Perform Agnihotra-Heal The Atmosphere
There is a new beginning taking place in our solar system. It is a long-range plan focused on healing of this planet Earth. It will be done.
There are Higher Beings simultaneously in residence at several sacred places around the world. One place is southern Poland which in ancient days was known as Bhrugu Aranya ( The Forest of the Bhrugus). The energy at this exact location has been lying dormant. These energies are now activated and they shall come into operation. Today the place is known as OASIS which is a great healing centre south of Krakow.
The place in India on the bank of river Narmada which was known as Mahishmati in ancient times is now called Maheshwar. From this place the rejuvenation of the planet begins. In this time period, following the new year there will be an increase in atmospheric disturbances. We have to intensify the use of healing fires such as AGNIHOTRA and YAJNYA to reduce the effects of environmental stress on the body. Actually not only does the fire reduce the stress but it heals and rejuvenates the organism as well.
There will follow a period of restful contemplative time. It is a strengthening time for all. Let us have no fear. Let us look into the future with certainty, with no fear, no hate, no resentment.
Let us fill all the spheres with LOVE. There is no higher purpose known to humankind.
At present in Chile children are having their first experiences with the use of drugs, alcohol and /or tobacco between the ages of ten and fifteen, on the average. Between the ages of twelve and fifteen they continue with marijuana and finally they reach the paste base, cocaine and other drugs between the ages of fifteen and twenty. This situation is highly dangerous, if one considers that some of the substances that are being consumed become addictive. This means that a high percentage of children who try some type of drugs for the first time tend to become addicts.
Based on the book, ”Light Towards Divine Path” by Shree Vasant, former editor of Satsang, and his teachings about mind training, we have created a program of drug use prevention for children, addressed to schoolteachers. This great project fits into the objectives of Chilean education. The idea of prevention is exactly to avoid the consumption of drugs by children. Our work is based on the fact that we are all potential addicts. The program is offered in the form of “ At Distance Education”, by a consulting enterprise known as “Belzart”. We elaborate the whole project and they certify the project before the Department of Education of Chile. Later it can be sent to different geographical points where the teachers study it and then wait for it to be applied in the school. This program was approved by the CPTEPE (Center of Perfection and Pedagogic Investigations of the Department of Investigations). This means it is authorized to be in the schools that wish it. That is how we have prepared a specialized manual that is composed of four main parts.
In this first part, we especially
work on presenting all the concepts about the current problems of drug
addiction at a local and global level--the different types of drugs, their
effects, actual cases, what causes a person to start taking drugs, tobacco
and alcohol, etc. With this introduction, the teacher is in a better
position to understand the damage that drugs can produce on children, schools,
community, and finally to the entire world.
The second part of the program puts the
teacher face to face with himself, confronting his own habits before entering
the prevention program. In this module we handle extensively the training
of the mind, senses, habits, etc.
In the third part, we focus on the problem
from the family point of view. We show the parents how to prevent their
children from entering the world of drugs. We also see the relationships
that exist between the drugs and violence, delinquency, etc.
After reviewing the first three parts,
we finally give the teacher our Prevention Model, in which is based on
the five aspects of the Fivefold Path of the Vedas. Each aspect is created
into many entertaining activities for children which are developed throughout
the year.
We are happy to have collaborated in this work. Today there are two hundred teachers from the Chilean Educational System who are being trained in this program. It is expected that for next year the figures will reach eight hundred people. Surely we will be having thousands of children learning to take care of the environment, to share, to have self discipline, to do good actions and to practice self study.
This program is authorized by the corresponding departments of education in Chile and it is available to be introduced in any educational system of any country with the minimum adaptations according to the objectives of each educational system. We are happy to be able to give this service and are ready to advise any government, schools or teachers in this program.
For more information please write
Juan Ojeda San Martin
Copiapo # 943 Temuco
IX region
Telefax: 56-45-265820
SADGURU means PERFECT MASTER. PARAMA SADGURU means highest among the PERFECT MASTERS. Before a great Divine Incarnation graces our planet by manifestation the parents are informed by some instrument of Divine Will. Similarly, at the time of birth, intimation is given. Again, at a later date, the same thing is announced.
Four years prior to the birth of Parama Sadguru Shri Gajanan Maharaj of Akkalkot, India, a great Yogi informed the mother that “she would give birth to the Light of the world”. The “Son of Man” was born four years later. Similar intimations were given at the time of birth. The same thing was also announced at a later date.
On Christmas day, 25th December 1941, the allotted task of the Son of Man was revealed by the Will of the Almighty Father. He was further informed that the time for unfoldment was yet to be. It is interesting to note that in the revelation the words used by the Divine were “Son of Man”.
The mother of the Son of Man was a great Yogini. Yogini is feminine for Yogi. The father was a great Nada Brahma Yogi. Nada Brahma means the “Word that was in the beginning, which was with God, which was God and by which everything was made that was made.”
Along with Creation, Almighty Father gave the first revelation, i.e. the Vedas. All incarnations, all Divine Messengers come to reiterate the message of the Fivefold Path given through the first revelation. The Messengers lay stress on certain aspects of the message in view of the conditions in which they manifest.
Parama Sadguru has stated that Self Realization, Liberation, comes only through total surrender to the Almighty. All spiritual practice should lead us to this goal. Surrender implies an egoless state. The highest attainment of human existence is, “Not my will but Thy will be done”. This is the end of all Yoga.
Parama Sadguru once said, “Whatever Almighty
has willed to be done through our instrument shall be done. Our whole life
is totally dedicated to Him. He who revealed to us our allotted task shall
grant us the necessary strength to fulfill it.
“It is not for us to
advise people to follow any particular individual.
“If it is the will of the
Almighty to convey to the world any message through us He will do so. We
are merely his slaves.
“We are not votaries of any
religious denomination. Whether it is the Bible or the Quran or the doctrines
of Hindus we will convey the message with equal yearning.
“We have asked people not
to call us GURU. Many have imposed Guruhood on us. Many have experienced
superhuman powers with us. Many have witnessed miracles. We are mere witness
of, not the doers of these things.
“We surrendered totally to
the Almighty and He started utilizing our body as His instrument. Each
one has to tread his path of Self-realization.”
Eternal Principles of Religion were given to us along with Creation through the First Revelation, Vedas. Whenever there are large-scale transgressions, either due to sins of omission, i.e. nonperformance of ordained duties, or sins of commission, i.e. wrong performance, terrific resultant Karma takes place. To set right the cosmic cycle, special Divine Incarnations, Divine Messengers, grace our planet by manifestations in human garb. This is beyond intellectual reason but can be experienced when intellect is transformed into higher intuition as a result of purification. Only in a state of at-one-ment with Reality as the Upanishads state, i.e. only when the trinity of Knower, Known, and Knowledge is fused into one, can one experience the significance of a Divine Incarnation.
“No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” —John 1:18
Church tradition has utterly failed to grasp the significance of the above sentence. It reiterates the message of the great Vedic Seers. It underlines the process of SAMADHI described in the science of Yoga and experienced by Yogis all over the world during the many, many milleniums that lie behind us.
Shri Krishna cautioned Arjuna not to miss the significance because He had taken human form. It is Almighty’s plan that the Divine Incarnations (AVATARS) manifest in human form to set things right. The Incarnations are graded into four as “POORNAVATARI”, “AMSHAVATAR”, “KALAVATAR”, and “VIKALAVATAR” and each one has a specific allotted task to perform on the planet. When the time is over, the Avatar leaves the mortal coil. There is a Divine hierarchy which rules over Creation. Creation embraces billions of Universes not yet known to science. A true Sadguru knows all about this and can grant the experience to the deserving disciple.
Buddha is not a name. Buddha means enlightened. Siddhartha Gautam was Buddha. Christ is not a name. Christ means anointed. Jesus was Christ.
All incarnations come to uphold the Eternal Principles of Religion given through the First Revelation. The Fivefold Path is the basis of the message of all Divine Incarnations. The Incarnations stress that part of the message which needs emphasis in the conditions in which they manifest.
People quarrel in the name of religion, denomination and sect. This is because of ignorance and vested interest. Reality dawns only when you divest yourself of vested interest. Love and humility are the hallmarks of a true disciple of Sadguru. Such people have no flair for religious dialectic. Sadguru plants the seed of knowledge within you when the purifactory process gains momentum.
No country, no people, no person can claim a monopoly of Truth. It is the very antithesis of Truth to embolden such a claim. Yet Truth is open to anyone who seeks in right earnest. You have to meet Sadguru to experience the unfoldment of Truth. Time and space are no barriers, for true Sadguru is beyond Time and Space. You can experience it yourself. It is self-evident. You do not need a mirror to prove to yourself that you exist. The power of Sadguru is equally manifest.
In accord with the Divine plan, messengers
of God manifest to restate the same Law. It is unrealistic to say that
God gave true revelation only at a particular point in history when Krishna,
Buddha, Moses, Zoroaster, Jesus, or Muhammad came. Milleniums have elapsed
since Creation. Highly developed civilizations have been wiped out of existence.
Continents have been shaped and reshaped due to upheavals. We may be accused
of myopia if we say that true revelation started only with the Hindus,
Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, or other similar formal labels. Do we imply
that Almighty had left Creation without a message until the birth of these
Divine Incarnations? None of these incarnations has ever said so.
“That which was from the beginning,
which we have heard.” (Epistle of John 1:1.)
“Whenever the eternal principles
of religion are under eclipse I manifest.” (Bhagavadgeeta)
“According to Muhammad, men
were originally of one religion (which he named Islam and which existed
since the beginning), and when differences arose among them God raised
up Prophets in their midst to guide them with Truth and people only differed
among themselves out of mere jealousy.
“This was the mother religion.
“Abraham was not a Jew nor
a Christian, but He was a Moslem.” (Quran 3-67)
Abraham was long before Prophet Muhammad.
To every people in their own tongue was conveyed in every age this same
Divine message of wisdom and of Truth through an endless succession of
and seers.
The Son of Man, Parama Sadguru Gajanan Maharaj, is the current link in the chain of Divine incarnations (Avatars). Conditions today present a totally different picture from anything in known history. Time and space have been abridged due to technology. Speed has become the essence of everything irrespective of the message it carries. Technology has given man weapons to blow human existence to smithereens. Fear seeps through all international communication. The sense of insecurity is rampant. Everybody feels there is nothing to fall back on. Pollution is taking a dastardly toll of human existence. All thinking is oscillating between Scylla and Charybdis. Everyone is lonely, though moving in a surging crowd. The void has to be filled with vibrations of LOVE. Science has brought humanity together. We sink or swim together. National frontiers have lesser significance. Now we need plain speaking. The message has to come as a package deal and not in parts. People are to be aided in getting out of the rut in which they have landed themselves due to wrong orientation.
People talk about “Love thy neighbor” but forget the other part. Jesus said, “Love thy neighbor AS THYSELF”. To remind the people of their Divine heritage and to bring them back on the Homeward journey, the Divine kingdom, the Son of Man has given TEN COMMANDMENTS. “Not my will but Thy will be done” is the summum bonum of human existence and therefore the “Ten Commandments”.
Satyasa Navaha Sukrtamapiparan—Rgveda
Commentary on Commandment One
Observance of truthfulness in day-to-day dealings is the alpha of any spiritual discipline. If you put ethics on one side of the scale and truthful behavior on the other, the latter will count more. Truth does not merely mean true speech. Mind, speech and action should all depict transparent truthfulness. Truth is not only the means: it is also the end. Truthfulness in thought, word and deed is an aspect of TAPA, the third aspect of the Fivefold Path. A little thought will convince anyone that for truthful behavior one needs to exercise control over sense organs. The endeavor to do this is TAPA (self-discipline), To move about without control over sense organs is like riding a horse without holding the reins.
The four sins of speech are lying, slander, abuse and idle talk. To say or do anything which does not correspond with what we know to be true is lying. Exaggeration and equivocation are departures from truth. Society considers a ‘black lie’ reprehensible but a ‘white lie’ passes off as common sense. Spiritual discipline recognizes no categories in lying. To pretend to be what we are not is lying. To indulge in falsehood, backbiting, frivolous talk or to use harsh language is misuse of the gift of speech.
“You shall speak no word that is false but shall speak the truth with discretion and with a loving heart.”
“You shall not swear nor use abusive language nor indulge in idle or vain talk. You shall speak with dignity and purpose. If not, observe silence.”
“You shall not invent evil
reports about others nor shall you make carping criticism. Always look
to the good side of others.”
—Precepts of Buddha: 4, 6, 7
From what is stated above we find that Satya (Truth) has a much wider connotation than merely not telling a lie. To be happy we must attempt to eliminate all sources of disturbance to the mind. Divergence from truth necessarily creates complications in our dealings and this leads to strain on the mind. We try to wriggle out of a simple situation by proffering a lie. Many complex situations result by such action. We are forced to erect a series of falsehoods to maintain one lie. Inadvertently we build up to a situation in which we are squarely exposed. The process of erecting the series of falsehoods inevitably leads us to the necessity of keeping up pretenses and appearances. All this causes severe strain on the mind and exacts a heavy toll of mind energy. We are so habituated to such situations that we do not even notice the strain. Recurrence of this phenomenon enfeebles our determination to execute what our discrimination judges as right. We begin to connive at and to rationalize the discrepancies in our conduct. This leads to strain on our emotions, thus putting a premium on unhappiness. A liar needs good retentive memory while a truthful person need not carry such a burden. One may lie to others but one does not wish for others to lie to him. The business of lying never remains a one-way street. By wrong behavior on our part we encourage others to indulge in the same game. Once we start practicing truth we are better able to perceive the mechanism of emotional strain. This helps us to get rid of bad habits.
Indulging in untruthful action vitiates the intellect. The process of transmuting intellect into higher intuition is delayed. All spiritual discipline is aimed at the purification of the mind and the transformation of intellect (Buddhi) into higher intuition (Prajnya), This implies the curbing of the outgoing tendencies of the mind. By discarding truth in a single instance we thus cause a series of acts which are conducive to misery.
When we decide to don the armour of truthfulness in thought, word and deed, whatever be the consequences, we experience an inner strength. We notice that people who come near us are less inclined to tell lies. Love pervades the atmosphere and harmony sets in. From the common sense point of view also it is less cumbersome, less disturbing to practice truth and to do away with falsehood, conventional or otherwise.
Speech is a unique gift given to man. Let us not despoil it. Practice of truthfulness should result in economy of words. If one can communicate in silence it is better to do so.
“But let your communication be yea, yea; nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” —Matthew 5:37
A community imbued with the spirit of truthfulness pulsates with holy vibrations. “The fragrance of a flower goes along with the wind. Holy vibrations can travel against the wind.”
The Upanishads state that the practice of truth culminates into Self realization. If you wish to have material prosperity, mental peace and spiritual unfoldment there is a simple way. On the threshold of the tongue keep the light of truth. Truthful speech strikes a concordant note in the heart of the listener. If you harbour untruth, fear is your constant companion.
Truth is comprehensive. Preaching something with a view to mislead people is lying. Speaking publicly with relish about personal weaknesses of others is prostitution of the gift of speech. Writing insinuating letters and scandal mongering are as bad as suppressing the truth with a view to cheat others. In the end you yourself are cheated and are required to pay heavily in terms of emotional disturbance and disharmony. You lose so much of your precious time in doing these things. These very moments, if spent in Self study or meditation, could lead to happiness.
“And I say unto you, swear
not at all, neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne; nor by the earth;
for it is his footstool.”
—Matthew 5:34, 35
“And when you speak, be just,
although it be (against) one who is of kin.”
—Holy Quran VI-152
“Speaking (what is wrong) is adultery of
the tongue.
—Saying of Prophet Muhammad
“Truth alone becomes victorious and not
—Mundak Upanishad III-1-6
Vedas make a distinction between Rta and Satya. Rta may be termed as Satya without the cooperation of the mind. You say,”Tasha is hurt”. You know Tasha the dog is hurt but you wish to convey to the listener that Tasha the girl is hurt. This is not truthfulness in speech.
Most misunderstandings arise because you cannot control your tongue.
Do not show your importance in speech.
Do not use harsh words or spiteful language. Truth can be told in a palatable manner.
Do not take “holier than thou” attitude.
Never indulge in backbiting.
The person you talk to may not be your equal in knowledge or worldly status; yet remember he is also made in the “image of thy Father”.
By describing other persons’ faults you want to show that you are superior. Get rid of this habit.
With speech, so much mind energy is consumed; let us learn to conserve it.
The words Divine Path in English come from the Sanskrit words DEVAYANA PANTH. It means the Path of Light. Upanishads state that the Path of Light by which the sages travel is spun with Satya. Satya is the means and also the end. By reflecting truth in thought, word and deed Liberation comes. Focus the searchlight of truth inwards. Separate the ephemeral from the eternal. This is Reality. This is Self realization. This search is Self study. Truth is the experience.
“Be thou perfect as thy Father in Heaven is perfect.” -Matthew 5:48
Upanishads state, “Knowing which nothing remains to be known”. This is Self realization. Satya is journey’s end.
“Enter ye in at the straight
gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction
and many there be which to in thereat. Because straight is the gate and
narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it.”
—Matthew 7:13, 14
Let others see you as you truly are. Attempt
to become as you wish others see you. Practice truth and then what you
utter becomes true. This does not mean that by your uttering you interfere
in the law of “reap as you sow”, the law of Karma. It means that the Divine
speaks through you and you become a conscious instrument of Divine Will
to spread the message of Love.
To be continued
Sara García Palacios
Tambogrande KM 1057
Piura, Peru
Wounds on the heels
Since I was 16 years old I suffered from
disease on my feet. I had some wounds on my heels that looked as if they
were caused by a knife. They were always bleeding and I could not walk
well, I could not walk barefoot at all. I tried many medicines and
they would heal me for a short period, but then the disease would come
back again. Then my family started to do the Homa Therapy on the farm.
With the practice of Agnihotra fires and the application of the Agnihotra
ash with ghee (clarified, unsalted cow´s butter) my wounds have healed
completely. Now, we are completing two years of Homa Therapy.
Renzo Eduardo González Zapata
Calle Diego Ferrer 215
Urb. Las Mercedes
Piura, Peru
Tel. 074-670070
LE 02858351
Skin Disease
Since childhood I had had a tumor on my
throat. As I grew the tumor grew, and it began to create some obstruction
in the respiratory passages. The doctors were saying that the only option
was surgery, but I applied the Agnihotra ash and participated in the Agnihotra
fires and now the tumor is gone. The doctors are very surprised.
I also used to have some fungi on my fingers which would not go away with any medicine I received after visiting many doctors. But with only one application of Agnihotra ash and ghee there was a great relief and shortly after that it disappeared for good.
Skin Fungi
Addiction to smoking
Cardiac Arrhythmia
For twenty-eight years my mother had a
big, dark spot with fungus infection on her leg. She applied the Agnihotra
ash with ghee and in less than fifteen days the fungus and even the
dark colour of the spot disappeared.
My sister had a similar fungus problem,
but her infection was growing rapidly. With Homa Therapy it was cured in
one week.
My brother also had fungi for eight years.
He has applied the Agnihotra ash and now the problem is practically gone.
He used to have a lot of itching on his foot, when he had to use shoes
for more than three hours. Now his foot is completely normal and he can
use closed shoes and everything is fine.
My father has been smoking for more than thirty-five years. Now with Homa Therapy he reduced the amount. He smokes just two cigarettes daily. Before he used to smoke thirty-five to forty cigarettes daily. He was very thin. Now he eats a little more and he has more energy. He goes around in the fields, which he could not do before. He is more active and he is one of the first to sit around the Agnihotra pyramid for the fires. He also used to have cardiac problems due to the excessive cigarette smoking, but he no longer has this problem.
Chronic Asthma
I had chronic bronchial asthma since I
was three years old. Now I am eighteen. Thanks to Homa Therapy, I
have been for four months without the inhaler, without any asthma attack.
Before I could not sleep well or exercise because I would have problems
with my breathing. Now thanks to the Homa Therapy my life has changed completely.
I can play, run and do what I need to do without any fear. I feel peaceful,
calm and grateful.
Reynaldo Cornejo
MZ “221” Lote 2, Zona industrial
Piura, Peru
Tel. 074-326825
Bronchial allergies, Insomnia
I heard of Homa Therapy in Piura through
a German friend. I had asked him to find out where there was a clinic that
specialized in bronchial allergies in Germany. He told me that it was cheaper
for me to go to the Homa Therapy healing sessions and learn those techniques.
After five days of performing these healing fires, specially Agnihotra,
I found a great improvement. I was catching colds continuously and I had
a runny nose; along with that I could not sleep. Now with the Homa Therapy
I do not have these problems.
On the spiritual path if one becomes too comfortable and thinks that, “Oh, the path is so easy,” then one may be missing something very important. It is in these difficult times that true growth occurs. Then there is perhaps a brief respite, peaceful time and again more growth. That does not mean one grows only through difficult times, but these times try one’s patience, test one’s fortitude, stretch one’s endurance and ultimately strengthen one’s faith in the Divine; that is, if one does not give up.
When the SADGURU takes the disciple’s hand He does not let go. Never. Not even for one moment. Not even for one breath. Not even for one outgoing breath. Never. So where is the question of falling when one’s hand is securely held?
What is my worth? How can I serve the Divine? How can I utilize my talents, my gifts in service to all? This you have to think. Not, “What should I do next? Where should I go next,” but instead go deeper into “Who am I and how can I serve better?” Then automatically you are guided to the place that best serves that purpose.
The same man can carry his load as a burden or as a joy, whichever he chooses. Same man. All of life is suffering, yet in that very suffering he finds joy. If you can find joy in it, your life will be complete. When one experiences joy in this manner it wells up inside like a spring and from that spring laughter rises. Oh! Not only laughter but LIGHT also.
One must seek the path of enlightenment via non-attachment. Most important this NON ATTACHMENT. Release all fears.
Publisher: Fivefold Path Inc. Parama
Dham (House of Almighty Father)
Rt. 8, Box 369, Madison, VA 22727 USA
Published seven times yearly.
Please direct all Satsang correspondence
to the Editor.
Opinions expressed by contributors are
not necessarily those of Satsang.
Reproduction by permission only.
ISSN 0735-1321