of mind.
4. Karma
“You reap as you sow.” Always practicing good Karma (actions) diminishes the burden of negative Karma and one begins to invest in his own future. This means that what you do today will bring its fruits. Sowing seeds of love and kindness will bless my garden with plenty of love. Do Karma for self-purification.
5. Swadhyaya
Practice Swadhyaya (Self-study) for liberation. Who am I? Why am I here? My work on this planet is to learn to react with total LOVE with each opportunity given to me.
This is the Fivefold Path for happy living on the planet. By practicing the Fivefold Path you become better members of your society, group, religion, community, etc.
Publisher: Fivefold Path Inc.
Parama Dham (House of Almighty Father), 278 N. White Oak Dr., Madison, VA 22727 USA
Editor: Lisa Powers
Published seven times yearly.
Please direct all Satsang correspondence to the Editor.
Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of Satsang.
ISSN 0735-1321
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