VOL. 26, NO. 6, NEW ERA 56,  March & April 1999

Continued Success
Report on Homa Therapy in Picuruyacu, Peru
Eng. Carlos Juaregui Sanchez, Cocoa Expert, translated by Irma Garcia

(Translated from original Spanish)
Department of the Presidency of the Republic
Project for the Development of High Huallaga

To:  Engineer Jose A. Nunoz Cardenas
Chief, Zonal Office Leocio Prado P.A.

Subject:  Diagnosis of the situation on the agricultural farm in Picuruyacu

Date:  November 22, 1998

Through this letter I address myself to you, to greet you and report to you that,
according to what was coordinated under your direction, a local visit was carried
out to the farm where HOMA THERAPY  is being practiced under the direction of
Dr. Gloria Guzman M. in Picuruyacu, in order to evaluate the situation of the farm.

Enclosed please find the results of the evaluation and description of achievements
obtained with HOMA THERAPY, for your information and further action you
choose to take.

Eng. Carlos Juaregui Sanchez
Cocoa Expert
Proyecto Especial Alto Huallaga
Peah, Peru


I.  Situation concerning the health of plants
    Initial state:
—Cocoa plantation more than twenty five years old.
—Pruning done with hatchet, without technical criteria.
—Broken branches, knuckles become sort of nurseries for black ants.
—Felled trunk trees, stripped of branches and leaves.
—Plants covered by moss and other parasitic plants.
—An area with problems of ants called “Utaca” which cut the leaves, which had
continued to destroy the foliage of most cacao plants.
—Plants with no shoots at the base of the trunk.
—Abundant weeds, especially the cortadera, a pernicious weed which had reached
approximately two meters in height.
—Lack of the growing point in the plant, due to wrong pruning.
—Ants in the cultivation field, turning the soil unsuitable to grow new crops and
making agronomic management very difficult.  Thus, the place was abandoned
five years ago.
—The cocoa plantation was unproductive.  It had some very old fruits, destroyed
by the fungus Moniliasis.
 Plant Diseases and Infestations
 Plant diseases:
—Moniliasis: Moliopthora roreri with an incidence of 90%
—Witches Broom: Crinipellis perniciosa with an incidence of 60%
—Phytopthora with an incidence of 30%
—Moss and other parasitic plants with an incidence of 100%
—Insects which undermine fruits

II.  Observations

Epidemiological Behavior
The cocoa plantation was in a situation of emergency  concerning the health of
plants.  Three months after having started the application of HOMA THERAPY, it
was determined that through the implementation of this technique of organic
agriculture called HOMA THERAPY one can observe the following:
—In the cocoa plantation, the presence of Moniliasis, witches broom, phytophtora,
and attack from insects does not exist.
—Concerning production, one can observe plants producing healthy fruits of good
size, showing a luminosity in the texture of each cocoa fruit or bean.
—The plants are full of vigor and with abundant foliage production .
—Most of the production units are in full flowering.  Flower cushions are well
activated, because there is a minimal presence of moss in the trunk of the trees.
The moss dried up in spite of the rainy season.  These months of observation have
been the ones when the rains began.  The fact that the moss and other parasitic
plants dried out is due to the application of HOMA THERAPY.
—The signs of witches broom and other sicknesses and plagues were substantially
reduced until they disappeared.  At the same time, the production of healthy fruits
increased in number and quality, obtaining greater and better cocoa beans/cocoa
seeds (almonds).  A harvest was carried out each ten days.
—Due to the quality of the cocoa seeds which are free from sicknesses, a nursery
of cocoa plants got started, which is under observation.

Behavior of the Leaves
From an average of 100 plants all look full of vigor, free from stains in the leaves.
There is no vegetative witches broom.  The leaves are very healthy.

After finding the cultivation in bad shape due to the severe pruning carried out
without technical criteria, lacking signs of life, the plants were showing their trunks
and stems split apart, providing a dwelling for the ants.  The trees had wounds
which gave favorable conditions for sicknesses  produced by fungus.  With HOMA
THERAPY techniques, however, these trees were rejuvenated.  We can observe
positive results in the effect of control.  Badly developed plants, plants whose
trunk was left with no branches, branches with old leaves, plants which could
barely breathe or carry out the photosynthesis process are producing fruits, even
though this is not harvest time.

Cultivation of Mango
Concerning the cultivation of mango one can observe a tree which had stopped
producing four years ago and had produced only once.  It was a plant with
problems in the leaves, which were full of white stains.

Without any knowledge about this specific sickness, the practitioners applied
HOMA THERAPY in September, the time of greater flowering and fructification.
The outcome was very positive.  The tree started to produce mangoes again.  Also,
mango plants from the neighbors adjacent to this farm had problems with the fruit
fly, and they used to produce mangoes full of worms.  Now, in this year the fruits
are healthy and of good quality.  This means that the HOMA THERAPY technique
functions at all levels and it has an immediate effect.

Cultivation of Citrus Fruits
—Lime tree with health problems, attacked by utaca ants.  These ants were
making holes in the leaves.  The plants also were suffering from defoliation.  The
plants did not have any shoots at their base.
—Orange tree with problems of antraerosis, moss and ants.

After HOMA THERAPY techniques got started, in a short while one could observe
the results.  These plants had a TOTAL RECUPERATION after applying HOMA
THERAPY.  Each seven days new leaves began to sprout.  Thus the plants were
REJUVENATED.  The same happened with the lemon and cherry trees, which had
never produced fruit.  Now they are in full production.

Note:  In this area of two hectares of plantations from this region, such as cocoa,
mango, citrus fruits, coconuts, etc., where HOMA THERAPY  is applied, no agro-
chemical products are used.

“Grandma's House” Irma Garcia

Vasant had asked Dr. Gloria Guzman to find a house with some land around it,
near Tingo Maria in the Huanuco region.  This area is like the gateway to the
Amazon.  The house was to be called, “La Casa de la Abuela,” which means,
“Grandma's House”.  Gloria located and rented such a house, and the Homa
Therapy work described in the cocoa expert's report on the preceding pages took
place on this property.

The following are the operational guidelines Vasant gave for the maintenance of
this house:

—Atmosphere should be kept pure.
—Ashram like disciplines should be observed.
—This is not a place to just rest.  Of course, if someone requires more rest, due to
physical conditions, then that is necessary.  But we should guard against laziness.
—It is not a matter of, “I work two or three hours a day and the rest of the day I
am free.”  It depends on what work there is.
—Achieve balance of physical and mental work.  Laziness is the biggest drawback.
Guard against it.
—One should take advantage of the opportunity to live in such a wonderful
environment.  One should observe the disciplines and plan accordingly.
—Attitude of all should be one of service, consideration for others and working
towards the development of the place.  They should have an understanding of
exactly what this place is developed for.
—There should be firm guidelines printed for those who come for longer periods.
They should respect these guidelines.  There should be very simple rules regarding
conduct and attitude; e.g., refrain from all alcohol and drugs during their time of
stay here.  On the property, no cigarettes, meat, poultry, fish or eggs.
—Whoever stays here should be doing the disciplines.  The minimum disciplines
are: morning and evening Agnihotra, Homas at 10 A.M., 12 noon, 3 P.M., 6 P.M.,
9 P.M. and preferably 5 A.M. mantras.  4 A.M. mantras are optional.  Truly sincere
people will wish to know all, but not all at once.
—If someone comes who wants to retreat, meditate, etc., that is fine for a short
time.  Anyone living here can practice meditation but also has to participate in
work.  Then it becomes more clear.  IT ENHANCES THE MEDITATION
—If one is only interested in meditation and sedentary life, then this is not the
place for them.  Two or three days is okay.  There is so much to do.  Such person
must do his share.
—Regular SATSANGS should be held each week, on the same day, even if they are
attended only by people living here.  Let it begin. 

Sunset on the Dark Age of Ignorance -Bruce Johnson

The 20th century has rightly been referred to by many distinguished
commentators as the Age of Technology. Technology has advanced so fast and so
far in so many fields that we humans could be forgiven for believing that we are
the most technologically advanced civilization that has ever inhabited the planet.
However, this is certainly not the case as we still have extant evidence of other
civilizations of far greater superiority to ours. The most striking example is
probably the pyramids of Egypt. Still to this day the precision of their construction
defies the imaginations of our top scientists and engineers.

But despite the stupendous technological advances of the 20th Century, disease
and famine still stalk the planet in several countries unabated. Man is still subject
to natural disasters, floods, droughts, etc. which take their toll in terms of human
life and misery. The technological paradise which was augured earlier this century
has not actually materialized. Instead we find ourselves as a race plunged into a
technological hell. We have witnessed failures in the fields of technological
agriculture (chemical fertilizers and pesticides), technological medicine (allopathic
drugs), urban sociology (along with the escalation in technological gadgetry we
have also seen escalation in crime, child abuse, domestic violence, drug and
alcohol abuse), unparalleled ecological and environmental destruction in the name
of progress, the continuing specter of war in many different countries and the prospect of extinction of all life on the planet.

And this has occurred despite all good intentions. Why? In spite of the application
of our finest minds and the best of intentions, how is it that we are still faced with
such disgrace abounding?

I believe we can trace all of our difficulties back to one aspect of human life which
been in eclipse for several millennia. YAJNYA. Too simplistic? I don't think so. Let
us examine some of the claims made about Yajnya. Since Yajnya has largely fallen
into oblivion for past several thousand years, we shall necessarily have to delve
into the depths of antiquity to find any relevant, authoritative references. The
following extract is taken from the book, Grace Alone by Vasant V. Paranjpe, pp
33-34 wherein he quotes the Rishi (sage) Charak, who is the author of several
works on the subject of Ayurveda:

"Performance of Yajnya nourishes plant life. Since Yajnyas went into oblivion
and since the time animal flesh and blood came to be associated with
offerings to Fire as a consequence of greed by the people in power, medicinal
plants have undergone a qualitative deterioration. Medicinal herbs, deprived of
atmospheric nourishment consequent on non-performance of Yajnyas or
unscientific performance of Yajnyas, suffer in their curative properties.

'(Owing to non-performance of duties enjoined by the Vedas) we do not
get timely rains or receive untimely showers or face drought or floods;
seasonal cycle is disturbed, water resources get dried up, natural
properties of medicinal plants deteriorate and the populace is ruined.'
     - Charak, Viman 3-22'

Again to quote from Vasant V. Paranjpe, this time from his book, Homa Therapy -
Our Last Chance, pp 24-25:
"Following paragraphs are written based on Vedic knowledge related to
Yajnya as an antidote to pollution, revealed by the great seers of ancient times
and traditionally taught since times immemorial:

'Yajnya leads to better absorption of sun's rays by the water resources on
the planet. Yajnya helps reset the energy cycle of the planet in natural
harmony benefiting all creation. Yajnya injects nutrients into the

'Changes in soil composition due to pollution become drastic and the
results become disastrous. Soil becomes unable to sustain plants and even
life. The way out is to inject nutrients and fragrance into the atmosphere
by widespread practice of Yajnya…

'When pollution increases the level of ozone layer decreases. Then
oxygen fixing bacteria become deplete and nitrogen fixing bacteria
become malfunctional unless the science of Yajnya…(is) practiced on a
wide scale.

'When radioactive particles and poisonous gases are released from the
earth's core our only protection is Yajnya. Clouds get seeded with toxins
due to pollution. Only way to negate this is by proper performance of

And yet again in Grace Alone we find the following excerpts on pp 14 & 31:
"…Atmospheric purity has a striking impact on the mind of man. Thus does
Yajnya contribute to peace and prosperity on earth."
"The heralding of each season brings in its wake disease and hence all such
Yajnyas should be performed in every season with medicinal plants as the
offerings to Fire. The disease disappears as medicinal plants are offered to
sacrificial Fire in a Yajnya."

Recorded history as bequeathed to us today provides us only scant glimpses of the
glory of past civilizations which afforded great value to the institution of Yajnya.
One of these references is found in Ramayana, the biography of the Divine
Incarnation, Ramachandra, by the sage, Valmiki (today widely regarded as
mythological). Rama ruled over the kingdom of Kosala with its capital as Ayodhya
approximately 9,000 years ago in what is today northern India. In the sixth
chapter of the Balakanda section of the Ramayana, Valmiki gives us an
illuminating picture of the society of that time (translation excerpted from the
book Valmiki Ramayana Darshan by Shastri Shri Pandurang V. Athavale):

"And in that excellent city, men were happy and righteous, truthful, widely
read and contented with whatever they possessed and were not covetous.

"In that city people had plenty of good things like food, grains, wealth, cows,
horses and other animals.

"In Ayodhya one could not find a sensuous person, a miser, a crooked person,
an illiterate person or an atheist.

"All men and women had excellent character, controlled senses and happy
frame of mind. They were like great sages as far as their occupation and
conduct were concerned.

"They were neatly dressed and adorned with ornaments, eating pure food,
giving away wealth in charity (daan) and were self restrained."

And then in verse 12 we find the following remarkable statement:

"In Ayodhya everybody performed sacrificial fire (Yajnya) in the home."

Quoting again from Grace Alone p 11:
"The hermitages of Vedic seers, in days immemorial, were acting as generating stations of Divine Power solely with the object of enkindling humanity to attain perpetual bliss. In that holy atmosphere these seers used to perform fire worship (Yajnya) continuously. Experimentation and minute observation of results therefrom convinced
humanity about the efficacy of such worship, whether performed individually
or collectively."

According to the Vedic cosmogony, the passage of time is to be seen more as a
cyclic affair than as a linear model to which we in the west subscribe. A series of
recurring cycles of eras are classified into four types which are, broadly speaking,
analogous to our Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age (in Sanskrit -
Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga, respectively).

Far from this era of ours being the age of technological excellence which we
believe it to be, Vedic cosmogony actually identifies this era as a Kali Yuga, a Dark
Age which is characterized by the greatest human ignorance and the lowest level
of human culture and the greatest predominance of all the worst human qualities.
Maximum hatred (extermination of millions in the Nazi Holocaust), intolerance
(medieval witch hunts by the Christian Church), selfishness, greed (epitomized by
the fictional Hollywood character, Gordon Gekko, in the movie Wall Street), lust and
unrestrained indulgence in the sense pleasures, chiefly food and sex.

But by far the grossest of all the monumental acts of ignorance of mankind in this
Kali Yuga has been the corruption of the technique of Yajnya with interpolations of
offerings of flesh and blood to the fire (animal sacrifice). In Vedas, the first
revelation of the Almighty, given at the time of creation itself, practice of Yajnya is
enjoined upon mankind for the harmonious operation of all the natural cycles. It is
also explicitly stated what should be the offering made to fire. Offerings of animal
flesh and blood are categorically forbidden.

This degeneration of the practice of Yajnya with flesh and blood offerings
accompanied as it was by the concomitant predilection for flesh and blood in the
human diet, probably heralded the birth of the new era of darkness. Adoption of
flesh predominant diet causes serious intoxication of the individual human
system. However, flesh and blood offerings in Yajnya causes massive poisoning
and pollution of the entire biosphere - exactly the opposite of the Vedic intention
of Yajnya.

This epidemic became so serious about two to three thousand years ago, that
several Divine Messengers graced our planet to correct the grave human error.
These included Zarathustra, Buddha and Jesus Christ. After the advent of these
Messengers the practice of Yajnya largely fell into oblivion in many parts of the
world. And now it has been necessary for the appearance of another Divine
Incarnation, marking the close of the present Kali Yuga, to reinstate the practice of
Yajnya in its pure original form right across the whole planet.

It is interesting to compare the prophesies in several religious traditions relating to
the re-appearance of another Divine Incarnation, the so-called 'Second Coming.'
The Hindu tradition predicts the advent of a tenth and final Incarnation (Avatar in
Sanskrit) to be known as Kalki Avatar at the end of this present Kali Yuga. (Kalka
means poison or pollution in Sanskrit). Most Hindus, though, hold that the close of
Kali Yuga is still several hundred thousand years away. The Buddhist prophesies
refer to the coming of the Maitreya approximately 2,500 years after the
appearance of the Buddha (approx. 500 BC). And the Christian tradition speaks of
the Second Coming of Christ about 2,000 years after the time of Jesus. The Islamic
tradition also points to the same thing 1,400 years after the prophet, Mohammed
(approx. 600 AD).

And so this century has witnessed the incarnation of another great Being of Light.
He is known universally as Shree. At the age of 23 (in 1941) His mission was
revealed to Him by Divine Will. Incidentally in this revelation the words used by
the Divine to refer to Him were 'Son of Man.' And three years later He undertook
the most potent vow at the feet of His Guru:

"I will resuscitate Vedas."

Because this vow was taken by a Divine Personality, at the moment of taking the
vow the whole thing was accomplished. We have only to wait for its manifestation
in time on the physical plane of existence.

Now as 1999 dawns Agnihotra and Shree's message of Fivefold Path are being
practiced worldwide in dozens of countries by a group of people probably
numbering in the hundreds of thousands. (None can estimate the exact figure
since the teaching spreads at grass roots level and there is no formal organization
or membership to keep track of figures). These people are pioneers of the new
lifestyle which will characterize the New Golden Age, an age of peace and
prosperity worldwide which will last for several thousand years. 

Agnihotra Healing Journal

For many years, Satsang has reported experiences of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing submitted by Agnihotris from around the world. These reports include healing of plants, animals, and humans. However, many people who now perform Agnihotra are relatively new to the practice, and have never read these accounts.  Agnihotra Healing Journal will feature such stories from past issues of Satsang.—Ed.

Plants are Grateful for Agnihotra
Isabel Ruiz Salcedo, Jaen, Spain

 I have a friend named Concha Ruiz who is a medical doctor. She spoke to me
about Agnihotra and said that she would get  me the materials for doing it. She
sent me an Agnihotra kit with a cassette of the Agnihotra mantras and an
explanation of  how to do Agnihotra. Little by little I dedicated myself to doing the
fires even though I had never personally seen anyone  perform them.

I started to save the Agnihotra ash. I wanted to use the ash on some garden or
land, but I don't have either one because I live in an apartment in the town. I spoke to a friend of mine who has a farm. I told her that I had some Agnihotra ash that produces a special effect, and I went to her house on a spring day. We did Agnihotra there and many people were present - the owners of the house, their children, grandparents, etc.

While we were inhaling the smoke from the fire, more than one person, including the children, heard that the plants were grateful for the Agnihotra smoke. I heard it also and it was true.  We spread the Agnihotra ashes that we had all over the garden. Later that spring I went back to that garden one day. I didn't have the opportunity to do Agnihotra there again, but I observed that a total change had taken place. The bushes  had grown as if a year had passed. The trees had given much more fruit, and the
family who lived there was overwhelmed. This happened with the experience of
doing Agnihotra only one time. We also observed that in the other  garden, in
which we didn't do anything, the trees were all broken and nothing was growing;
at the place where the  Agnihotra ash had been placed everything was green.

 Now I have been doing Agnihotra in the same room of my apartment, and my
plants are admired by everyone who comes  here. The truth is that I water the
plants very little - one day per week - because of the shortage of water. I play the
cassette of the Agnihotra mantras for the plants and they like it very much.

 I have noticed that the Agnihotra fire expands horizontally and vertically; it
expands not only in my building but to the  buildings on the sides and the front.
My neighbors told me that they had been in a very bad situation for over two
years,  and now their home is a haven of peace.

Agnihotra Ash Healings in Colombia
Irma Segura de Vargas, Buritaca, Colombia

Buritaca is a small village between Santa Marta and the "Sierra Nevada" (Snow
Mountains range) in northern Colombia. Between the magnificent mountains and
the Caribbean Sea lie a few cabins for tourists. The place is called "Cabanas de
Buritaca". Jairo Vargas and myself live there. We usually do not travel, but one day
I had to go to Bogota for one day and that day I learned Agnihotra.

Back home, I started to put Agnihotra ash on an orange tree which had died
several months before, and on a very sick mango tree which had stopped
producing mangoes due to its disease. After a few weeks of daily practice of
Agnihotra in the house (which is near these trees) and giving them Agnihotra ash,
little green buds started to come out of the dead orange tree; the mango tree
rapidly got healed. Now the orange tree is heavy with oranges which are juicy and
very sweet. The mango tree now produces fruit all year round, and I have never
tasted more delicious mangoes.

The Cogui Indians are considered the most knowledgeable and advanced of
Colombian indigenous tribes. They live in the Sierra Nevada. On their way down
to the village, they stop at our cabins and stay in our house. Since Jairo and I
started to practice Agnihotra, the Cogui people have sought advice, support and
healing from us.
The Mamas are the healers of the Cogui people. They are a combination of
religious and political authority, and are the highest authority among the Cogui
people. Except for Agnihotra, I have no education or training in healing arts, so I
was very surprised when the Mamas started coming to me for healing.

I have so many stories of healings using Agnihotra and Agnihotra ash. One boy
had a wound on his leg that was infested with worms. A Mama brought the boy to
me. I cleaned the wound and applied Agnihotra ash and ghee. By the third day,
the wound was totally healed.

In another case, a woman had a very itchy rash all over her body. She was
desperate. For seven months she had sought relief in different places, with
different methods, but to no avail. She had even gone to a dermatologist in
Bogota, but nothing helped her. I applied Agnihotra ash to her skin one time and
her rash disappeared completely.

Agnihotra - Midwife at Albert's Rebirth - Rafael Eduardo Diaz

In November, 1992 "Albert", a small tree approximately twenty-two inches tall
came into our home. It was another ornamental piece, but really was considered
part of the family after my daughter called it "Albert".

I met "Albert" through a photograph that my wife Meerta had taken while I was
away on a business trip. Meerta was giving him love and attention while I was

Albert became an important theme in our correspondence, and when I returned
home I met him. Somehow I had the feeling that I was interrupting a strong family
bond, and that I was also taking away a little bit of the attention he had been
receiving. Furthermore, I decided to move Albert to the terrace, so that he could
be surrounded by Mother Nature.

Albert continued to develop normally until he was three years old. Suddenly he
started changing. His leaves started falling off, and he was getting sick.

We were worried about Albert and we decided to buy some medicines to help
him, but nothing seemed to help. That was Albert's end. He preferred to die. I had
the feeling he was punishing us for putting him outside of the family. This
happened in August 1994. We left him alone, accepting his death. We planned to
remove him from the house and get rid of him.

At the beginning of 1995 Albert still remained in the house as a death symbol. In
February I had the opportunity to visit my friends Marlene and Abel. There I met
Master Vasant, and it was the first time I heard the word "Agnihotra".

I could understand that Agnihotra is related to sunrise and sunset, and how
important the sunrise/sunset cycle is to our lives. I could see that energies are
related to mind purification and to the physical and ecological healing of the
atmosphere that surrounds us. Agnihotra leads us to happiness and love. By
practicing Agnihotra daily, the Agnihotra ash and smoke can be beneficial and
healing, not only for human beings, but for plants and the environment in general.

I was so delighted with Vasant's message that I asked him immediately how I
could get the necessary materials in order to practice Agnihotra.

At the beginning of March I met Jose who taught me how to practice Agnihotra.
The very same day I ordered some Agnihotra materials so we could start
practicing Agnihotra ourselves.

After practicing Agnihotra for a week I realized that Albert was still out on the
terrace. I decided to talk to him. I told him (with the hope that he could listen to
me) that this knowledge was given to me by someone very special, full of Light,
and that I wanted to practice it with him.

I asked him to forgive me for having forgotten him during the past months, but
that from now on I was going to take care of him. I told him that the Agnihotra
pyramid, fire and smoke were going to help him wake up from that sleepy stage
from which he had decided not to come out. From that day on, I started feeding
Agnihotra ash to Albert, reminding him that he was going to get better. I decided
to make a photograph of him, convinced that he was going to change. Some days
later I was so happy to see Albert reviving that I started calling all those friends
who had told me to throw Albert out, and told them about Albert's rebirth.

Today, after twenty five days, Albert is doing fine. He is fully alive, full of green,
shiny leaves. My friends and I have realized how powerful Agnihotra can be, and
we thank Vasant for teaching us this technique. We continue practicing Agnihotra not only because we saw Albert's rebirth, but because we realize how important it can be for the whole universe.

Albert, a very simple, small tree, has given me and my friends a great message,
showing us that there is always hope, and that there are no obstacles to changing
any situation, no matter how difficult, if we have hope. We can change our lives in
all aspects. We should always love and respect Mother Nature because we need
her in order to live.

Thanks to Master Vasant Paranjpe for his knowledge; we will always be thankful
for Agnihotra.

From Vasant's Correspondence

 All these incidents which have been happening — accident, losing things — are all due to the lack of attention, carelessness. It is not mere carelessness. You need to focus your energy in the moment. MANTRA is the tool for that. Do not focus on the result of the accident — broken glass, etc.  Focus more on what it teaches you.  You have to become superconscious but first become conscious at all times. You need not be silent. It is all the time being attentive to what is around you and to what you are doing in the
moment. If the mind is always engaged in thought — be it reverie, worry, planning further events, calculating sums or analyzing, it is likely one will stumble in everyday life. Especially now one must be attentive — not fearful, just attentive. If you are carrying a bag be sure it is with you at all times.

In the beginning you have to keep your attention focused mentally but later it becomes automatic. Mantra all the time keeps the wayward mind on a single track.  Then these incidents, from minor forgetfulness to ‘accidents’, will not happen in all likelihood. It is not Karma per se as we think of it. It is due to carelessness brought on by lack of concentration. It can be remedied by so little effort.  Mantra.  And it is also high time to address one's reliance, dependence upon tea and coffee. That also tends to break one's concentration. It is a great lesson for you. 

Strip yourself of all other desires save attaining the at-one-ment.  Let all desires fall
by the wayside—desire for name and fame, desire for achieving great success,
desire for recognition, desire to be loved and adored, desire for pleasures of the
flesh, desire for…. let it pass. Then when you do not hanker for any other thing
save God, being one with the Divine, then all desires which are to be fulfilled will be.  All desires which are to disappear will disappear.  This does not mean one must live
as a monk or perform such grave TAPAS as to refrain from all forms of food, for
example.  Simply STRIVE TOWARDS THE ONE. Live your life as normally as
possible. Do not "give up" your attachments in that way. Do not place your energy
there, your focus. Then this only builds up the obsession further. Simply place all
at the feet of the Master. Make every action, every thought and certainly every
word you speak an offering to the Divine. Then truly it is "Thy will be done and
not mine". Then you serve God in various ways, in every interaction, even in sleep
FROM HIM. Then there is no more separation, no more dissonance, no more
disparity, no more longing, no more emptiness. We are waiting simply for the
When a great Master is to leave the body, those nearest to HIM are in receipt of

that knowledge for which they have taken birth in this incarnation. When that
realization is given, along with that certain powers are transferred to those very
near—not near the body but NEAR.  They may have been on the opposite end of
the world and still the POWER is transferred.  There are those whose physical proximity can be ascertained, but to whom the power is transferred, they themselves do not know. To all it shall be revealed now. 

To blame oneself is the same as to blame others. If there is some area, any area,
where you see improvement can be made, then treat that as an opportunity that
by Grace one is able to recognize and make all
efforts to improve. With proper attitude, great growth potential is actualized. 

Forget your family as you know them. All love to them always no matter what
they say to you. 

Editor: Lisa Powers. Publisher: Fivefold Path Inc. Parama Dham (House of Almighty Father) Rt. 8, Box 369 Madison, VA 22727 USA. Published seven times yearly. Please direct all Satsang correspondence to the Editor. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of Satsang. ISSN 0735-1321

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