Somayag–Part II
Making fire using friction at Somayag 2007.
(For Part I, please see the January/February 2017 issue of Satsang.)
For the past ten years a small group of dedicated people from various countries held the vision of Shree Vasant Paranjpe of completing a series of seven Maha Somayags on the banks of the River Narmada in Maheshwar, Madhya Pradesh, India, for the healing of our
planet. The Somayag releases powerful healing energies into the Earth’s atmosphere and beyond, the effects of which last for up to 100 years. All these Yajnyas are totally non-violent (Ahimsak.)
Vedas are the source of all knowledge. Vedas gift us the science of Yajnya (Bio-energy) which has the power to heal much of the horrific effects of man’s inhumanity towards his fellow man and towards Nature, which is now reeling from poisons, pollution, violence and violation of every kind.

The seven Somayags have been completed successfully. The Aptoryam, which was held February 7th-12, 2017, was the seventh and final Somayag in this series of seven.
A Review of the First Six Somayags
2007–A Beginning
In 1999 a plot of land was acquired by Fivefold Path Mission on the north bank of
the Narmada River about four kilometres east of Maheshwar. This is the site of the Homa Therapy Goshala (goshala means cow sanctuary).

From the sand dunes, a mighty work of constructing a large Yajnya Shala, 100 feet by 75
feet, was undertaken.

Accommodation facilities and amenities for visitors, both local and international, were completed in just three months. Gardens were also planted.

The 2007 Somayag, the Shodashi (for health), was performed by a group of specially chosen priests. The Yajaman was Haribhau Apte from Goa, the son of Sakhahari Apte who was originally chosen by Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj for the great Somayag of 1969 in Shivapuri, Akkalkot.
The 2009 Somayag, the Agnishtoma (for the atmosphere) saw improvements to the overall
infrastructure including roofing the enormous area of the Yajnya Shala itself. As in 2007 this Agnishtoma Yajnya attracted visitors from many countries. The Yajnya itself provides a stream of healing energy which positively affects the whole environment of the earth and beyond. This healing energy lasts for many years.

In 2010 Atyagnishtoma (for water) Somayag was performed and again visitors flocked to this holy place on the banks of the Narmada to take part in this huge event. Each year, improvements were made to the infrastructure and gardens to provide a beautiful
and comfortable atmosphere for guests from both India and overseas. This year work continued apace on the new kitchen complex plus steps were constructed leading down to the river.

To be continued.