Agnihotra in Australia May 2021 Satsang | Volume 49 #1 | New Era 78
Table of Contents
Important Message for Agnihotra Buddy App Users
Two Special Remembrances in May
More Agnihotra Cowdung Sources Needed in U.S.
Agnihotra in Australia

Compiled by Lee and Frits Ringma
Om Shree Dham Homa Farm, Australia
Eco-transformation After One Year of Agnihotra
Agnihotra facilitated a profound transformation of environment in our last sanctuary. A once barren hilltop with non-producing fruit trees and dry, stony soil turned into what could only be described as Eden-like, within 1 year.

After the first year, the mango tree which had not fruited in years (according to neighbors) offered a magnificent bounty of hundreds of ripe, plump, yellow fruits. The local mango trees, within 800m or so around our house were the same, whilst elsewhere in the suburb, the trees were barren. Hello to dehydrated mango and plenty of chutney!
Birds, possums, snakes and even frogs found their way into the backyard. Particularly worth mentioning is the brown striped rocket frog, who, arrived with his entire family to our backyard pond, and would sing his merry song each evening as we lit the fire–a great rarity in the suburban sprawl of Brisbane.
Agnihotra and Om Tryambakam Homa Helped Reduce Crime
Lama Vajra, formerly known as a Sadhatissa, was introduced to Agnihotra approximately 25 years ago. Running a Buddhist center in Perth, he immediately added Agnihotra to the daily practices. At the time in the suburb of Fremantle in Perth, Western Australia, the community was being terrorized by a serial murderer/rapist. Sadhatissa decided to act by performing publicly Agnihotra in Fremantle Park, followed by a vigil of ceaseless Om Tryambakam Homa. It was announced publicly and many people came to witness sunset Agnihotra, including the local police. The following morning the police came up to Sadhatissa and said, “Mate, we do not understand what you are doing but we would like you to know that never in the history of the police force in Fremantle has the crime rate been so low as it was last night.”
Agnihotra and Homa Community During COVID-19
Northern NSW
Dear friends, I’d like to offer the following inspiration – Well, it started with the whole COVID lockdown- basically no go to gather in public places, so I thought, okay–“Community at Home, Sunset Agnihotra,” who is in? It was definitely a great way to feel the circle .
Slowly, off and on, it became possible to either gather at the community gardens in Mullumbimby, or each at home for Sunset Agnihotra, or both.

Lately I’ve been aiming to anchor Tuesday Sunset Agnihotra, Circle of Healing Fires – to promote the power of sacred healing Fire wherever people are, and to also feel the support of the extended Fire circle.
It’s because I reckon we all really need fire in our lives. For me it’s essential. Agnihotra brings everything together and It cleans up our aura and gives back to nature. It brings relief, healing and inspiration, the warmth of love and safety and clarity.
A couple of times there has been a world event or global meditation, or just recently celebrating a 20 year around the clock Om Tryambakam Homa in Tapovan India. Coinciding, I’ve organised a far reaching circle of friends to connect and co- create a seamless 12 hour Om Tryambakam Homa – getting our time differences correct , and lighting up five minutes before our one hour time slot with Vyahruti Homa first, then on the hour continuing with Om Tryambakam Homa, each of us taking turns for our hour, even though we are countries apart!
It has been an amazing telepathic experience each time, quite surprising and very confirming of our invisible web of connection.
I recommend to everyone living in countries where the restrictions are still on, get on the phone and get the roster going. It’s a wonderful experience of friendship, healing and community.
May inspiration and love and healing flow to all, and may the sacred Fires burn bright in our homes and our communities.
(COVID-19 regulations vary from place to place. Satsang recommends observance of the restrictions set forth in your area.-Ed.)
Agnihotra Improves the Environment
Almeda Peer, Strathalbyn, South Australia
As soon as I heard about this practice from my Bowen Therapist, I knew I wanted to be of service to this 2-and-a-bit acre land, of which we are custodians, and all its vegetation, the animals that live here and also those who visit, and to our neighbors. I started middle of December 2020 with only the sunset Agnihotra….the changes were almost immediate and very exciting. I want to preface this testimonial by saying that this property we live on just beyond the Adelaide Hills has proved challenging to say the least – windswept with no windbreaks, overgrazed, bare, unfertile and eroded soil and worst of all, oversprayed with Glyphosate; a place where soil has seemingly forgotten how to be soil. Here are my observations:
1) Our rescue dog who has some issues was more at peace, as was our rooster.
2) When the first summer heat comes, my plants are more susceptible to insect attack, and December was no exception. The insects were wreaking havoc with my citrus trees, roses and liriopes. After applying Agnihotra ash, these plants recovered beautifully with strong new growth, and much to my delight, the insects stopped munching.

3) The plants in line with the smoke are all looking so healthy.
4) To my surprise, the houseflies reduced substantially, even though we have chickens and neighbors have cows and horses. I wish I could say the same for mosquitoes!
5) A lovely benefit was how birds will come land close to me while I am in the garden and ants will mill over my feet without biting me.
6) I believe that the buffer I have created with Agnihotra against EMF radiation has unfortunately made me much more aware of the radiation when I go out, so I know it is working here at our home.
I look forward to ongoing benefits as I continue this practice at dawn and dusk, especially to our soil.
Important Message for Agnihotra Buddy App Users
The Agnihotra Buddy Timings app for both Android and iOS phones has recently been revised. To update it, be sure to uninstall the app, then reinstall it.
Satsang highly recommends the Agnihotra Buddy app for its accuracy.
Two Special Remembrances in May
(Note: Agnihotra, Fivefold Path and Homa Therapy may be practiced by anyone, regardless of religion, beliefs, or creed. No one is asked to follow any particular individual. However, people sometimes ask about those Messengers who brought forth this knowledge in modern times.)
May 17th marks the birthday of PARAMA SADGURU SHREE GAJANAN MAHARAJ (1918-1987)
of Akalkot, India, who revived the ancient knowledge of Agnihotra and the Fivefold Path for the present day.

Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj
From I Wish I Had Known, by Fran Rosen-Sawyer (now Parvati Rosen-Bizberg):
“Shree is KALKI AVATAR. The word AVATAR means the descent of Divine Power on earth to fulfill an allotted task from Almighty Father. KALKA means pollution; hence, KALKI AVATAR means Divine Messenger for the destruction of pollution. SADGURU means PERFECT MASTER. PARAMA SADGURU means highest among the PERFECT MASTERS.
“Shree’s lineage reflects a glorious spiritual heritage. His mother Sonamata was a great YOGINI. (YOGINI is the feminine term for YOGI.) Shree’s father Shivananda Swami was a renowned NADA BRAHMA YOGI….Shree’s grandfather Tatyaji Maharaj was a saint who possessed great intuitive knowledge of medicine and astrology….
“On Christmas day, December 25th, 1941 Shree’s allotted task was revealed by the Will of Almighty Father…Shree was further informed that the time for unfolding was yet to be…. In 1944 Shree vowed, ‘I will resuscitate the Vedas.’
“Parama Sadguru once said:
‘Whatever Almighty has willed to be done through our instrument shall be done. Our
whole life is totally dedicated to Him. He who revealed to us our allotted task shall grant us
the necessary strength to fulfill it.
‘It is not for us to advise people to follow any particular individual.
‘If it is the will of the Almighty to convey to the world any message through us, He will do so.
We are merely His slaves.
‘We are not votaries of any religious denomination. Whether it is the Bible or the Koran or the doctrines of Hindus we will convey the message with equal yearning.
‘We have asked people not to call us GURU. Many have imposed Guruhood on us. Many have experienced superhuman powers with us. Many have witnessed miracles. We are mere witness of, not the doers of these things.
‘We surrendered totally to the Almighty and He started utilizing our body as His instrument.
Each one has to tread his path of Self-realization.’”
Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj left the mortal coil on December 6, 1987. In reference to the lineage after He left the Body, Shree stated that after Us, comes Vedas; after Us, comes the Fire. There is no lineage. The Fire is of utmost importance.

May 13th marks the birthday of Shree Vasant V. Paranjpe, who left the body on December 30,
2008, at Maheshwar, India.
Words could never convey the impact of His life on countless people around the world to whom He carried the message of Agnihotra and Fivefold Path. In His mission, He circled the globe year after year, serving with unwavering devotion, utmost humility, astonishing energy and boundless love. He was instrumental in transforming the lives of people from all walks of life.
He so scrupulously avoided personal attention throughout His life of service, and never sought to collect followers. (For years, He declined to have His photo in this newsletter, which He Himself founded.) In total humility, He guided people to focus on the message of Yajnya, Daan, Tapa, Karma, Swadhyaya–not the messenger.
Following are some highlights from Shree Vasant’s life of service:
In 1970, Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj of Akalkot, India, who resuscitated Agnihotra and the Fivefold Path of Vedas in modern times, commanded Shree Vasant:
“Our words which lead to BLISS, convey them to all the people.”
Thus began Shree Vasant’s thirty-eight years of travel and teaching, of Grace and total surrender to the Divine.
In 1972 He began teaching in the U.S. In 1973 He became the founder president of Fivefold Path, Inc., a nonprofit organization established in Madison, Virginia. In that same year, Shree Gajanan Maharaj commanded Shree Vasant to start this Satsang newsletter.
On September 22, 1973, Shree Vasant inaugurated the Parama Dham Fire Temple in Madison,
Virginia, the first Fire Temple in the world established under Shree Gajanan Maharaj’s dispensation of ancient science of atmospheric purification for the New Age.
In 1974 Shree Vasant carried the message to Europe. Over the years, His mission also took Him to South America, Australia, Africa and Asia. He was instrumental in bringing Agnihotra and Fivefold Path to thousands of people all over the planet.
In today’s world He pioneered the use of Homa Therapy in agriculture, psychotherapy, alternative medicine, self-development and healing the environment. Under His guidance, Homa farms and centers such as Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya in Poland, Om Shree Dham farm in Australia, Ancient Oaks farm in U.S.A. and Tapovan in India, came forth.
He is the author of Grace Alone, Light Towards Divine Path, Ten Commandments of Parama Sadguru and Homa Therapy, Our Last Chance. His books have been translated into many languages.
Over forty years ago, many of His talks and writings warned of the environmental degradation and deterioration that have come to pass in virtually all parts of the globe today, in the forms of atmospheric pollution, nuclear radiation hazards, water pollution, soil fatigue, noise pollution and more. But along with these warnings, He offered a solution that people all over the world could use to heal themselves and their environment–Agnihotra and Fivefold Path.
Glimpses of Shree Vasant’s life can be found in Messenger of the Sacred Fire, the Extraordinary Life and Works of Shree Vasant Paranjpe by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg. In it, a number of people from various countries have shared their experiences with Shree Vasant and the spread of Agnihotra around the planet. But perhaps the greater story of His life is just beginning to unfold, as people the world over continue His mission.
In February, 2009, another important milestone was achieved: Homa Therapy Teacher Certification training. The certification program is a means of accurately preserving and conveying the Vedic knowledge given by Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj and taught worldwide by Shree Vasant Paranjpe. Through the program, Homa Therapy teachers can be more thoroughly and consistently trained, so that a uniform message of the teachings of Homa Therapy goes out to the world. This also promotes unity among Homa Therapy teachers.
Homa Therapy Teacher Certification courses have been given at Tapovan farm in India, Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya in Poland, and the Resonance Point, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
Agnihotra and Homa Therapy as taught by Certified Homa Therapy teachers are very specific practices. Many things on internet are called Agnihotra or Homa Therapy, but are not the same as given by Maharaj Shree and taught by Shree Vasant. The wonderful results people have gotten and the scientific research on Agnihotra were obtained by people using the exact methods taught by Certified Homa Therapy teachers.

To help people distinguish between the practices taught by Certified Homa Therapy teachers and other things, the legal trademark of a Homa Therapy logo was created in 2010, to be used solely by our international network of Homa Therapy centers and teachers.
Another unfoldment of Shree Vasant’s work was a series of seven Maha Somayags, beginning in 2007 and reaching successful completion in February, 2017. These very powerful, special Yajnyas, held at the Homa Therapy Goshala on the banks of the River Narmada in Maheshwar, Madya Pradesh, India, unleashed tremendous healing energy for our planet.
Homa Therapy Goshala of Fivefold Path Mission, Maheshwar, India again served as the site of special purpose Vedic Yajnyas. Sautramani Yag was peacefully conducted from 26-28th December 2018. Persons from Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal were present for this Yajnya. Nakshatra Yajnya was successfully performed from January 17th to 21st, 2019, attended by people from India, Austria, Germany, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Japan, Australia, and North and South America.
An important goal was reached on March 25, 2021 at Tapovan Homa farm, where they
celebrated the completion of 20 years of continuous, round-the-clock Om Tryambakam Homa. Given the small number of people who have carried out this work, this achievement is nothing short of miraculous. it is even more amazing this year, as the COVID-19 lockdown measures in India have prevented some of the usual participants from coming.
Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya, Poland, continues making great strides in building the Centre of Light, Shree Vasant’s vision of an international environmental educational and healing center. The exterior work of installing the terrace, septic, grey water and drainage systems has been completed. The interior work of installing floor heating and screed floor, roof insulation, ceiling plastering, electrical and plumbing work has also been accomplished.

Around the world, Homa Therapy teachers strive to make the teachings of Agnihotra, Fivefold Path and Homa Therapy available to all. This task took a great leap forward on May 13th, 2020. In honor of the 99th birth anniversary of Shree Vasant, Fivefold Path Mission announced that it has made Shree Vasant’s books available on Amazon. This step was planned as a gift and service. The books are available in Kindle and paperback formats.
Beginning last year, as COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns prevented some of the usual events at which Agnihotra and Homa Therapy are taught, Homa Therapy teachers continue adapting and using new methods. Several Homa Therapy centers are conducting Zoom and Facebook online Agnihotra classes and meetings. In-person gatherings vary from country to country, depending on the local pandemic regulations.
In honor of Shree Vasant’s 100th birth anniversary, an international online event was held on May 13, 2021. Over 375 people participated, from India, South America, Poland, Australia, US, Austria, Spain, Holland, Mexico, Switzerland, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Germany. See the video here: https://youtu.be/uOSuS2CPoPw
Step by step, Agnihotra moves toward a wider audience. More scientific research on Agnihotra has been, and is being, conducted. Internet and social media allow us to disseminate information on Agnihotra more quickly than ever before. Following are some resources for Agnihotra, Homa Therapy and Fivefold Path information:
Homa Therapy International
Agnihotra and Homa Therapy Web Portal
This comprehensive site features articles on Agnihotra, Homa Therapy, Somayag, scientific validation, Homa communities, plus news and blogs from around the world. Links to websites of Homa centers in a number of different countries are also featured. Sunrise/sunset timings for Agnihotra can be obtained here as well. The site also offers an extensive archive of back issues of Satsang.
Homa Organic Farming
Evergreen Revolution
In addition to basic information on Homa Organic Farming, this site includes such topics as scientific validation, radioactivity, Resonance Points, applications, farmers’ testimonies, the farmer’s friends (cows, bees and earthworms), soil and water, and pests and diseases. It also highlights the Noah’s Ark Project. This is a special system of Homa Organic Farming wherein
a group of farmers can work together using a Resonance Point on contiguous farms. The model can be useful for organic farmers or those who wish to go organic.
Homa Health
This site gives articles on Homa Therapy, along with Agnihotra Ash medicines and healing testimonies. A listing of many ailments and diseases is given, making it easy to locate information pertaining to a particular health issue.
This site offers online calculation of Agnihotra timings for the whole year. There is also a link to download the Agnihotra Buddy app, which gives you correct timings on your mobile phone with just a few clicks, wherever you are, if you have internet access. Agnihotra Buddy is now available for both Android phones as well as iPhones.
Other related sites include:
It is impossible to truly sum up the spread of Agnihotra, Fivefold Path and Homa Therapy today. We may read about events and milestones on the aforementioned websites, but there is no way to chronicle the work that goes on quietly, behind the scenes, all over the world, or the great changes that take place within the hearts and minds of Agnihotris and Fivefold Path practitioners around the globe.
A precious heritage has been entrusted to all of us who have been taught Agnihotra, the Fivefold Path and Homa Therapy. We can honor this priceless gift by striving to manifest these teachings more fully in our lives, and by sharing this knowledge with others. Believe what you experience.
More Agnihotra Cowdung Sources Needed in U.S.

Since COVID-19 erupted in the U.S., there has been a marked increase in the number of people wanting to start or re-start Agnihotra in this country and abroad. While this is great news, maintaining enough dried cowdung for those who want it has been a great challenge for U.S. suppliers.
It is unclear at this time whether suppliers who source their product from India will be willing or able to do so again. Last year, due to COVID-19, shipments were stalled for months, as Customs was shut down during India’s lockdown.
Decades ago, Shree Vasant warned of coming disasters and diseases, and urged Agnihotris to work toward self-sufficiency. He recommended storing six months’ worth of food and necessary supplies, including Agnihotra supplies.
If you have access to cows, and if climate and space permit, we encourage you to look into drying your own cowdung. If you have friends nearby who do Agnihotra, perhaps you could work on this project together. Richard Powers of agnihotrasupplies.com will be happy to advise you about different methods of drying cowdung, both outdoors and in sheltered spaces. Please contact him at rich@agnihotrasupplies.com for more information.
If you know of people who have greenhouses which aren’t used all year long, you may want to approach them about the possibility of drying cowdung for sale.
Manure from all breeds of cows are suitable for Agnihotra, but if possible dung from cows fed organic feed is preferable.
More sources of dried cowdung are needed in the U.S. to meet the demand. If you would be interested in producing enough to sell to others, please contact Richard Powers to explore this possibility. It could be a great service as well as a source of added income.
On Apologizing, Repenting and Forgiving
Cathleen Gantt
Indian Head, Maryland, USA
As I go through life, I find so many people have a hard time being able to apologize sincerely. To me, it starts in the home; if children are taught to apologize, it may start out as being clumsy, not so sincere. But if we are shown as children that it should be done, when we have caused someone pain by what we say or do, it becomes much easier as adults to summon up the courage, humility and compassion to admit to the person that we have wronged them or admit our part in a situation gone bad.
As I began to research to find the right words to convey why we should apologize, I realized so many of us have no idea what great benefits come from a sincere apology, which is associated with repenting.
From “Repenting and Apologizing” by Ray C. Stedman:
“An effective apology is an act of honesty, an act of humility, an act of commitment, an act of generosity, and an act of courage. Otherwise it is considered a defense. Whenever we hurt someone else, or we ourselves are hurt by our own actions, whenever we smear some other person’s name, we need to repent. Why repent? Because repentance is a change of thought and action to correct a wrong and gain forgiveness from a person who is wronged.”
To further explain an apology and repentance, Peter J. Wallace, peterwallace.org › sermons says:
“So apologies are appropriate for accidents:
‘I’m sorry I hit you with the bat, I didn’t see you coming.’
But only repentance is appropriate for sin:
‘I saw you coming and I hit you anyway because I was being selfish. Please forgive me.’”
Satsang Oct. 7 & 21 1993 page 11 states:
“The law of karma states that if you repent you shall be forgiven. This is Grace.”–Shree Vasant Paranjpe
The Orion Transmissions, May 26, 2011 On Relationships say:
“If one has the opportunity to work through one’s strongest weaknesses in this life, one should always avail oneself to every possibility to do so. This opens the door to JOY.”
Could being unable to apologize (to admit to someone we were wrong) be considered a weakness?
Why are repenting and apologizing so important?
From Psychology Today, June 2020:
“Apologizing to another person is one of the healthiest, most positive actions we can ever take—for ourselves, the other person, and the relationship. Apology is crucial to our mental and even physical health and well-being. When you apologize for actions that are hurtful or harmful to someone else, you give him or her the gifts of validation, respect, and empathy. Apology has the power to make all our relationships, whether personal or business, far more respectful, caring, and compassionate. If done correctly, an apology can heal humiliation and foster reconciliation and forgiveness. A genuine apology given and then accepted is one of the most profound interactions between civilized people. An apology can:
- “Rehabilitate an individual, resolve conflicts, and restore social harmony. While an apology cannot undo the harmful effects of past actions, paradoxically, if done sincerely and effectively, this is precisely what an apology manages to do. When an apology is sincere and meaningful and received as the gift that it is and reciprocated by the gift of forgiveness, it is nothing short of a miracle.
- “Rebuild trust. When our own behavior is offensive, inconsiderate, or hurtful the recipient of our behavior grows wary of us. Whether the recipient realizes it consciously or not, they feel they must be on guard. They no longer feel as relaxed around you and may even feel that they can no longer trust you. If an apology is not forthcoming, this feeling of wariness and distrust will grow. It’s one thing to hurt another person, but it’s another thing entirely to either not be aware that we have hurt them or to not care. If this occurs at the beginning of a relationship it may influence whether the relationship continues or not. If the relationship is already an established one, it may add to a growing sense of alienation and resentment.
- “Heal shame. The act of apology is not only beneficial to the person receiving it, but to the one giving it as well. The debilitating effects of the remorse and shame we can feel when we’ve hurt another person can eat away at us until we become emotionally and physically ill. By apologizing and taking responsibility for our actions we help rid ourselves of esteem-robbing shame and guilt.”
The Orion Transmissions, May 26, 2011 On Relationships says:
“Yes, Yes, The complex relationships which exist between people often hark from previous incarnations. Much of the difficulties which arise in relationships can be predestined, if you will. Of course, there is such a thing as personality differences. This goes without saying. However, particularly when there is an intense dislike or an intensified reaction to another being which seems to come up automatically, not necessarily dependent upon a given situation or interaction, it is often the case of past life conflicts yet unresolved. Therefore, interestingly, it may behoove beings who have great difficulty getting along to actually try to work it out in this present incarnation, so as to break the ties that bind, at least in the karmic sense.”
Could these unresolved conflicts come from someone not apologizing/repenting in a past life?
Experimenting with Homa Fires
Maria Bima, Calamuchita
Córdoba, Argentina, South America
I have been practicing the Homa fires for several years. I started when the Fukushima disaster happened. I wanted to do something for the planet and for humanity and Homa Therapy can do this in addition to giving me a lot of personal benefits. I really like to share Homa Therapy with other people, either in my space or when I go to visit other people. I also participate in the Om Tryambakam Homa group on new and full moon days.
In the past there were times when my practice was not constant. Since last year, I intensified the practice as a way of deeper connection with the Totality, with the Infinite Wisdom and in support of the Divine Light. Humanity and the planet need all these positive actions of us, the common people.
I am using Agnihotra ash for enhancing the production of healthy food. So, I am developing some comparative experiments. I had read in the Homa Health Newsletters about other people’s experiences in other places and wanted to see for myself such wonderful results. This comparison made me see the wonders with my own eyes and I can show it to other people. I wish it will inspire others to practice.

By transferring those seeds to the ground, after a few days, the development of the plants was obviously greater. I only watered them with Agnihotra ash water and let them rest for 3 days in order to charge. Also, I did the experiment with bean seeds and the result was remarkable.
Now, I am watering everything with Agnihotra ash water!
I will continue now much more after seeing these strong results, visible to anyone.
From Shree Vasant’s Teachings
Energies of Agnihotra
The energies spiral in a counter-clockwise fashion when coming from the Agnihotra pyramid because a tremendous amount of impact and acceleration of those energies is generated that way. Also as the energies move in an upward direction they are simultaneously moving outward from the pyramid in all directions, thereby spreading the effects of Agnihotra to a wider area. There is, though, a concentration of those energies thrust to the North. The word “thrust” is important here.
On Efficiency
Don’t allow your emotions to rule you. You need to schedule your time and use every moment wisely. Aim for efficiency. Some days will be harder than others.
If you have structure you can still be flexible and allow for spontaneity. So structure is helpful. Once you become trained in organizing your time, you will find less stress and more free, quality time to spend with family and [for] personal needs.
Don’t focus on the problems. We know the problems. Focus on the solution.
If you are using time efficiently, you will accomplish more and worry less.
Love thy Neighbor
Let us at least be full of love to our neighbor. Even if we disagree with his politics or her viewpoint, let us love the person for what is within. This is that higher love for which we strain and seek after. No straining is required. It is always there. It has always been there, waiting for you. We must become simple as a child. Then we will see this “love” and become immersed in it.
Fivefold Path for Happy Living
1. Yajnya
HOMA Therapy is the science of purification of the atmosphere through the agency of FIRE. AGNIHOTRA HOMA (YAJNYA) is the basic HOMA. It is tuned to the biorhythm of sunrise/sunset and gives nutrients to the plant kingdom, removes diseases in a certain area and removes tension on the mind. This is the basic process in the Vedic sciences of medicine, agriculture, climate engineering and interplanetary communication.
2. Daan
Sharing of your assets in a spirit of humility. This corrects imbalance in financial matters and creates non-attachment to worldly possessions.
3. Tapa
Self-discipline of body and mind. This is conducive to a change in attitudes of mind and body. It results in a harmonious state of mind.
4. Karma
“You reap as you sow.” Always practicing good Karma (actions) diminishes the burden of negative Karma and one begins to invest in his own future. This means that what you do today will bring its fruits. Sowing seeds of love and kindness will bless my garden with plenty of love. Do Karma for self-purification.
5. Swadhyaya
Practice Swadhyaya (Self-study) for liberation. Who am I? Why am I here? My work on this planet is to learn to react with total LOVE with each opportunity given to me.
This is the Fivefold Path for happy living on the planet. By practicing the Fivefold Path you become better members of your society, group, religion, community, etc.
Publisher: Fivefold Path Inc.
Parama Dham (House of Almighty Father), 278 N. White Oak Dr., Madison, VA 22727 USA
Editor: Lisa Powers
Published seven times yearly.
Please direct all Satsang correspondence to the Editor.
Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of Satsang.
ISSN 0735-1321
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