VOL. 27, NO. 2, NEW ERA 56,  JULY & AUGUST, 1999

Homa Therapy is spreading in a big way in various regions of Peru,
particularly in the Amazon area.

If one is angry the energy manipulation manifested by the mind has one pattern.
If you are sad it is another pattern.  If you are full of love it is yet another type,
more harmonious.  When the mind is totally engrossed in doing the Mantra or
taking HIS NAME the energy pattern is different.  In this case you begin to lose the
attachment to your body and the body vibrates Mantra energy.

We have to train the mind to create a taste for this state.  Whatever a person likes
most, there the mind is drawn again and again.  However, the mind tries to roam
about due to habit.  To develop the mind’s potential to attune to this state, that is,
vibrating Mantra energy, some effort is required and that effort is meditation.

When you get into the practice of meditation in HOMA atmosphere, the effort is
reduced as the healed atmosphere heals the mind in the direction of love.  With
some practice then, deep changes take place in the functioning of the mind.  The
first thing you notice is that your value system begins to change.

Normally, what one calls happiness or sadness, one comes to realize, relates to
body and mind.  The happiness was dependent all these days on acquiring more
and more material perquisites, the status in society, comfortable family situations,
etc.  Due to meditation which leads to self study (Swadhyaya) we come to realize
that all these things or persons on which we depended for happiness are
vulnerable and anything can happen at any moment to disturb the situation.
Further, one comes to know that one cannot really have a control over the
changing situations as one would wish.  This leads to search for more stable values
and getting out of the illusion of so-called security.  Then one realizes that for true
happiness everything you need is already within you when you are born in human
frame.  “Thou art made in the image of thy Father.”  Hankering after material
possessions, hankering after power becomes less and less.  The attitude towards
Daan, Tapa and service to others gets fortified.  All these things change destiny.

To achieve the above state of mind, observance of periods of SILENCE is a great
help.  It gives much strength to execute our free will in the right direction.  If we
try to examine the verbiage, the flood of words that comes out of our mouths, we
will soon realize that much of it was not really necessary.

When we speak any word we have to breathe out of the mouth.  Breathing out of
the mouth consumes much energy.  This energy, if saved and properly directed
inward, would bring about amazing results  on the Chakra system, kundalini
system and the nerves.  This becomes a great help in meditation.

 “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes
from evil.”  Matthew 5:37

 “Silence of the Guru is his sermon; all the doubts of devotees wither away.”

Silence does not mean that only the mouth is shut.  This can be the first stage.
What is important is that the urge to speak has to be reduced.  Our practice
involves speaking when necessary and let the Mantra or NAME go on inwards all
the time.  This is a cleansing process for the energy pattern and thus intense good

Food Tapa should accompany all these practices.  “You become what you eat; you
become what you think.” (Proverb)  If food is grown by HOMA Therapy methods,
then it is grown with love.  It should be cooked with love, served with love and
eaten with love. 

Amazing Homa Plantains from Casa de La Abuela
-Irma Garcia

This variety of plantain, “Ingiri”, in its fourth generation produces a maximum of
ten fruits and in the fifth generation does not produce anything.  This bunch from
La Casa de La Abuela is fifth generation and has fifty-four fruits.  The taste is
absolutely delicious and extra sweet compared to other plantains in La Casa de La
Abuela and those of the neighbors. All the plantains in the area were sick with
Black Sigatoka before HOMA THERAPY was started there by Dr. Gloria Guzman. 

Homa Therapy Results Certified by the Department of the Presidency of Peru

Homa farming is spreading in a big way in various regions of Peru.  The following is a
compilation of reports from the Chief of Special Project Alto Huallaga, in the Amazon
region of Peru, executed directly by the Ministry of the Presidency of the Republic of
Peru.  These reports, translated from the original Spanish documents bearing the
official seal and signature, state that Homa Therapy works for all crops, to remove
disease and grow abundant harvests. -Irma Garcia

The Headquarters of the Zone Leoncio Prado-Padre Abad certifies:
That since seven months ago, in the area of Alto Huallaga, an organic and
ecological technique called HOMA THERAPY is being applied in the rejuvenation of
the crops of the region, substantially reducing the existence of different pathogenic
agents.  As a consequence, plagues and sicknesses were eradicated, the yield of
the harvest was increased, the fruit grew healthy with better color, taste, weight,
texture, etc.  Since many years ago efforts have been made to try to get out of the
situation of emergency concerming the health of plants with methods such as:
cultural control, chemical control, biological control, legal control, etc., without
having achieved any success.

In the zone of Alto Huallaga to date we have established thirty modules and more
are being installed in agricultural areas in which HOMA THERAPY  is being
applied, each one with forty hectares.  This makes a total of about 1,200 hectares.
All of them are under an integrated system of permanent crops such as plantain,
banana, papaya, cacao, citrus, avocado, coffee, tea, star fruit, mango, etc.  These
are combined with yearly plants of a short vegetative cycle such as rice, corn,
soya, nuts, sesame, etc., and complemented with apiculture activity and the
breeding of cows and bulls.

We give full support to Dr. Gloria Guzman Mendez in her capacity as expert and
the person in charge of AGRICULTURAL HOMA THERAPY in our area of influence
and we have considered giving total support to the agriculturists who have been
working in the application of HOMA THERAPY  because, with their work, they are
making a contribution in favor of agriculture, of the conservation of soils, forests
and the preservation of the environment in the area of Alto Huallaga.

The Headquarters of the Zone Leoncio Prado-Padre Abad certifies:

That in the area of alto Huallaga, an organic and ecological technique called HOMA
THERAPY is being applied for the implementation of the project “Integrated
Management of the Crops of the Region Applying HOMA THERAPY, which is
based on the biorhythms of nature and the Science of Pyramidology.”  The
following has been observed in the Plantain and Banana Plantations:

—An accelerated rejuvenation of the plants.  A great quantity of new, healthy
leaves of intense green, shiny colors are present.

—Plagues and sicknesses were eradicated due to the effect of the technique of
organic agriculture called HOMA THERAPY, complemented with integrated
management (that is, cultural control).

—Concerning the average number of shoots, we have been able to observe that
each mother plant is producing between nine and ten shoots, which will bear fruit.
In some cases, some shoots get interlaced among them.  This is only after twenty-
two days of application of HOMA THERAPY, reaching an average of twenty shoots
per mother plant after four months of applying this technique of organic

—After two months of applying HOMA THERAPY, the production of plantains and
bananas doubled.  The bunches were bigger.  The fruit were wider and of greater
weight.  At the moment of harvest, from three to five ripened fruit were found in
each bunch; that is, the production cycle is shortened due to the effect of HOMA

In the Alto Huallaga area, there are around five hundred hectares of plantains and
bananas established with HOMA THERAPY and others are being installed.  These
are plantations that were suffering from high incidence of plagues and sicknesses.
Having been rejuvenated with HOMA THERAPY, they have begun to produce
healthy shoots of the kind that bear fruit.  Twelve GERMOPLASM BANKS have
been established with these shoots applying HOMA THERAPY, with species of
plantain and bananas from the region.

All the agricultural work applying HOMA THERAPY is oriented to make the Alto
Huallaga region a representative center in the production of quality crops from the
region with regards to nutrients, weight, texture, taste, color, etc., and free from
plagues and sicknesses.

The following has been observed in CITRUS plantations:

—An accelerated rejuvenation of plants which were sick due to the attack of
pathogenic agents such as fungus and QUEREZAS.  All plagues and sicknesses
were eradicated due to the effect of HOMA THERAPY.

—Orange trees that were planted one year ago were not developing.  They had
sick and yellow leaves.  After twenty-six days of applying HOMA THERAPY, the
following process took place:  All the sick leaves fell down.  There were absolutely
no functional leaves left on the tree.  In a short time, new leaves began to come
out, all very healthy and shiny.  Once the plant had abundant  foliage, it began to
bloom and after twenty-six days it began to produce fruits.

—Orange trees and other citrus fruit that were at the height of production  when
HOMA THERAPY was applied developed more fruits.  These were very sweet and
juicy and with better fragrance and color.  Even the seeds developed to be much
bigger and more round and white than normal.

—After finishing their production in the normal season, the oranges began to
bloom out of season, insuring a permanent fructification through the effect of

—Grafted citrus plants began to produce bigger fruit than the previous harvest due
to the effect of HOMA THERAPY.

Citrus nurseries have been established with HOMA FRUIT SEEDS in order to
expand the existing agricultural areas.

The following has been observed in the coffee plantations:

—In these crops, new leaves are noted right at the top and on the lateral branches
of the plant.  The top leaves are stronger and erect as they sprout; they are very
shiny and of intense green color.  All this with only twenty-two days of applying

—The disease has been disappearing little by little from the fruits that were
previously affected with fungus by the effect of HOMA THERAPY.

—A decrease can be seen in the plagues and illnesses nearing their eradication by
the effect of application of HOMA THERAPY.

—The blossoming took effect out of season, this all around the forty hectares area
of action of HOMA THERAPY from a Homa Resonance point.

—The existing fruits started to gain size, eventually leading to the increase of yield
of the crop.  “Caturra” variety behaved as the “Catimor” variety by the HOMA
THERAPY effect.

—Coffee plants started to produce all throughout the year by the effect of HOMA
THERAPY.  The blossoming is permanent.

—Coffee plants that were planted a year ago in their final location, after eighteen
days of applying HOMA THERAPY, started to develop new top branches with
healthy leaves and started to blossom.

—The coffee nurseries also benefitted by the accelerated development of the
shoots, which were free of plagues and illnesses by the application of HOMA
THERAPY.  In the Alto Huallaga area, around three hundred hectares have been
established.  Other coffee plantations are being established of “Caturra” and
“Catimor” variety.  From the coffee crops obtained from the implementation of
Homa Therapy, seed banks were established with HOMA coffee beans.

The following has been observed in the MANGO plantations:

—The pathogenic agents which produce plagues and illnesses decrease in a
progressive way until they are eradicated after four months.

—The first reaction of the mango trees to the application of Homa Therapy is that
the sick leaves fall and healthy shoots emerge.  This happens even during the full
fructification period of the tree.  This means that a total and complete rejuvenation
of the plant is taking place.

—The period of bearing fruits extends itself and the fruits produced are healthier,
bigger and of better taste and color.  The ripening of the fruits accelerates.

—In the area of cultivation where HOMA THERAPY is being applied, when the
seeds fall to the soil, they start germinating even when adequate conditions are
not there.

—The growing cycle of the plants gets shorter.

Tingo Maria, May 17th, 1999
Engineer Jose A. Munoz Cardenas
Chief, Support Office of the Zone L.P.—P.A.

Translated by Carolina Lander-Larrota

Homa Therapy Endorsed by Important Agricultural Cooperative -Eng. Clovaldo Credo Valdiva

(The following is a translation from Spanish of the original document signed and
sealed by the Naranjillo Agrarian Industrial Cooperative, Ltd.  Their endorsement of
Homa Therapy represents an important breakthrough in spreading Homa Therapy as
the organization consists of three thousand members.—Ed.)


The undersigned, President of the Administration Council of the Naranjillo
Agrarian Industrial Cooperative, Ltd. certifies:

That since seven months ago, in prioritized sectors of the area of work of the
Naranjillo Agrarain Industrial Cooperative, Ltd., the technique of organic and
ecological agriculture called HOMA THERAPY is being applied with the purpose of
eradicating plagues and sicknesses from the crops of the region, cocoa and coffee
among them.

Since many years ago, efforts have been made to solve the problem of agrarian
health, using different techniques such as: cultural control, biological control, legal
control, etc., and positive results could not be obtained.

We, the three thousand associates of our cooperative, producers of coffee and
cocoa, consider this achievement to be important for the agrarian activity.  We
have decided to rejuvenate our crops, applying HOMA THERAPY in order to make
the Alto Hualloaga Zone a great center, producer of cocoa and coffee, in respect of
taste, weight, texture and fragrance.  All this favors cultivation in a pure
environment, free from plagues and sicknesses.  This helps the recuperation of the
wild flora that assist in the greater production of flowers for the benefit of the
apiculture activity.

Tingo Maria, 17th June, 1999
Engineer Clodovaldo Credo Valdiva
President, Administration Council 

Homa Therapy Cultural Control of Cacao -Irma Garcia

Some of our Homa Therapy teachers working in South America have been asked
about the procedures they use to eliminate disease in cacao plantations.  The
following is a summary of the procedures.

All sickness, which affects CACAO, (the plant from which cocoa is produced) can be eradicated with HOMA THERAPY AGRICULTURE.  Sicknesses such as:

—Parasite plants and moss
—Insects and plagues
have been eradicated from CACAO.

Cultural control of CACAO consists mainly of pruning but it should be done after
the plant becomes strong with the daily practice of HOMA THERAPY techniques.

The first time, the pruning can be done with a chainsaw, because the branches are
thick. The next prunings are done with a saw and pruning scissors.

The strengthening of the plant with the HOMA THERAPY ATMOSPHERE created
by a Resonance point (AGNIHOTRA plus four hours daily of OM TRYAMBAKAM
HOMA)  occurs automatically.  To accelerate this process, one can use AGNIHOTRA ASH in various ways.  For example:

—Mix very well powdered AGNIHOTRA ASH with water.  Let it set in the open air
for three days.  Pass it through a strainer and fumigate plants with it.

—Spread Agnihotra ash around the trunk of the tree, on branches, leaves, etc.
(This is extremely effective to get rid of ANTS and other stubborn insects.)

—As the plants get strong, the fungus caused by the moliniasis, which covers the
trunk of the tree, begins to dry up and to fall down from the trunk to the soil. This
happens even in winter, within a Homa Therapy atmosphere.  Then, the flower’s
buds begin to bloom.  Healthy fruits start coming out.  These fruits of CACAO have
an unusual brilliance and the quality is superior in all respects.  Finally, new leaves
begin to appear and the whole plant is rejuvenated.

Old fruit infested with moliniasis can be cut off at the time of pruning; as the plant
becomes stronger within the HOMA THERAPY atmosphere, less and less pruning
of sick fruit is necessary.

 (Share Your Assets in a Spirit of Humility)

 (From Light Towards Divine Path)

To become happy we have to learn to eliminate factors which put tension on the
mind.  Practice of Agnihotra reduces tension, and thus anger and greed are
reduced.  Agnihotra and Daan are two material aids for happy living.

What is Daan?  Daan is sharing your assets in a spirit of humility.  Learn to share a
part of your income and your possessions with others.  This is Daan.  Daan is not
merely giving cash or material possessions.  It involves several disciplines.  If the
disciplines are not observed, Daan becomes mere donation.  We practice Daan to
reduce our attachment to worldly possessions.  Such attachment puts great
tension on the mind and makes it difficult for us to become happy.

A rich man has many things and he is attached to them while a poor man has
nothing but he is hankering after things which he does not have.  Both of them
tend to put a premium on unhappiness because of attachment.  Practice of Daan
helps to remove the tension which comes due to attachment.

Daan has the following disciplines:

1.  You give Daan because it is your duty to do so.  This means you are not
obliging the person to whom you give.  You should consider yourself obliged by
the person who accepts your gift.  He is the instrumental cause to enable you to
transform your mind and, hence, he is obliging you.

2.  Do not give Daan for name or fame.  If you give cash or material possessions
for name or fame it is not Daan.  Daan has to be done in secrecy.  “Let your left
hand not know what your right hand does.”  If you talk about it to others it is likely
to nourish your pride and our aim of removing tension on the mind will not be

3.  Everyone wants to be happy and, hence, everyone has to share his assets in a
spirit of humility.  A rich man has to give and a poor man has to give.  A rich man
can receive and a poor man can receive Daan.

4.  Daan needs to be made out of one’s own earnings.

5.  The person to whom you give needs to be a proper person.  A hungry man is a
proper person to receive food.  A person in need of necessities of life is a proper
person to receive them in kind or cash.  In all other cases Daan should be given to
a person who is normally given to what, according to you, are good habits.  If you
give Daan to somebody whom you think is likely to spend it on wrong purposes,
then it is not Daan.  Not only have you not done a good act but you involve
yourself in a bad act as  you become instrumental in pushing him into wrong
things and you become a partner in his guilt.  If Daan is given to a rich person he
is likely to spend the amount again in Daan by adding his own to it.  If Daan is
given to a poor person he is likely to spend it on good works.  If Daan is given to a
holy person you are always safe as he would certainly spend it for the benefit of
society.  Use your discretion in such matters.

Money in English is also called “currency”.  The word is not “stagnancy”.  It
means, like the current of a river, it has to be kept moving in Daan.

If you practice Daan with all the discipline involved, what happens?  You part with
one hundred dollars and within a short time you get back a little over a hundred
dollars in cash or some material benefit.  This is a superphysical law of nature and
hence inviolable.  Daan is therefore called a material aid to happy living.

You will also notice that in times of your need things come to you without asking
for them.  More importantly, you do not feel the tension when things go bad
materially, as you get into the habit of non-attachment to worldly possessions.

Agnihotra and Daan, the first two aspects of the Fivefold Path, give a push to the
mind in the right direction and your ability to choose between right and wrong
improves.  Your will to act according to the judgment given by your power of
discrimination is strengthened and you are aided to get out of a vicious circle into
a virtuous cycle.  The biggest push in this direction comes from Agnihotra as it
totally changes the coloration of the mind and your journey on the next three
aspects of the Fivefold Path [Tapa, Karma and Swadhyaya—Ed.] becomes facile.

From Vasant’s Correspondence

The shape of the Agnihotra pyramid should not be interfered with.  Now we have
to be more subtle with YAJNYA.  Time is crucial.  Times are desperate.  In order to
get the optimum effect from Agnihotra, the shape of the pyramid should be intact.

Whatever one does alone does not make one great.  Truly great ones make no
claim.  Happily they will do the work and not even think about getting credit for it.
They will never mention they were the ones who did it.  This is how we should be.
God knows the work you do.  God knows the healing of which you are an
instrument.  God knows all this.  If man is to know, let God inform him.  You
never speak about it in an egotistical manner. 

First face the inner self and practice TAPA with all strength of being.  Increase
Yajnya.  Release all negative feelings and resentments.  Very quickly you will be
filled with love.  This is the greatest of all healing agents.

Practice Tapa of smiling even when feeling sad.

If it is difficult to respond with love then don’t respond at all.

If he is hankering after women, money, prestige, whatever it is, have compassion.
No judgment.  He will not find true peace as long as mind is not under control.
This is for everybody.

One thinks one is in control of one’s desires but in fact one is driven by desires.
Really one can make a big mistake by following one’s desires. 

Desire creates a coloration that distorts reality and prevents us from attaining that
higher level of consciousness which results in inner peace and harmony, peace of
mind.  Once the desire is fulfilled another desire is born.  One is drawn to others
on the spiritual path not to fulfill desires only but to join with another soul in
working together towards the light.  This kind of soul connection is quite divine.  It
is not found through fulfillment of desires.  In fact, this preoccupation with desires,
e.g. sexual desire, can block what the soul is truly to receive.  Then one can meet
the wrong person but because of desire, assume the person is the “true love”.
Desire only begets desire and misery follows.

Put all attention on the Divine, the love of God, and place all desires at His feet.
Only then can the judgment of the mind in such matters become clear.
Healing Circles (Women’s Meetings) -Vasant

Conduct these meetings every Thursday or some other day once a week.  Music,
devotional singing.  Om Tryambakam fire is maintained throughout the meeting.

In women’s meetings prayer is very healing.  Prayer should be included.  Call it
Healing Circles.

Prayers can be done aloud or in silence.  The person we feel needs healing can be
mentioned in the group.

Then into the fire simply pray, “Thy will be done.”  You can say, “We surround
this person with light and with love.  May HIS will be done.”

This is quite powerful but you need not focus on the specifics because each person
will feel differently.  One person may say, “Pray that these people will be free
from debt.”  Another may say, “I pray these people get help with their debt.”  Who
is to say what is best for that person being prayed for?  But by surrounding the
person with love and light, this is always correct.  Then, “HIS WILL BE DONE.”  Prayer in that manner is correct.  We can say Healing Circle.

Prayer for peace, prayer for children of the world, prayer for those in pain and
suffering, all this is fine.  It is in these specific prayers it should be made clear that
we need ask for nothing save HIS WILL.  But certainly prayers for peace and love
do no harm.  It is fine to do that.

Many people feel that prayer helps them with desires, resentments, fears and the
like.  Then certainly pray, but true prayer is not asking for anything save HIS WILL.

People should not feel they are being directed to pray because many people’s
religious beliefs interpret prayer differently.  What we are telling is a simple path
to follow which will help others and help the person who follows it.  That is the
Fivefold Path of Yajnya, Daan, Tapa, Karma and Swadhyaya. 

Editor: Lisa Powers. Publisher: Fivefold Path Inc. Parama Dham (House of Almighty Father) Rt. 8, Box 369 Madison, VA 22727 USA. Published seven times yearly. Please direct all Satsang correspondence to the Editor. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of Satsang. ISSN 0735-1321

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