Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Animals–Fish (Part 17)


By Dr. Ulrich Berk

Agnihotra and Homa Therapy have a profound effect on all Nature, bringing it back to harmony. This also means there will be beneficial effects in the animal kingdom. So far we have concentrated on the farmer’s three best friends: cows, bees and earthworms, as these play a crucial role in agriculture (and that also means for feeding all of us). Now let us have a look at several studies which were made on the effects of Agnihotra and Agnihotra ash on fish.

Fish in aquariums
The first such study was done a long time back in Poland, still in the communist time. It seems normal that when fish are put in a new aquarium – a new environment – a substantial percentage dies because of that change. This is a problem especially for shops dealing with ornamental fish; each time a new delivery comes, there is some loss. Dr. Ustrzycki, a physicist from Rzeszow in Southern Poland, learnt about this problem and carried out a simple experiment. He measured the mortality of fish when put in another aquarium, comparing three different methods for reducing the loss:
1. Agnihotra was performed in the room (but no Agnihotra ash added – only the effects of Agnihotra in terms of physics should be examined, not any chemical effects).
2. Conventional medicine which is usually applied in this situation.
3. Bioenergetic treatment – a trained person sending healing energies.

The following graph shows the result (percentage refers to fish surviving):

Clearly it can be seen that performing Agnihotra leads to a much smaller loss than the other two methods used. It would be interesting to see what happens if additionally Agnihotra ash would be added to the water. There are a lot of reports also from people who keep fish in aquariums at home. Results are less mortality and also water quality is much improved.

Toxicological studies
Industrial effluents are often quite toxic – sometimes to the extent that biotic life is no longer possible, that fish cannot survive in that environment.

In 2000 a study was made in Mumbai on the effect of Agnihotra ash on water and biotic life when industrial effluent from textile process industry was present in the water. Different concentrations of effluents were prepared. Ash dose was given and fish were kept under observation for 48 hours.

–Biotic life was absent in 15% effluent.

–But if 0.5 g of Agnihotra ash per litre was added to the concentration of 15% effluent, biotic life was possible again.

–For a concentration of 20% effluent 2 g/litre Agnihotra Ash had to be added in order to make biotic life possible.

This shows that Agnihotra Ash helps fish to survive even in highly polluted environments.

Healing of fish with Agnihotra ash
At Holkar Science College in Indore, India,  a Master Thesis was completed comparing the effects of Agnihotra ash and conventional medicine on diseased fish. Goldfish with white spot disease (caused by the protozoan parasite ichthyophthirius multifiliis) were divided into two groups of eight fish each and put separately in two identical aquariums. Water quality was the same in both aquariums, also shape, quantity and quality of water plants was the same.(Megha Kale, APPLICATION OF AGNIHOTRA ASH AS INNOVATIVE THERAPY IN SKIN WOUND HEALING IN GOLDFISH, thesis submitted as partial fulfillment for the degree “MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY IN ZOOLOGY” at Govt. Holkar Science College Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.)

A) The first group was treated with Agnihotra ash only. One teaspoon of Agnihotra ashwas added to the water every day.

B) Second group was treated with NaCl and Copper sulfate (which is the common
treatment for this kind of disease).

Both groups of fish were fed the same food supplement. Also environment (temperature,light, etc.) was kept the same.

Behavioral studies:
Fish in aquarium A were healthy and showing normal swimming movement. However, the fish in aquarium B were weaker.

Health recovery
After 60 days 80% of the fish in group A (treated with Agnihotra ash) had fully recovered.

Only 65% of the fish in group B had recovered after 60 days.

The following graph shows details over the whole experimental period:

Analysis of Agnihotra ash:
How does this healing of the white spot disease come about? An analysis showed that Agnihotra ash contains all the trace elements which are required for wound healing in skin of goldfish. The appropriate combination and utilization of metal/trace elements present in the Agnihotra ash make a constituent in metalloenzymes. Ash contents provide almost all metals required in healing cascade.

It would be good if this experiment could be repeated with the following changes:
A) Also comparing whether Control Ash (which you get by burning the same ingredients as used for Agnihotra but without the disciplines of Agnihotra) has some effect also, and if so, how does it compare to Agnihotra ash.

B) In addition to using Agnihotra ash, also perform Agnihotra next to the aquarium. Then of course the control should be kept ideally at least three kilometres away. Always the healing effect is best if both Agnihotra ash is taken and Agnihotra is also performed.

There are not many studies regarding animals other than the farmer’s three best friends (cows, bees, and earthworms) and fish. Some results about miscellaneous animals were reported in the previous article on biodiversity.