Vol. 26 No. 3, New Era 55 - September & October 1998
From Vasant’s Talks in Spain
How Homa Therapy Functions in Plantain and Banana PlantationsCarlos Quintero
GRACE—A Little Effort Goes a Long Way Maria Mamud
Teenagers Volunteer at Granja Homa Shreedham Sean Haggerty & Patty Powers
Homa Farming Workshop at Shreedham, Spain Aleta Macan
From Vasant’s Correspondence
From Vasant’s Talks in Spain
September, 1998

Great awakening is at hand.

Subtle energy field is being affected strongly by pollutants.

Earth will experience phenomenal power surge which will affect certain continents
in a big way.

Scientists will be less able to predict natural disasters.  As this intense energy
comes, people will react in various ways.  More people will just go mad, especially
in cities, particularly costal cities.

In Russia, great numbers of people will suffer.  No harvests.  Rampant crime,
organized or otherwise. 

How Homa Therapy Functions
in Plantain and Banana Plantations
Carlos Quintero

In the last decades, the agriculturalists of plantains and bananas in the area south
of Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, have seen their crops threatened since the fungus
micosphaerella fijiensis (Black Sigatoka) made its presence felt.  The farmers had to fumigate heavily with agrochemicals for twenty-two days at a time, in order to
control the sickness which causes serious damage to the leaves, preventing the
photosynthesis of the plant; as a consequence, production decreases.

This type of chemical control has halted the advancement of Black Sigatoka, but in the course of time the farmers have noted a significant change in their banana and plantain plantations.  They observe that new weeds have appeared and they are more resistant to products commonly used to control them.  One must use different chemical irrigations to control them.  Birds, butterflies and wild animals have disappeared, water is contaminated, earthworms and other micro-decomposers have disappeared from the soil.

Young men have become sterile; the eyes become sick because the air has become polluted with strange substances and when the farmers try to change and plant something else, the new plantation does not prosper in these soils.  The final blow is that chemical products have become so expensive that they represent more than forty percent of the cost, in relation to total income.  That means that the meager profit which remains does not allow the sustenance of banana and plantain cultivation.  Because of that, small producers are going bankrupt.  They do not know any other method to combat Black Sigatoka and other banana and plantain plagues.

On June 10, 1997, Vasant Paranjpe, the main exponent of HOMA THERAPY at the
world level, and his committee came to the area south of Lake Maracaibo known
as El Vigia.  To a small group of professionals he proposed the implementation of
a new technique to eradicate Black Sigatoka.  I thought it was improbable and
unlikely, but I know we are in the Aquarian Age which will bring many changes
and transformations in science, art, philosophy, religion and other fields of human
knowledge.  We proceeded to carry on the project of eradication of Black Sigatoka
in this region, specifically in Km 41, sector Cana Brava, at the farm “Campo
Alegre” (Happy Fields) of Mr. Atilio Molina.

After six months of research in the evaluation of the project, we have confirmed
that HOMA THERAPY is a simple, efficient and inexpensive technique which
functions in the production of plantains and bananas in the following way:
1.  There must be an integrated control of a simultaneous practice of cultural
management  and control through BIOENERGY of HOMA THERAPY.  The use of
agrochemicals becomes unnecessary.  (Cultural management is the natural and
healthy maintenance of the plantation done by hand labor, such as the removal of
diseased leaves from the plant, the removal of excess new shoots from the mother plant, weeding [although HOMA THERAPY is a great help in weed control],
removing blossoms from the bunch thirty days after the plant has produced a
bunch in order to allow the weight of the bunch to increase, etc.  Actually, the
constant practice of HOMA THERAPY progressively decreases the need for cultural
control and management, but it is important to do it at the beginning of the HOMA
THERAPY practice because, among other things, if chemicals are being used in
neighboring farms, the fungus will tend to spread more in the places where the
use of chemicals has been stopped.)

2. A pyramidal configuration is established at the center of the property and the
four cardinal points (north, south, east and west) of the area to be treated to create
a resonance cycle and as a consequence a healing spectrum which eradicates
plagues and sickness.

3.  The first point is the Central Generator of healing energies.  There Agnihotra
fire is performed at sunrise and sunset every day.  Subtle healing energies are
captured and spread in the area being treated, creating a basic healing cycle.

4.  The second point is a place of healing.  Om Tryambakam Homa is performed
there.  It should be done for four hours every day, and, on full moon and no moon
days, for twenty-four continuous hours.  People take turns doing this fire, which
increases agricultural production.

5.  Transition period is the gradual change the plantation goes through, from a sick
condition to a healthy one.  It lasts from 100-150 days in the cultivation of
bananas and plantains, depending on the degree of infestation of the plants and
the contamination of the area which is being treated.

6.  The end result is that, to the extent that the healing fires are performed in the
prescribed manner, it is guaranteed that:
—An improvement in the weather in the area being treated, accelerating the
nutritional development process of the plants, obtaining an optimum quality
output in the harvests.  Also, a basic healing cycle is created, confirmed and
proven in the two projects carried out at “Campo Alegre” and “Las Tres Marias”.
—An extremely strong magnetic field is created in the place where HOMA
THERAPY  is being practiced, having a direct effect on the improvement in the
soil, plants, weather, water, etc. of the area being treated.

This research allowed the addition of a new type of control for Black Sigatoka
which we are calling “HOMA THERAPY’S BIOENERGY CONTROL”.  Also, a general
scheme of work was created so that the agriculturalists can take it as a guide to
confront plagues and sickness on their plantations, because HOMA THERAPY’S
BIOENERGY CONTROL IS A PANACEA for the healing of all crops.

The results achieved with HOMA THERAPY AGRICULTURE in the projects which
have been carried out go beyond our understanding, thus they will be the object of
studies by our researchers, since these results break all schemes of occidental
agriculture.  HOMA THERAPY gives a 360 degree turn to our modern, harmful
agricultural methods.  This is the angle which we should look into if we want to
save what little we have left of the soils which are suitable for agriculture, and to
enable the rest to recuperate.  But the most important part of these projects is that
they have revealed the following:

1.  Even if the banana plants have only four leaves, they will produce a bunch of
bananas or plantains of good quality.  Thus, the application of HOMA THERAPY
will not decrease the production at any point.  With HOMA THERAPY, a plant
produces in spite of itself.

2.  Carefully analyzing the results of samples of soil analyses of both projects, after
four and a half months and after six months of the project, there was no
significant variation in the nutrients.  During this time, no type of fertilizer was
added to the soil; however, production was 17,952 kilos in the “Campo Alegre”
farm and 115,000 kilos in “Las Tres Marias”—i.e., production was more than forty
percent higher than before HOMA THERAPY was implemented there.  This means
that plants take in more than eighty percent of their nutrition from the
atmosphere.  The practice of HOMA THERAPY creates a special atmosphere which
is conducive and attracts nutrients to the plants.  These nutrients penetrate
through the stomata of the plants.  The active transport of these nutrients is helped by the mini-climate which slowly forms by the uninterrupted practice of the
healing fires.

3.  The registration of production shows us in both projects that the weight of the
plantain and banana increased considerably.  In order to obtain one pesada (320
kilos) at Campo Alegre during the first harvest of the project, forty bunches were
necessary.  At the end of the project only twenty-eight bunches were sufficient to
make one pesada.  At Las Tres Marias, to make one pesada (300 kilos packed and
boxed)it went from twenty-six bunches at the beginning of the project during the
first harvests, to eighteen bunches at the end of the project.

I feel extremely pleased to work with the members of the international committee
of the HOMA THERAPY project, a great ecological world cause, and to offer all that
is within my reach in the form of a healthy and natural agriculture.  At the same
time I give infinite thanks on behalf of all Latin Americans to Vasant Paranjpe for
having shed LIGHT on the darkness of our occidental agriculture. 

GRACE—A Little Effort Goes a Long Way Maria Mamud

Last April I traveled to Uruguay to visit my mother.  I spent two weeks  in
Paysandu, capital of the Department of Paysandu, city where I was born and
where I lived until I was nineteen years old.  To everyone I met, I talked about
Homa Therapy.

Last year my cousin, Alicia Leites de Caraccio and her husband Juan Caraccio
came to Miami and they learned about Agnihotra.  They bought a pyramid and
when they went back to Paisandu they started to practice this therapy.  Alicia was
most enthusiastic about it.  Since they had started practicing Agnihotra, everything
went well for them.  Their problems disappeared.  Especially they started to do
very well in their real estate business.  Even though Juan was not always
participating, he would ask Alicia to do Agnihotra.

They suggested that I hire a cleaning lady to help my mother, who could also give
her some companionship.  The lady who was chosen by my mother was a very
sick person who has suffered for many years from asthma.  When I met her I saw
her in such bad shape that after we signed the contract I explained Agnihotra to
her.  Immediately, she told me that she wanted to do it.  The next day she came
to learn it.  From the first day, she started feeling much better.  Even pain that she
had been suffering from for many years started to disappear after the first day.
She also used to sleep very badly because of her asthma.  From the first day she
started to sleep much better—one more hour than before.  Her whole chest also
started to clear out and eliminate a lot of congestion and she started to breathe
better.  This made me decide to give her my pyramid.

The next day I picked up my cousin Anna.  She is now forty years old, but when
she was two she had bacterial meningitis, which left her severely mentally
retarded.  She has a lot of nervousness and behaves like a five-year-old girl.  She is
always asking questions about everything and cannot remain quiet or tranquil for
even a little while.  I exposed her to Agnihotra.  After she inhaled the smoke, she
remained silent and she didn’t ask any questions at all.  She behaved as if she
were a normal person.  The effect of Agnihotra on my cousin was so strong that
my aunt asked about it.  My aunt is the kind of person who doesn’t believe in
anything or anyone.  She wanted to learn Agnihotra so she could practice it for
Anna’s health.  She decided that she was going to go to my mother’s house every
afternoon at Agnihotra time.

I also told this experience to some of my friends.  There are three sisters who are
unmarried who live with their elderly parents who are very conservative.  They
react very negatively toward anything that is not the Catholic religion.  They
wanted to practice Agnihotra because their house was becoming full of water.  All
of the coast of the Uruguay River was inundated.  Whole neighborhoods of the
whole coast of the river is being affected by flooding.  Poor people in the shanty
towns and very wealthy people with beautiful houses have been hit by the floods.
I told this family that Agnihotra is a protection from any ecological disaster that is
coming, and that we have witnessed such cases.  We decided to do an Agnihotra
demonstration in their house.

 I said I would go and look for the oldest sister, Sara Noriega, at the primary school
where she works.  I had received all of my primary school education in this
Catholic school with Theresean nuns.  It was founded by Father Paveda in Spain
during the Civil War, when all priests and nuns were executed.  Father Paveda
decided to found a congregation of civilians who would be religious people who
would teach Catholic religion in the schools.

I never would have imagined that now I was teaching Agnihotra to the director of
the school.  She was very interested in learning Agnihotra.  She also told two of
her friends about out it, one of whom is also a teacher at the school, so that they
would go to the Agnihotra meeting which I held at my cousin’s house.

This meeting was a tremendous success.  A veterinarian who attended the
meeting told me that Agnihotra was going to expand itself in Paisandu because
she has never seen so many people at a meeting at my cousin’s house and so
many people interested in buying Agnihotra copper pyramids.  This group already
has a spiritual interest.  They believe in extraterrestrials who are more evolved.
They are people who are searching.

I also visited Mr. Sarnicola, a Brazilian agriculturist who wants to do organized
agriculture.  He has eight hectares of land.  For four years he was working on a
tobacco plantation but now he has done his first planting of avocados.  When we
went to visit him, he told us that there are so many different sickness affecting
plants in Uruguay that nothing can be controlled.  He also was very worried about
his crop of tomatoes because in the neighboring area of Salto all the tomatoes had
failed because sickness was destroying the crops.  When we told him about Homa
Therapy and Homa Agriculture he immediately said that he wanted to do it.

After I left Paisandu, many people called, wanting pyramids, sunrise/sunset
timings and cassette tapes of the Agnihotra mantras.  Alicia remains in charge of
getting these things to the people.  She said that her telephone keeps ringing
constantly and people keep ringing her doorbell, asking about Agnihotra and
Homa Therapy.  This is why Shree Vasant always says that we make a little effort
and everything is given by Grace.

I am grateful and I give thanks to Shree  Vasant for having given me the
opportunity to serve and to learn.  Om Shree! 

Teenagers Volunteer at Granja Homa Shreedham
Sean Haggerty & Patty Powers

Sean and Erin Haggerty (left) and Patty Powers spent the month of June at Granja
Homa in Algodonales, Spain.  Sean writes:
I recently spent a month as a volunteer at Granja Homa Shreedham.  I am very
grateful to have had this opportunity.  I really needed a place where I could go to
focus on meditation.

It was a bit hard getting used to the discipline of getting up for Agnihotra every
morning, but as I got into the rhythm of things, I really enjoyed myself.

We all learned a lot about organic gardening.  I was so impressed with the farm
that I hope to start a Homa farm at my home in Madison, Virginia.

I hope to return to the farm in the future.  There is much work to be done there.

Patty writes:
The “deal” was that we were to do thirty hours of gardening per week, in
exchange for room and board.  Our basic schedule went like this:  we got up for
morning Agnihotra, had breakfast, then worked in the garden from eight until
twelve.  Lunch was at 1 P.M.  After lunch we took turns doing Yajnya (one hour
per person) and had some free  time until six. We worked in the garden again
from six until eight, then had dinner, did Agnihotra, and went to bed.  We kept up
this schedule during the week and on weekends we were able to visit Christa and
Ricardo and their family, or tour the Southern part of Spain.  We were able to see
quite a few places but the Granja Homa (Homa Farm) was always our home base.

The farm is a very beautiful place. It is located on the side of a mountain that has
an incredible view. The farm has an amazing energy that is really peaceful and

Gary and Tracy, who are now living at the farm, are very skilled in gardening and
are extremely eager to teach what they know to others. They are very nice people
and are very easy to get along with.

The gardening we learned was a method known as double digging. This process
takes longer at first than just plowing the ground but the results are incredible. The
whole idea of this method is to allow the plants’ roots to go down into the earth
rather than spread out. Therefore you are able to get more plants into one space.

The Spanish culture is wonderful. The people are very friendly and warm. Sean
and I had taken some Spanish at school so we could somewhat understand and
speak the language as well as learn more.  By the third week we were getting used
to the accent and really understanding it.

Thanks to Christa and Ricardo for letting us come to the farm and for all their love
and hospitality.  Thanks also to Gary and Tracy, who had to live with three
rambunctious teenagers for a month!

If you are interested in volunteering at Granja Homa, please contact Ricardo and
Christa Mena at: c/Luis Caballero 6, 11500 Puerto Santa Maria, Spain, telephone 34-56-560693, fax 34-56-560200.  Volunteers should plan to stay for a minimum of one month. 

Homa Farming Workshop at Shreedham, Spain Aleta Macan

Some time ago Marianne Hilgers came for one week from Grenada, where she has
her ecological research farm, to Algodonales to teach us “Homa Therapy and
Ecological Agriculture”.  Marianne is a teacher and a trainer in ecological
agriculture and teaches this subject in research centers, schools, seminars for
further education, women’s groups, etc.  She also give classes on how to store
food and the preservation and marketing of food.

Marianne Hilgers (center) with group in Shreedham

We were very lucky to have Marianne, since she is booked up for the rest of the
year with arrangements to teach her “Superscience”, as Vasant calls it, in
Australia, India and South America.  Her projects are successfully working in South
Africa and in Venezuela.

What can you learn in one week?  We focused on Jean Pain gardening (J.P.), a
method of growing vegetables in an area between thirty-five to fifty square meters,
which can provide a family of four with all the food they can eat during a whole
year.  We also focused on the heart of all farming—the lovely compost pile.

Having the course at Granja Homa allowed us to simultaneously practice the
lessons we learned, which was very helpful.  Farming is very complex, yet simple.

The J.P. system works in any kind of soil, because, if necessary, it can be the first
step to produce fertile soil through composting any available material found in that area like branches, bushes, wild plants, etc.

A J.P. garden is an area of the above-mentioned size, surrounded by a fence
reaching fifty to sixty centimeters into the ground and stretches one and a half
meters above the ground.  In our case, the fence consisted of a cement base which
reached from underground to twenty centimeters  above ground, into which iron
poles were fixed; a wire fence was laid around it and a tight bamboo mat is
attached to it.  But depending on the availability of material in different countries
and areas, it is possible to use almost anything.  This structure facilitates the
existence of a microclimate, wherein a living soil is quickly created through the
high activity of microorganisms.

In this garden, companion planting is used and a “fruit sequence” is kept.
Marianne demonstrated how more than twenty different vegetables and herbs can
be planted so that there is constantly something to harvest, to eat, to store, and to
get ready for the next planting.  It is a bio-factory: coming, growing, and going.  It
is a miracle, no doubt!

The compost pile you could compare to the kitchen, the most important room of a
house.  In a kitchen all the food is prepared, cooked and mixed with herbs and
spices, where minerals and vitamins are made ready for digestion and where lots
of love is added, so that friends and family who eat this food will be happy and
ready to go out and conquer the world.  Similarly, the compost pile is like the
cooking pot, nourishing the mineral, plant and animal kingdom of a farm and is
the basic part in maintaining the ecological cycle.  The quantity of compost
brought into the garden is small compared to its importance.  It acts, on one hand,
as concentrated food for the plants and microorganisms and, on the other hand it
is an information carrier.

What makes a Homa farm?  The difference between Homa farms and other
organic farms is that on a Homa farm the ancient Vedic knowledge of purification
of the atmosphere is practiced.  Besides the basic Agnihotra at sunrise and sunset,
four hours of Om Tryambakam fire are maintained.  Planting (and preferably any
kind of work) is done with chanting of the Tryambakam mantra and, if possible,
with the Tryambakam fire on the spot.  Seeds are prepared under certain
conditions which strengthen them.  For the compost, for planting and seeding,
Agnihotra ash is used.

We received remarkable information about the ecology of Nature.  It put us in
awe, because there are awesome happenings in the world we walk upon, with
every step we take.

View from Shreedham

From Vasant’s Correspondence

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Editor: Lisa Powers. Publisher: Fivefold Path Inc. Parama Dham (House of Almighty Father) Rt. 8, Box 369 Madison, VA 22727 USA. Published seven times yearly. Please direct all Satsang correspondence to the Editor. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of Satsang. ISSN 0735-1321