We are entering an era when all of you will be asked to deposit fear, anger, doubt, worry, regret, envy, jealousy and greed on the side of the road and continue the way on your path without them. You must be willing to travel the spiritual path unencumbered. Shed the baggage of the past and the trappings of future expectations and tread lightly on your way.
For those of you for whom EVOLUTION is an important concept in your development, it is high time to put down the masks of self-deception and pride, false security and begin to make all effort to be fully clear and honest in your interaction with yourself. Then there is no time for games which worked well in the past.
This is a time of great learning. Lessons so often ignored or partially understood repeat themselves again and again until one has learned them. It is a great time, difficult only if you perceive “learning” to be so. If you are willing to learn the lessons which you need to learn to make you whole, effective and surrendered to a Higher Will, certainly there are no difficulties. None at all. THIS IS A TIME OF GREATNESS. Those who want to grow, will grow quickly, nearly effortlessly. Now, more than ever before, it is not effort that is required but proper attitude. Then all comes.
There are highly developed beings on other planets in this solar system and in other solar systems. They live according to VEDAS. They chant the Veda Mantras in a perfect way. They use YAJNYA (HOMA) fires for purification and as a tool to PROJECT and CREATE, DEVELOP and MAINTAIN different energies.
Our more sophisticated communication devices on the planet will begin to pick up those Mantras which those special Beings wish to communicate to us.
The eternals which guard the planet cast no stones. THERE ARE SPECIFIC LINES DRAWN ON THE WHOLE OF THIS PLANET under the command of KALKI AVATAR PARAMA SADGURU SHREE GAJANAN MAHARAJ. HE has left the physical body, It was revealed that HE was the SON OF MAN. HE resuscitated the science of YAJNYA given through VEDAS. AGNIHOTRA is the basic YAJNYA.
Science paves the way to KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.
After the great destruction, soon after, it will be Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Peace, bliss and prosperity for each and every one.
Kalka in Sanskrit means pollution. Kalki Avatar means Avatar for destruction of pollution. Yajnya is the antidote to pollution of all sorts.
Bruce Johnson performing Yajnya
Preparing for the Sound Current
In 1990 Vasant stated, "Now we are entering the final nine year cycle of the Age of Gross Materialism." This year, 1999, would therefore be the final year. Many people in different parts of the world are expecting this year to witness a rapid crescendo in cataclysmic events, climaxing in earth changes of mammoth proportions. This level of destruction may be necessary to remove any obstacles to the establishment of the rapidly approaching “Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.”
Also in 1990, on the twelfth anniversary of the commencement of the unparalleled continuous round-the-clock Homa conducted on the farm in Randallstown, Maryland, U.S.A., Vasant spoke of the coming times and what we could do to reduce the impact of the impending earth changes. His message is still vitally relevant today.
Following are excerpts from Satsang Vol. 18 Nos. 8&9 September, 1990:
"The planet is really heading for massive destruction…Destruction must be stopped…Certain areas of Europe where HOMA is performed regularly are like safety zones…We have to take Agnihotra and Fivefold Path to the masses immediately… Where there is HOMA there is safe haven.
"This is a time of intense purification for the planet. It is a race against time. It is a race against pollution. It is a race against crime. It is a race against injustice. The end is nearing…
"All over the world there is so much suffering. Let us forget our own desires, discomforts, fears. Let us set aside our minor dilemmas. Help others. Serve others. Every moment is an opportunity to serve. Then automatically the mind begins to go into that state where there is LOVE all the time. Then without thinking we do what is best for those near us. We become attuned to the Higher Will and we become able to be truly of service. Every moment is full with Grace. That state you can attain. That consciousness you can achieve. It is meant for you, all of you. It is there for the taking. It is given. Only a little TAPA and it is there. When you state, you only want to do this work, effort is required at every stage.
"You are being used as instruments without your knowing. The message of LOVE can flow through your instrument only when one is humble. Then it shines forth like a beacon.
"Just be full of Love. Help others. Do not concentrate on yourself. Serve others. Do not think of the morrow. Today be of service. Then in just two or three days consciously practicing this, you will find your mind at ease, your worries lifted. DO NOT DO SERVICE AS A MEANS TO AN END, HOWEVER. SERVICE IS ITS OWN REWARD.
"Kingdom of Heaven is here. It has arrived. Teach the people the ways of devotion, the ways of LOVE. You should be an example of total LOVE.
"These are the times given in the Bible. These are the times spoken of in scriptures. These are the times. Let there be LIGHT…Now only YAJNYA will prevail in the fight against total destruction of the planet…
"Only through FIRE can the planet be healed. Through intense practice of YAJNYA a reverse trend can take place. IT IS A RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK. For this people need to have some discipline, some structure in their lives.
"Now preparations have to be made for food storage, organic Homa gardening on a large scale and purification of water resources, all using copper pyramid fire.
"To the West. To the East. To the North. To the South. In every direction there will be FIRE, healing FIRE of old.
"Man driven by greed, in his crazy race for power, knowledge and domination has drilled the atmosphere and its subtle levels of Pranic energy. This is done with his aerial machines that pollute and put disorder in the subatomic particles of the subtle energy of “Life.” Unconsciously man has knitted a net over the planet that distorts and disturbs the essential reception of the energies that emanate from other planets of the solar system and the Universe.
"It is therefore necessary to create a communication channel to receive the SOUND CURRENT that will be sent to save the planet from total destruction. Through continuous performance of some HOMAS and Mantras such a channel could be built. Vyahruti HOMA is an important tool in this process.
"It is Divine Will to repair the atmosphere and heal it and therefore man will be stopped in his mad race.
"Several points on the planet are chosen for special fires. Agnihotra will now become a global practice on mass scale. Families will be united in LOVE. The indiscriminate acoustic pollution thrust into the atmosphere will be eliminated. The SOUND CURRENT will enter the channel through systems of HOMA."
So now we are entering the last lap of our race against time. Clearly the need of the hour is round-the-clock Yajnya in as many countries as possible in order to build the "communication channel" of which Vasant speaks, to receive the SOUND CURRENT* which will be sent by Divine Will to "save the planet from total destruction." At least one continuous HOMA on each of the six continents of major population density. As few as ten dedicated people could achieve continuous performance of HOMA. After all, this year, 1999, is the year which counts. After that, it may be less important. The window of opportunity is rapidly closing. Once shut we may have to wait several millennia for a similar manifestation of such Grace.
Here at Tapovan, near Shivadham in India, a solid foundation has been laid for the establishment of round-the-clock Fire this year. For the past twenty-two months, since the vernal equinox in March 1997, sunrise/sunset Agnihotra plus at least four hours Om Tryambakam Homa have been practiced every day. Maintaining continuous Homa here at Tapovan would be, I believe, a fulfillment of the revelations made by Shree, the first more than ten years ago, that from this Shivadham/Tapovan area greatest work would be done in future. And the second, at a later date, that at the time of greatest destruction on the planet, this place would be the refuge. _____________________________________
* It is easy to underestimate and even overlook the significance of Vasant's reference to the SOUND CURRENT. I believe that this particular phenomenon may actually be critical to the survival of life on our planet.
Now at Tapovan we are totally prepared for the last major effort of this decade, of this century, of this millennium, of this age. Only the volunteers we are awaiting. The seed has been sown and carefully nurtured into a sturdy sapling. May it, by His Grace, mature into a mighty tree.
If any Agnihotris are interested in coming to Tapovan to help save the planet from total destruction, please contact Bruce Johnson at:
"Tapovan" P.O.: Ratnapimpri Tal: Parola Dist: Jalgaon Maharashtra INDIA Tel: (c/- Abhay Paranjpe) +91 2562 24093 or +91 2562 24743
Bruce Johnson is considering organizing a large celebration at Tapovan this year on May 17, to commemorate the birthday of Parama Sadguru Shri Gajanan Maharaj, who took the vow, “I will resuscitate the Vedas”, and revived the practice of Agnihotra and the other healing fires which we practice. Agnihotris from all over the world would be invited. However, before he goes ahead with making arrangements, he needs to know if a sufficient number of people would like to attend. If you would be interested in attending, please contact Bruce at the address in the previous column as soon as possible, preferably before January 31. 1999.
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.”—Matthew 7:1- 2
No matter what, we should never judge our fellow human beings. We can speak our minds and share our feelings. Where appropriate, we may even give guidance. But we should never judge.
Judgment is like closing doors to truth. When we judge another, the case is closed. Once judgment is rendered, the person must live with that judgment as well. When we have strength and refuse to give in to judgment, the release of the heart is like opening the floodgates for angels of mercy to enter us. What joy! It is the exact opposite of judgment. It is not mere acceptance. To be nonjudgmental is much higher than that. We need not remain silent. We may speak our hearts and minds but when judgment is missing, our words have a powerful healing effect.
Judgment has destroyed nations. Judgment has started wars and created conflicts. Judgment blocks peace. What is the “Peace Process”? Peace is not a process. It is. It exists already. One must complicate the thinking to make peace a process— unjustifiable.
No matter how many times in the past we may have succumbed to judgment, we can change in the present moment. We can make a new beginning. Right this moment, we can fill our minds with unconditional love, sending that love to all.
The measure we give will be the measure we get.
In July this year we at Tapovan received a visit from a retired Australian couple, Mary and Alan who, following their internal guidance, included Tapovan on their Indian itinerary.
Alan is one of the founders of the Bio-dynamic farming movement in Australia and was able to give me much valuable advice about the farming operations here at Tapovan. Both Mary and Alan are extremely sensitive to energies and both felt strongly attracted to Agnihotra when they first discovered it. Also they have established a very clear communication channel with the Nature Spirit Kingdom (Devatas).
On our first morning Agnihotra together in the cotton fields (cotton is the main cash crop in this area) Alan voiced a very respectful request to the Nature Spirits for the insect kingdom to honor our intentions here and not attack our crops, particularly the cotton which is very susceptible to insect damage. Mary received communication from the chief of the Nature Spirits (Pan) that our wishes would be respected and the insects would leave our fields. In addition there was an assurance that, because of the work we have been doing with Agnihotra and Yajnyas, any other farmers who had the same intention as ours (to co-operate with Mother Nature instead of battling against Her) would have no further insect problems on their land. For me this whole episode appeared to be too fantastic to be true. But both Mary and Alan assured me that all I needed to do was to trust and have faith and believe that 'miracles can happen.'
So it was with more than a little trepidation that I took the fateful decision that we would no longer use anti-insect sprays on our crops. Of course, being a Homa farm, we never use poisonous inorganic chemical insecticides and pesticides. However, last year we sprayed a natural anti-insect formulation made from the seeds and leaves of the Neem tree. But even this I now decided to eschew and resort only to the use of Agnihotra ash water spray. When the local lads who work regularly in our fields heard of my decision they were naturally very apprehensive. They believed that since our farm is the only organic farm for many kilometers the decision not to use poisonous chemicals was one thing. But now also to ban the use of Neem based anti-insect sprays they saw as recipe for disaster tantamount to agronomic suicide. I tried to impress on them the importance of our not holding any negative prejudices (pre-judgments) in our minds as our thoughts are very powerful.
So, our farm being the only organic farm for kilometers and not spraying poisonous insecticides, the smart money was predicting that our farm would be completely over-run by insect pests looking for refuge from the poisonous "killing fields" and that our cotton crop in particular would be decimated.
Well, A MIRACLE HAS HAPPENED! We are now half way through the growing season and not only hasn't our cotton crop been destroyed by insects, we are actually showing indications of a much better result than last year (admittedly last year's yield was disappointing).
Another local organic farmer whose farm is 25 km away visited our farm recently and was impressed by the low level of insect activity, considering we are using no anti-insect sprays whatsoever - only Agnihotra ash water spray. This man has now also started practicing Agnihotra. Also our local lads, who were at first concerned at my "dubious" decision which went against all current agricultural practice in this area, are now showing signs of greater enthusiasm as it appears the disaster they had anticipated has now been miraculously transformed into a success story. Such is the power of Agnihotra and harmonizing with Nature.
For many years, Satsang has reported experiences of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing submitted by Agnihotris from around the world. These reports include healing of plants, animals, and humans. However, many people who now perform Agnihotra are relatively new to the practice, and have never read these accounts. As of this issue, Agnihotra Healing Journal will feature such stories from past issues of Satsang.—Ed.
Skin Infection Healed
When I first saw Agnihotra being done I did not know what it was or why it was being done. But from last spring until now, I have been drawing closer and closer to the Agnihotra fire, a practice to which I am now committed. For a while it would seem that every time I was about to embark upon another adventure someone was there doing this Agnihotra pyramid healing fire. I would sit and watch those who were old or new to the experience draw themselves closer to it in prayer or meditation, no matter what their religious practices. I remember asking one sister about "it" and she so eloquently blurted out the name of "it" and explained it to me in her way as though she had been doing it for a lifetime. I found out later that she had had her first encounter with Agnihotra the same day I had mine. But she wanted to claim it just as I did.
For some reason, I allowed circumstances to keep me from obtaining the items needed for performance of Agnihotra in our home. Then I took my twelve-year-old son on his birthday to a session where a full moon Homa healing fire was being performed. On the way home, he told me it was the best birthday he had ever had. A few months later, my husband and three daughters had their initiation to the performance and explanation of Agnihotra. My six-year-old went home knowing the Mantras and with her questions answered. The eight-year-old went home excited and very hungry. The eighteen-month-old went home exhausted after expending a lot of energy and my husband went home with a list of new acquaintances. As for myself, I went home with an Agnihotra copper pyramid and with an eagerness to help heal the planet, starting with home first.
Two weeks later, I found myself trying to explain Agnihotra as best I could to family and friends, concentrating mostly on parents of babies who were said to be ill. With one baby, a four-month-old whose parents were told that she had a disease specific to black people, I suggested that the mother take the baby to the full moon Homa healing fire, which she did. The baby was so very peaceful during the time she spent at the ceremony; she simply lay in her carrier and absorbed the fire. The next was a set of three-month- old premature twins who came for a short visit. The younger one had only been out of the hospital for three days and was a little more than four pounds. The elder twin had been home for a few weeks and was a little more than six pounds. A few hours after sunrise Agnihotra I received a call that they would be coming for an overnight visit. They were able, therefore, to experience Agnihotra at sunset and again at sunrise. I could swear that the younger twin had gained weight overnight. He just looked larger. I truly believe it was due to the new atmosphere in our home created by Agnihotra.
While pulling up six foot weeds from the backyard (nobody had been out there for about three years) I must have picked a germ, for a day later, I had something growing rapidly on my left arm. I put everything from vinegar to a substance for lice on my arm and this wound just kept spreading. After doing the sunrise ceremony, I remembered that the ash from Agnihotra is medicinal and so I rubbed some on the infection. Later on during the day I discovered that the wound was drying up. I had to get on the phone and tell about this incident. I could not wait for my mother to come home so I ran down the street where she stays and showed her. My mom was impressed.
She told me that she needed some ash for a problem she was having with her foot. I told her she had to come down to my house and use some ash, for I did not want to risk losing any of the Agnihotra ash on the way to her house. I also told her that she must concentrate on getting her Agnihotra copper pyramid and set up so she could practice Agnihotra at the same time I'm doing it. She agreed. My mom and I were talking for a while when she stopped in the middle of a sentence and said she felt the ash drawing her foot in the area she rubbed it on. "It must be working," I told her.
It isn't easy living on this planet, especially being surrounded by drug war, diseases (supposedly incurable) and a lot of other negative vibrations. Somehow the Agnihotra fire practice gives you a sense of peace. It gives you a connection to a positive energy and you know that this little thing you are doing is really making a change, and it really is. I have witnessed some positive changes in my life and in the atmosphere in our home in the short time I have been practicing Agnihotra. I have reached a point of commitment in my life that will not allow me to turn back. I must rid my vocabulary of the words "I, me, mine" and replace them with "we, us and ours". With these words and Agnihotra, this planet called Earth (not to mention our home) will definitely be healed.
Takeashea Henderson New York City, U.S.A.
Agnihotra for Emotional Problems
Krystyna introduced me to Agnihotra, for which I am very grateful. I started to perform Agnihotra in November, especially for a family member who had just had an operation. I noticed that in a period of a few days there was an overall change in her state of mind, that is, total peacefulness, calmness and a completely different way of looking at life and the world.
Characteristically, she is emotionally over-sensitive and irritable. From the moment I started performing Agnihotra she started becoming a different person emotionally. Not only did she calm down significantly, but also became much more open and kind-hearted toward other people.
I am a bioenergy therapist and I use Agnihotra ash in medicinal herbal preparations in water, in potentizing cream and balm, etc. Generally, I use the ash where I intuitively feel it is needed. I have noticed that the Agnihotra ash speeds up repairing and healing. I am very happy that I was able to bring Agnihotra to my family.
Renata Zaurzewska Kuc Warsaw, Poland
Much is being made of the Year 2000 Millennium Bug, the computer glitch with the potential to cripple the world’s technicalogical structure. Since nearly every man-made system today is computer-run, and with the date problem within the software programs less than 100% fixable, we may be in for some breakdown of the infrastructure systems when the year 2000 rolls around.
That will mean we could experience, to at least some extent, food shortages, loss of electricity (which in turn runs our water pumps, heating systems and much of our cooking facilities) and our ability to communicate. At least we have some time to prepare for this event.
On the other hand, not knowing if or when an ecological disaster might occur would leave us ill-prepared in such an event. The ecological disasters which are forecast would overshadow Y2K, causing it to be a minor blip on the screen when the year 2000 finally comes. The Y2K bug could be simply the instrument through which we learn (quickly) to become self-reliant. It would seem to be a blessing in disguise - giving us some time to prepare so we aren’t all caught with our supplies down when suddenly there is no food on the shelves of the grocery store.
Looking at the larger picture, man is heading for an evolutionary leap in consciousness which will bring about the “Kingdom of Heaven on Earth”.
The things we need for survival will be: water, food, air and LOVE. At present we are very short on clean air, have practically no good drinking water, and with the weather as crazy as it is, we could experience food shortages anytime. Much of the world is already experiencing food and water shortages, and we in the U.S. may be next. Lastly, where do we find LOVE?
How do we get the necessities?
Agnihotra is the means by which we can get the basics: performing Agnihotra at sunrise and sunset daily will provide us with the purified atmosphere which will nourish the earth, our bodies and minds--FRESH AIR.
Performing Agnihotra at a source of water and putting the ash in the water helps purify that source-GOOD CLEAN WATER.
Agnihotra and four hours a day of Om Tryambakam Yajnya will give enough nourishment to the garden to grow HEALTHY FOOD.
Agnihotra also fills the spheres with LOVE.
To supplement our needs one should store some grains and dried legumes. (Wheat berries can be used to make an incredibly nourishing food called Essene bread. It is easy to make, takes no electricity to bake, and is naturally sweet. The recipe appears at the end of this article.)
Storage of grain can easily be accomplished with a simple manual vacuum pump and a little ash in any vacuum sealable jar. Much of the food we buy in jars is vacuum sealed and those jars can be re-used. Wide mouth gallon jars can be bought from a jar and bottle distributor. Be sure to ask for the lids for vacuum sealing (metal lids with Plastisol lining).
For many years Vasant has spoken to us about Homa farms being the need of the hour. That hour has been here for a while. Intensify the search for a piece of property for gardening. Investigate the Steiner method of double digging to get maximum yield from minimum space.
Remember: Agnihotra ash is the saviour; use it for everything—healing, water purification, gardening, food preservation. And finally, (but foremost) put your faith in Almighty Father. Perform Agnihotra for your health and protection. Love is our armor against any negativity. Agnihotra strengthens our resolve, calms the mind and soothes the nerves so love can flow through us. (Karma still has to be worked out, but with Agnihotra it is lessened).
HAVE NO FEAR. Vasant has said that where there is faith there is no fear; where there is fear there is no faith. These are the greatest times to be here on Earth, an opportunity that is unprecedented. Utilize the tools at hand and make your passage a smooth one.
In His service, Richard
ESSENE BREAD- soak 2 cups of hard wheat berries overnight and rinse. Keep them tied up in a wet cloth. Rinse them 3 to 4 times a day until the sprout is as long as the berry. Grind the sprouted wheat as finely as possible. With an electric grinder you may want to push through some sweet potato as sprouted wheat is very sticky stuff. (Adds good flavor too). Mix the batter and spoon onto an oiled cooking sheet in “loaves” or round patties. Cover the tray with aluminum foil (make a couple slits in the foil for moisture to escape) and bake at 250 degrees for two hours.
A solar oven can be made from a cardboard box, painted black inside, covered with glass, and insulated on the outside. Use foil on the flaps of the box as reflectors to radiate more sunlight into the box. Do some testing and see how hot it gets.
We now have to think seriously about survival—of ourselves, our families and friends and also the many people who may desperately seek the safety of our "Arks of Homa Fire" in the final days.
Now a certain proportion of the workforce of our communities can be actively engaged on a full-time basis in stock-piling provisions for the community to tide over the difficult period of the next two or three years following the last of the massive earth changes.
We have to think in terms of total self-sufficiency for that period of time, at least in the following essential items:
Agnihotra Materials: Pyramids & copper, cows, cow dung, ghee, rice.
Food Items Grains & pulses, fruit & vegetables (dried & preserved) nuts & seeds
Other Essentials Supermarket items, clothing.
Editor: Lisa Powers. Publisher:
Fivefold Path Inc. Parama Dham (House of Almighty Father) Rt. 8, Box 369
Madison, VA 22727 USA. Published seven times yearly. Please direct all
Satsang correspondence to the Editor. Opinions expressed by contributors
are not necessarily those of Satsang. ISSN 0735-1321