Update on Centre of Light May Satsang 2019 | Volume 47 #1 | New Era 76
Table of Contents
Two Special Remembrances in May
Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Agriculture: Biodiversity (Part 13)
Update on Centre of Light
Centre of Light in Jordanow, Poland, is a guided project, dedicated to educate, inspire and assist in healing the planet. These are trying times that call out for solutions. Our goal is to provide ancient solutions for our contemporary world. The Centre of Light will be a safe haven and a beacon of Light for many.
From our hearts, we thank all of you around the world who have helped us with your donations, enthusiasm and valuable time. We have come so far and we look forward to making great progress in 2019!
The latest exciting news – Our wonderful carpenters completed the exterior insulation and are now adding final touches to the larch wood siding. As you can see in the photo, we have made great progress.
The next phase will include windows, doors and basement walls. This will allow us to close off the building and begin the exciting interior clay plaster work!
We are grateful for your ongoing support.
* IF YOU ARE FROM THE US and would like a tax deduction:
Please donate through our affiliate NGO in US, Fivefold Path Inc. HERE and choose Centre of Light, Poland project.
Read more about the Centre of Light project HERE.
Two Special Remembrances in May
(Note: Agnihotra, Fivefold Path and Homa Therapy may be practiced by anyone, regardless of religion, beliefs, or creed. No one is asked to follow any particular individual. However, people sometimes ask about those Messengers who brought forth this knowledge in modern times.)
May 17th marks the birthday of PARAMA SADGURU SHREE GAJANAN MAHARAJ (1918-1987)
of Akalkot, India, who revived the ancient knowledge of Agnihotra and the Fivefold Path for the present day.

Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj
From I Wish I Had Known, by Fran Rosen-Sawyer (now Parvati Rosen-Bizberg):
“Shree is KALKI AVATAR. The word AVATAR means the descent of Divine Power on earth to fulfill an allotted task from Almighty Father. KALKA means pollution; hence, KALKI AVATAR means Divine Messenger for the destruction of pollution. SADGURU means PERFECT MASTER. PARAMA SADGURU means highest among the PERFECT MASTERS.
“Shree’s lineage reflects a glorious spiritual heritage. His mother Sonamata was a great YOGINI. (YOGINI is the feminine term for YOGI.) Shree’s father Shivananda Swami was a renowned NADA BRAHMA YOGI….Shree’s grandfather Tatyaji Maharaj was a saint who possessed great intuitive knowledge of medicine and astrology….
“On Christmas day, December 25th, 1941 Shree’s allotted task was revealed by the Will of Almighty Father…Shree was further informed that the time for unfolding was yet to be…. In 1944 Shree vowed, ‘I will resuscitate the Vedas.’
“Parama Sadguru once said:
‘Whatever Almighty has willed to be done through our instrument shall be done. Our
whole life is totally dedicated to Him. He who revealed to us our allotted task shall grant us
the necessary strength to fulfill it.
‘It is not for us to advise people to follow any particular individual.
‘If it is the will of the Almighty to convey to the world any message through us He will do so.
We are merely His slaves.
‘We are not votaries of any religious denomination. Whether it is the Bible or the Koran or the doctrines of Hindus we will convey the message with equal yearning.
‘We have asked people not to call us GURU. Many have imposed Guruhood on us. Many have experienced superhuman powers with us. Many have witnessed miracles. We are mere witness of, not the doers of these things.
‘We surrendered totally to the Almighty and He started utilizing our body as His instrument.
Each one has to tread his path of Self-realization.’”
Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj left the mortal coil on December 6, 1987. In reference to the lineage after He left the Body, Shree stated that after Us, comes Vedas; after Us, comes the Fire. There is no lineage. The Fire is of utmost importance.

Shree Vasant Paranjpe
May 13th marks the birthday of Shree Vasant V. Paranjpe, who left the body on December 30,
2008, at Maheshwar, India.
Words could never convey the impact of His life on countless people around the world to whom He carried the message of Agnihotra and Fivefold Path. In His mission, He circled the globe year after year, serving with unwavering devotion, utmost humility, astonishing energy and boundless love. He was instrumental in transforming the lives of people from all walks of life.
He so scrupulously avoided personal attention throughout His life of service, and never sought to collect followers. (For years, He declined to have His photo in this newsletter, which He Himself founded.) In total humility, He guided people to focus on the message of Yajnya, Daan, Tapa, Karma, Swadhyaya–not the messenger.
Following are some highlights from Shree Vasant’s life of service:
In 1970, Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj of Akalkot, India, who resuscitated Agnihotra and the Fivefold Path of Vedas in modern times, commanded Shree Vasant:
“Our words which lead to BLISS, convey them to all the people.”
Thus began Shree Vasant’s thirty-eight years of travel and teaching, of Grace and total surrender to the Divine.
In 1972 He began teaching in the U.S. In 1973 He became the founder president of Fivefold Path, Inc., a nonprofit organization established in Madison, Virginia. In that same year, Shree Gajanan Maharaj commanded Shree Vasant to start this Satsang newsletter.
On September 22, 1973, Shree Vasant inaugurated the Parama Dham Fire Temple in Madison,
Virginia, the first Fire Temple in the world established under Shree Gajanan Maharaj’s dispensation of ancient science of atmospheric purification for the New Age.
In 1974 Shree Vasant carried the message to Europe. Over the years, His mission also took Him to South America, Australia, Africa and Asia. He was instrumental in bringing Agnihotra and Fivefold Path to thousands of people all over the planet.
In today’s world He pioneered the use of Homa Therapy in agriculture, psychotherapy, alternative medicine, self-development and healing the environment. Under His guidance, Homa farms and centers such as Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya in Poland, Om Shree Dham farm in Australia, Ancient Oaks farm in U.S.A. and Tapovan in India, came forth.
He is the author of Grace Alone, Light Towards Divine Path, Ten Commandments of Parama Sadguru and Homa Therapy, Our Last Chance. His books have been translated into many languages.
Over forty years ago, many of His talks and writings warned of the environmental degradation and deterioration that have come to pass in virtually all parts of the globe today, in the forms of atmospheric pollution, nuclear radiation hazards, water pollution, soil fatigue, noise pollution and more. But along with these warnings, He offered a solution that people all over the world could use to heal themselves and their environment–Agnihotra and Fivefold Path.
Glimpses of Shree Vasant’s life can be found in Messenger of the Sacred Fire, the Extraordinary Life and Works of Shree Vasant Paranjpe by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg. In it, a number of people from various countries have shared their experiences with Shree Vasant and the spread of Agnihotra around the planet. But perhaps the greater story of His life is just beginning to unfold, as people the world over continue His mission.
In February, 2012, another important milestone was achieved: Homa Therapy Teacher Certification training. The certification program is a means of accurately preserving and conveying the Vedic knowledge given by Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj and taught worldwide by Shree Vasant Paranjpe. Through the program, Homa Therapy teachers can be more thoroughly and consistently trained, so that a uniform message of the teachings of Homa Therapy goes out to the world. This also promotes unity among Homa Therapy teachers.
Homa Therapy Teacher Certification courses have been given at Tapovan farm in India, Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya in Poland, and the Resonance Point, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
Homa Therapy Goshala of Fivefold Path Mission, Maheshwar, India continues to serve as the site of special purpose Vedic Yajnyas. Sautramani Yag was peacefully conducted from 26-28th December 2018. Persons from Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal were present for this Yajnya. Nakshatra Yajnya was successfully performed from January 17th to 21st, attended by people from India, Austria, Germany, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Japan, Australia, and North and South America.
An important goal was reached on March 25, 2019 at Tapovan Homa farm, where they
celebrated the completion of 18 years of continuous Om Tryambakam Homa. Given the small number of people who have carried out this work, this achievement is nothing short of miraculous.
Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya, Poland, continues to progress in manifesting Shree Vasant’s vision of the Centre of Light, an international environmental educational and healing center. At this time, construction is now approximately 50% complete. (See the previous article in this issue.)
Step by step, Agnihotra moves toward a wider audience. More scientific research on Agnihotra has been, and is being, conducted. Internet and social media allow us to disseminate information on Agnihotra more quickly than ever before. Following are some resources for Agnihotra, Homa Therapy and Fivefold Path information:
Homa Therapy International
Agnihotra and Homa Therapy Web Portal
This comprehensive site features articles on Agnihotra, Homa Therapy, Somayag, scientific validation, Homa communities, plus news and blogs from around the world. Links to websites of Homa centers in a number of different countries are also featured. Sunrise/sunset timings for Agnihotra can be obtained here as well. The site also offers an extensive archive of back issues of Satsang.
Homa Organic Farming
Evergreen Revolution
In addition to basic information on Homa Organic Farming, this site includes such topics as scientific validation, radioactivity, Resonance Points, applications, farmers’ testimonies, the farmer’s friends (cows, bees and earthworms), soil and water, and pests and diseases. It also highlights the Noah’s Ark Project. This is a special system of Homa Organic Farming wherein
a group of farmers can work together using a Resonance Point on contiguous farms. The model can be useful for organic farmers or those who wish to go organic.
Homa Health
This site gives articles on Homa Therapy, along with Agnihotra Ash medicines and healing testimonies. A listing of many ailments and diseases is given, making it easy to locate information pertaining to a particular health issue.
This site offers online calculation of Agnihotra timings for the whole year. There is also a link to download the Agnihotra Buddy app, which gives you correct timings on your mobile phone with just a few clicks, wherever you you are, if you have internet access. At present, this is available for Android phones only, but it is soon expected to be available for iPhones as well.
Other related sites include:
It is impossible to truly sum up the spread of Agnihotra, Fivefold Path and Homa Therapy today. We may read about events and milestones on the aforementioned websites, but there is no way to chronicle the work that goes on quietly, behind the scenes, all over the world, or the great changes that take place within the hearts and minds of Agnihotris and Fivefold Path practitioners around the globe.
A precious heritage has been entrusted to all of us who have been taught Agnihotra, the Fivefold Path and Homa Therapy. We can honor this priceless gift by striving to manifest these teachings more fully in our lives, and by sharing this knowledge with others.
Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Agriculture: Biodiversity (Part 13)
Dr. Ulrich Berk
For more than a decade now a dramatic decline of the bee population has been noticed worldwide. Now we learn that a similar decline can be found regarding all insects.
Recently an alarming study was published by scientists from Germany, Great Britain, and the Netherlands. Insects were captured in nature reserves throughout Germany and counted. This long-term study found that within 25 years there was a reduction of 75%!
Hans de Kroon, at Radboud University in the Netherlands who led this research commented, “The fact that the number of flying insects is decreasing at such a high rate in such a large area is an alarming discovery.”
Professor Dave Goulson of Sussex University, UK, also part of the team conducting this study,added, “Insects make up about two-thirds of all life on Earth [but] there has been somekind of horrific decline….We appear to be making vast tracts of land inhospitable to mostforms of life, and are currently on course for ecological Armageddon. If we lose theinsects, then everything is going to collapse.”
The reasons for this dramatic reduction of insects are not clear yet, as that was not part of
the study. Important reasons seem to be:
– the increasing use of pesticides in agriculture
– monoculture is practiced on large areas
– there is a reduction of hedges, bushes, and forest rims around agricultural fields
– even light pollution may play a role, as it interferes with the normal rhythms of diurnal
and nocturnal insects
– Herbicides such as glyphosate kill all plants except those which are genetically modified
to resist this substance. There is a total loss of plant biodiversity in areas where such herbicides are used.
What is biodiversity?
Although this recently documented reduction of insects itself shows a dramatic loss of
biodiversity (which one of the scientists involved in the study considers to be “ecological
Armageddon“) this is just one aspect of the loss of biodiversity which we face. So let us
have a more general look: What is biodiversity – and why is it essentially necessary for the
Biodiversity is the shortened form of “biological diversity.” It refers to all the variety of
life that can be found on Earth (plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms) as well as to
the communities that they form and the habitats in which they live.
There were several conferences organized by the United Nations on Biological Diversity,
starting in 1989. In June, 1992 during the United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development held in Rio de Janeiro (the Rio “Earth Summit”), a Convention on Biological
Diversity was passed later on, signed by many countries. This Convention defines
biodiversity as “the variability among living organisms from all sources, including inter
alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of
which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species, and of
ecosystems.” (https://www.thegef.org/topics/biodiversity)

Monoculture seems to be a result of a thought pattern which reduces Nature to just supplying food, water, timber, and fiber for humans. E.g., on huge areas corn or cotton is grown; any other plant will be seen as an unwanted weed to be eliminated. Same with insects etc. But Nature does not work that way. In Nature, there is no monoculture. Always there is a great variety of plants, microbes, insects, and other animals which interact and coexist in harmony. Science is just beginning to analyze and understand this multi-layered system of interactions and interdependencies.
Even when we compare Nature to a complicated machine (of course Nature is much more than that) it is clear that interfering in one place may have repercussions at many other places (which we may not always foresee). The following model is from www.panda.org:
“Our planet is simply amazing.
Viewed by someone not from our world, it could be seen as one big, finely tuned and
ultimately incredible machine.
Lots of cogs, pulleys and wheels (animals, plants and environments) working together.
Depending on each other in so many ways. Creating a green, blue healthy world that you,
us, everyone depends on.
For food, fuel, medicine and other essentials that we simply cannot live without.
Sure, this machine can take some knocks and bruises.
It can bounce back.
Stretch. Adapt. Mend.
It is part of what makes it so marvelous.
But we’re beginning to pull and stretch it further than it has ever been stretched before.
We’re entering unknown territory where some of the extinctions we are causing may have
deep and profound effects on how we live our lives.
In the grand time scale of our planet, these effects may be currently seen as the equivalent
of storm clouds gathering on the horizon.
But rest assured, the storm is coming.
Unless we learn to start loving and caring for what our planet already gives us.“
How does Homa Organic Farming help to calm down this “storm on the horizon,“ to bring
Nature back to harmony, to restore biodiversity?
Reports from farmers and scientific studies give some answers.
Let us start with an observation Rita and Thomas Hirt made on their Homa Farm in
Rippistal, Switzerland. When they started the farm, one big problem was that the meadows
were widely covered with a tall growing weed, the broadleaf dock (Rumex obtusifolius). A
few of these plants are okay; they can even be used as medicine. But as these meadows are
used for cows who graze there in summer and hay is made for winter, it was a problem
that large areas were covered by broadleaf dock, making these areas useless.
All the neighboring farmers had the same problem, but they used herbicides to control the
broadleaf dock. This is not permitted on a Homa Farm, and as we have seen, this may solve one problem, but create more other problems as it brings Nature further away from harmony.
After some time of performing the Homa fires and spraying Agnihotra Ash water, green dock beetles (gastroidea viridula) arrived in large number and controlled the broadleaf dock. Interesting!
These beetles were not found on the meadows of neighboring farms. This is an example of
how, on a Homa Farm, biodiversity is restored and automatically, beneficial insects arrived.
This also reminds one of the experience which Abhay Mutalik Desai had on his farm in India where woolly aphid was controlled by two natural predators – Micromus igorotus and Dipha
aphidivora (see Part 11 in the series of articles here).

At Palampur Agricultural University (in Himachal Pradesh, India) some groundbreaking studies on Homa Farming were done. The studies were on the yield and quality of medicinal plants as well as on soil health. Results were very positive (see Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Effect of Agnihotra Atmosphere and Agnihotra Ash on Plant Growth and Soil Health–Part 7).
In addition to that, the following observations on various aspects of environment (land & biodiversity) were made:
• Spread of White clover (trifolium repens) (Legumes) & Kikyun (pennisetumclandestinum) grasses (soil binder) increased in farm.
• Weeds problem a little bit suppressed .
• Frequency of occurrence of Brahmi (centella asiatica) increased naturally in farm.
• Birds diversity and their frequency of visit has been increased
• Friendly insects occurrence has been enhanced.
• Robust health of plants, animals and microbes. “Earlier experiments had shown significant effects of Agnihotra ash treatment on the structure of algal/macrophyte/invertebrate communities in aquatic microcosms. Then, to assess Agnihotra effects on survival and growth of Rana temporaria tadpoles, freshly hatched ones were placed in water containers with algae, macrophytes and decaying plant debris, with addition of Agnihotra or non-ritual ashes of the same substrate against control tanks, placed each in triplicates at an Agnihotra and an organic farms in Southern Poland.
“Agnihotra ash treatment significantly increased growth of tadpoles by 17-32% and reduced their mortality. With non-Agnihotra ash the mortality was even higher than in controls. Also, significant differences in final yield of diatoms, filamentous algae, plants and in decomposition of plant debris were found. Agnihotra atmosphere may be responsible for faster development and emergence of frogs. This is consistent with observations of Agnihotra farmers who claim their crops ripen earlier and more simultaneously than in conventional neighbours’ farms.”
Although the mechanisms of Agnihotra effects on biota are not fully known, some explanations are proposed. Further studies are needed on more endangered species, and on treatment of chytridiomycosis, as Agnihotra ash is often considered an effective remedy against fungal diseases. As many Agnihotra farms are located in or near global biodiversity hotspots, they may contribute to conservation of endangered amphibian populations living there.”
Recently, biodiversity along the Narmada River in India was studied systematically under the guidance of Dr. Shailendra Sharma, Principal, AIMS College in Damnod, Madhya Pradesh. One study was about the bottom fauna of the river – analyzing the number of various types of invertebrates in the mud from the riverbed.For biological analysis the mud samples stored in bottles were immediately transferred to the enamel trays for sorting and separation of individual organisms from the debris. The bigger animals were picked up by forceps and were counted separately as number/m2. The small animals were isolated by centrifugation, sieving and flotation.
Near the Homa Therapy place, there is a very significant increase of all different types of
invertebrates – from plus 42% to plus 300%!

A second study examined the number of different butterflies at three stations along the
Narmada River. Thirty-two different species of butterflies were counted at these three places. One of these places was the Homa Therapy Centre near Maheshwar – and here an average
increase of 68% was observed!
Really astonishing is that in all the different species, the number at this Homa place was

Therapy places the first time: The number of different varieties of birds astonishes them.
But that has not yet been scientifically studied. It will be good if some ornithologists look
into that matter!
Gloria Jiménez
Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia, South America
I say that HOMA gave me back my life. Physically I did not have much discomfort, but when I became a widow, I fell into depression, into a great sadness. I had known Tita Pulido for many years and she invited me for meditation. Tita was doing Agnihotra regularly with a group. I had gone through twenty days practically without sleep and I was very tired, because I also had to work hard.
Tita gave me the Agnihotra ash that evening. I did not take it. The next day, Tita called me in the morning and asked me if I had taken the ash and said, “Mother, take my advice, take the ash! What can you lose? You have taken other medicines and not received any help! If you do not take it, you might end up in San Pablo (a rest home).” So, I took the Agnihotra ash with milk and went to sleep. I slept well for three days and then decided to buy my Agnihotra kit immediately. The depression went away, and I even forgot about it.
Homa Therapy helps me to meditate; it is a very pleasant meditation. I feel that the Fire enters and cleanses me from within. I suffered for almost 5 years with insomnia, but when I became a widow, that was the trigger and it was very terrible. My husband had been my friend since we were 8 years old. When he died, I was 39 years old. He was the person who accompanied me every day for 31 years. I was lost with 3 teenagers.
Now I can sleep well. Even if I drink coffee before going to bed, I still sleep peacefully.
Marlene Gonzáles
Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia, South America
I am 57 years old and I have a 15 year old boy, Santiago David. He has been suffering from pain and inflammation of the colon. 8 days ago, he was very sick with lots of gases, vomiting, many cramps and spasms in his stomach.
On Thursday, it was very bad. When I arrived back home from the Homa Therapy session, I gave him Agnihotra ash with water. I told him it was natural charcoal. After 10 minutes he was relaxed and fell asleep. Around 12 midnight, he was half asleep, I asked him how he felt and he answered that he was very well. Now he has been taking the Agnihotra ash for 3 days and he feels excellent.
Wilson Martínez
Yoga and Tai Chi Teacher and Shiatzu Therapist
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Bucaramanga
Santander, Colombia, South America
Some time ago, I practiced Homa Therapy for 2 years at sunrise and sunset. Back then, I lived in Cucuta. I practiced it with a Gnostic friend, who had been inviting his brother-in-law for 6 months to accompany us, since that man was lost in alcohol. But he would not come. However, he kept inviting him until finally the gentleman arrived one day for the morning Agnihotra. We gave him the Agnihotra ash to drink with water.
This is a great testimony, because that man did not touch anymore any alcohol after only one Agnihotra! But he continued taking Agnihotra ash. This man had been lost in alcohol for about 30 years and his home had been destroyed. He was around 50 years old at that time. It was a wonderful experience!
Also, we did Agnihotra in my friend’s yard and it was very nice because the little birds and even little wolves arrived at Agnihotra time. It is as if the animals are attracted to Homa therapy. The little birds even came flying on our heads and shoulders. It was awesome!
From Shree Vasant’s Teachings
On Self-development
Let us not strain ourselves in an attempt to attain enlightenment. We will catch glimpses along the way of the pure state of “I and my Father are one.” But let the end not be our only impetus. Many people wish only to reach that highest state so they can feel unburdened of worldly pressures and feel at peace with themselves all the time. Let us meditate on the goal of gradually, each day, becoming more and more loving to ourselves and to those around us. Let us concentrate on giving rather than receiving, and more and more light will be shown to us.
Ideally, one should not feel that one has to give up something. Desires, old habits, likes and dislikes pass away. If, however, one becomes increasingly aware of a particular thing that one does that is detrimental to him, then it is his choice to try and leave it. This is Tapa, but Tapa is self-discipline. This means it is his choice. As one develops himself, the mind becomes more attuned and it becomes easier to gravitate towards positive things and leave negative ones behind.
Let us not put all energy into worry. Let us think of other people.
Let us never have anger towards anyone, no matter what he says or does to us. Anger can never heal anything. It is opposite of what we are trying to reach. To be full of love under all circumstances may seem difficult, but the difficulty is only on the surface. Actually, it is far easier to be kind and loving, even though in the beginning it requires some stern TAPA (self-discipline). It soon becomes simple, and one cannot imagine having anger at another person
Do not concentrate on the negative aspects of people. Concentrate on positive. In discovering faults in yourself, let that not deter you; let it inspire you. Make the effort to rid yourself of your faults and you will be rewarded with their gradual disappearance if you practice your disciplines faithfully. Everything depends on your own efforts. You can be given one hundred indications in dreams and visions, but if you yourself do not make efforts to follow them, progress will be dulled.
Wanting sincerely to try to better oneself is the first step to self-improvement. If that desire is not there, nothing can come, but if there is some quest of truth about oneself, then a way is always provided. I’m not saying that this way will be simple, but it is given, in any case. Many people are suffering and, to the best of their knowledge, have NO WAY OUT. Their situations are 10-20-50 times worse than yours, and still no answers are there for them. Be always grateful for all that is given to you.
On Agnihotra and Plants
By introducing Agnihotra healing cycle in the atmosphere, the plants become extremely happy, as they are able to draw from the nutrition in the atmosphere that is made available to them by the process of Agnihotra. They become extremely happy and give a feedback effect of love to human mind. We can thus say that Agnihotra process acts as a stimulus to plants to introduce their own vibratory cycle of love into the atmosphere, thus strengthening the effect of Agnihotra.
On Mistakes
Tomorrow is always a new day. If you make a mistake, take heed, learn from the error, and try not to fall into the same trap tomorrow. There is always time and room for improvement.
Be Full of Love
Influences such as friends and family should not deter you from your path. Become an example before them. Do not allow their objections to offend you. Be full of love and they will come to realize the changes in you as they unfold.
Fivefold Path for Happy Living
- Yajnya
HOMA Therapy is the science of purification of the atmosphere through the agency of FIRE. AGNIHOTRA HOMA (YAJNYA) is the basic HOMA. It is tuned to the biorhythm of sunrise/sunset and gives nutrients to the plant kingdom, removes diseases in a certain area and removes tension on the mind. This is the basic process in the science of medicine, agriculture, climate engineering and interplanetary communication.
2. Daan
Sharing of your assets in a spirit of humility. This corrects imbalance in financial matters and creates non-attachment to worldly possessions.
3. Tapa
Self-discipline of body and mind. This is conducive to a change in attitudes of mind and body. It results in a harmonious state of mind.
4. Karma
“You reap as you sow.” Always practicing good Karma (actions) diminishes the burden of negative Karma and one begins to invest in his own future. This means that what you do today will bring its fruits. Sowing seeds of love and kindness will bless my garden with plenty of love. Do Karma for self purification.
5. Swadhyaya
Practice Swadhyaya (Self-study) for liberation. Who am I? Why am I here? My work on this planet is to learn to react with total LOVE with each opportunity given to me.
This is the Fivefold Path for happy living on the planet. By practicing the Fivefold Path you become better members of your society, group, religion, community, etc.
Publisher: Fivefold Path Inc.
Parama Dham (House of Almighty Father), 278 N. White Oak Dr., Madison, VA 22727 USA
Editor: Lisa Powers
Published seven times yearly.
Please direct all Satsang correspondence to the Editor.
Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of Satsang.
ISSN 0735-1321